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1、六年级下U2 复习提纲(人物介绍,若无变化,一般现在时)一、 词汇1、 名词:人物关系: husband grandpa grandma wife / uncle brother father - mother sister aunt son | / | daughter cousin - I - cousinson | | daughterniece nephewmonths:一月份JAN. Jan.=January 二月份FEB. Feb.=February 三月份MAR. Mar.=March 四月份APR. Apr.=April 五月份MAY. May=May 六月份JUN. Jun.

2、=June 七月份JUL. Jul.=July 八月份AUG. Aug.=August 九月份SEP. Sep.=September 十月份OCT. Oct.=October 十一月份NOV. Nov.=November 十二月份DEC. Dec.=December职业:lawyer singer barber driver writer manager engineer tailor professor() doctor-dentist-nurse(hospital) salesperson(shop/store/supermarket) pilot coach cook(restauran

3、t) architect tour guide postman(post office) hobby爱好:key rings stickers fans posters2、 形容词:likeable cute lovely pretty beautiful ugly dirty thin fat strong healthy little old short young tall smart clever wise nice kind little fine great wonderful funny happy bright sociable patient caring gentle lo

4、ving peace-loving charming attractive popularquiet shy calm inconsistent cheeky greedy creative punctual proud hardworking brave confident polite loyal honest faithful trusting cheerful talkative humorous quick-witted generous famous slow a cute little girl县:同“限”,指限定词。包括定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a, an)、表确定数量(th

5、ree, five)和非确定数量的词(a lot of),以及物主限定词(his, my)等。 官:同“观”,指表示示人们观点的形容词(如beautiful,terrible, wonderful等)。 刑:同“形”,指表示形状的形容词(如long,short,round等)。 令:同“龄”,指表示年龄、时代的形容词(如old,new,young等)。 杀:谐“色”,指表示颜色的形容词(如red,green, orange等)。 国:同“国”,指表示国籍、地区的形容词(如Chinese, British,Canadian,German等)。 豺:谐“材”,指表示材料的形容词(如plastic,

6、metal,class等)。 口诀粘在一起就是“县官刑令杀国豺”:一个县官,准备动刑,下令要杀一个危害国家的宛如豺狼的罪人。3、动词:collect paint cry guess二、词组:表达兴趣爱好的(-ing) be interested in like be good at enjoy a bit too much 有点太 collect fans/poster paint pictures三、 语法点基数词个序数词th基数词十几(-teen)序数词th基数词几十(-ty) 序数词th-tiethonefirst (1st)eleveneleventhtentwosecond(2nd)

7、twelvetwelfthtwentytwentieththreethird(3rd )thirteenthirteenththirtyfourfourthfourteenfourteenthfortyfortiethfivefifthfifteenfifteenthfiftysixsixthsixteensixteenthsevenseventhseventeenseventeentheighteightheighteeneighteentheightynineninthnineteennineteenth1、 基数词语序数词2、 数词的运用:1、年份:分为两部分,均以十位数的表达方式阅读。

8、 2012 twenty twelve 2003 two thousand and three 2、数字:以加有单位百、千的方式阅读。百位与十位之间用and连接。如遇到中间有数字“o”,请用and链接。 2003 two thousand and three 2012 two thousand and twelve 2102 two thousand one hundred and two 308 three hundred and eight 311 three hundred and eleven 3、日期:表达方式: 月 日(序数词),年 日(序数词)月 ,年 数字写法: 月 / 日 /

9、 年 日 / 月 / 年 月,日 , 年 日, 月 , 年2、 相关介词用法:in 年,月,季节,世纪,节日,一天中的时间段 on具体天,星期几,星期几+一天中的时间段,1-2天 e.g. on those two days at 时间点,at the noon, at night3、 形容词的比较级:延续上一单元内容,本单元加入名词的使用。在介绍人物时,常对比年龄,A be 数字years older/younger than B。 的最高级:在一定范围内的“最”,后常带有in the 或者Of the 四、 语言运用:本单元更多的谈论人物1、 Who Who is he? He is He

10、 is sbos (人物关系) 2、 When When were you/was sbo born? Sbo was born in/on .3、 What do ( job ) What does he do? What is he? What is his job? He is a/an He is a/an His job is a/an Wheredo Where is he? Where does he work? He is in/at the He works in/at the 4、 Whatlike (hobby) What does he like? What does he enjoy? What is he good at? What is he interested in? What is his hobby? He likes -ing He enjoys -ing He is good at -ing He is interested in -ing His hobby is -ing5、 Whatlook like?(外貌) What does he look like? He is


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