short quotations - somers public schools短报价-萨默斯的公立学校

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《short quotations - somers public schools短报价-萨默斯的公立学校》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《short quotations - somers public schools短报价-萨默斯的公立学校(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SHS ENGLISH DEPARTMENTGUIDE TO BLENDING QUOTATIONS A common fault of student papers is the absence of smooth transitions from text to quotation. It is not enough to weave quotations into your paper unless you always lead smoothly into the quotation and explain its relevance to the main idea. Conside

2、r the following references to some of your short stories.Poor: The following lacks an introduction to the quotation or has a weak one, and the explanation is missing or vague.The narrators wife in “Cathedral” dealt with a sarcastic husband. “Maybe I could take him bowling” (Carver 457).This quote is

3、 from page 457 in Carvers story. “Maybe I could take him bowling.” This shows that the narrators wife in “Cathedral” had to deal with a sarcastic husband.Better: The quotation is now more smoothly introduced, its speaker is identified in the text, and it provides a brief explanation.The narrator in

4、“Cathedral” was insensitive and sarcastic towards his wifes friend. “Maybe I could take him bowling” (Carver 457). His suggestion lacks sensitivity.Best: The quotation is smoothly introduced, the speaker is identified in the text, the situation in which it is spoken is mentioned, and it provides an

5、in-depth explanation. The narrator in “Cathedral” was an insensitive person. When he learns that Robert, his wifes blind friend, is coming for an overnight visit, he sarcastically declares, “Maybe I could take him bowling” (Carver 457). His lack of sensitivity towards Robert is apparent since bowlin

6、g is not likely an activity that a blind person engages in. Note that in the best example, the word “declares” is used instead of “says.” It is easy to say “he said,” but good writing style demands that you be more imaginativeand less repetitivein introducing quotations. Use a dictionary or a thesau

7、rus to help you. There is a word bank you can reference on the next page.BLENDING QUOTES WORD BANK: declaresstressesarguesregretsassertsemphasizescontestsapologizesannouncesdemonstratesallegesrepentsdemandsavowsclaimsatonesproclaimscontendsinsistschallengespersistsdisclosesconfirmsrefutesrevealsaffi

8、rmsrejectsconfessesacceptsdeniesdivulgesreassuresrecantsunveilspraisesrenouncespublicizescommendsdeniesapplaudsrecantsconcursacknowledgespleadsscoldsrecognizesbeseecheswarnstoleratesappealsretortsgrantsentreatscomplainsconcedesimploresprotestadmitsobjects criticizesIMPORTANT TIPS!DO NOTv use “I thin

9、k” “I believe” No “I” statements /Since its a persuasive essay, we know its your opinion.v use YOUnever address the readerv use the words get, gotten, things, something, kinda, whatever, stuff, veryv use casual language and/or slangv use trite expressions (ex: won the battle & lost the war, better s

10、afe than sorry)v use “this quote shows”Presentation of Quotation“A quotation can be a single word or an entire paragraph. Choose quotations carefully, keep them as brief as possible, and use them only when they are interesting, revealing, or necessary in the development of your text. A paper that is

11、 quotation heavy usually means a writer has not done much independent thinking. When you do quote material directly, be sure that the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are the same as that in the original work. Any changes you makes should be clearly marked for your readers.” *This material

12、was quoted and adapted from Writers Inc (184).Short QuotationsIf a quotation is four typed lines or fewer, work it into the body of your paper and put quotation marks around it.Blacker suggests, “I tell you what Id doId swap this electric train for one of your wafersconsecrated, mind. Its got to be

13、consecrated!” (Greene 251). Long QuotationsQuotations of more than four typed lines should be set off from the rest of the writing by indenting each line 10 spaces and double-spacing the material. Do not use quotation marks. Generally a colon is used to introduce quotations set off from the text. Af

14、ter the narrator brings home a cat to replace Pluto, he laments:I soon found a dislike to it arising within me. This was just the reverse of what I had anticipate; butI know not how or why it wasits evident fondness for myself rather disgusted and annoyed me. By slow degrees these feelings of disgus

15、t and annoyance rose into the bitterness of hatred. I avoided the creature; a certain sense of shame, and the remembrance of my former deed of cruelty, preventing me from physically abusing it. I did not, for some weeks, strike, or otherwise violently ill use it; but graduallyvery gradually I came to look upon it with unutterable loathing, and to flee silently from is odiou


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