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1、TEDx Attendee Feedback FormTEDx 参会反馈表Thanks for attending our TEDx event. Please answer the following questions so that we can improve your TEDx experience in the future.感谢您出席参加 TEDx 活动,请填写下列问题以便于为以后的 TEDx 活动积累经验。First name: Last name: 姓名Email address? Email地址?Your age: 年龄Your gender: 性别 Female(女) M

2、ale(男)Name of organization/school: 公司(学校):What is your job status? 您的工作性质? Full-time(全职) Part-time(兼职) Consultant(顾问) Self employed(老板) Student(学生) Other:(其它) Have you attended an official TED conference? 您是否参加过 TED 的官方活动? yes(是) no(否)What was the name of the TEDx event you attended? 您参加过的TEDx活动是?Wh

3、at was the name of your host? 您参加过的TEDx活动的主办方是?How did you hear about this TEDx event? 您是如何得知本次TEDx活动的?How many online TEDTalks had you viewed before this TEDx event? 在参加本次TEDx活动之前,您浏览过多少个TED演讲视频? 0 1-5 10-20 20 0r more(20以上) Other: Were the recorded talks effective, or was the main appeal the live

4、speakers? 您觉得记录中的演讲有效果吗?现场演讲人是否表达了他们主要的诉求?Which, if any, of the TEDTalks at this TEDx event had you seen before? Please list. 本次TEDx活动中是否有你以前看过的TED演讲?如果有的话,请列举。How did viewing or not viewing the TEDTalks before this TEDx event affect your experience? 在参加本次TEDx活动之前,是否观看过TED演讲视频,对您参加本次TEDx活动的体验有什么影响吗?

5、In your opinion, what worked and what did not work? (Please limit your answer to 3-4 key points) 在你看了,哪些工作做到位了而哪些工作没有做到位?(请将你的答案限定在3-4个要点即可。)How would you rate this TEDx event? 您如何评价本次TEDx活动? Very Poor(很差) Average(一般) Good(好) Very Good(很好) Brilliant(非常棒) Other:(其它) How would you rate the venue? 您对场地

6、的意见? Very Poor(很差) Poor(差) Average(一般) Good(好) Very Good(很好)What was the quality of the audio and video of the TEDTalks at the event? 您认为本次TED演讲的音响效果如何? Very Poor(很差) Poor(一般) Good(好) Very Good(很好)Was anyone under the impression that this was an official TED event? 有谁给您留下这是TED官方活动的印象吗? yes(是) no(否)I

7、f you answered yes to the above question, why? 如果上一个问题选“是”,请告诉我们为什么?Was there enough time for discussion? 您觉得有足够的时间讨论吗? yes(是) no(否)Was the format effective? 您觉得这种形式有效吗? Yes(是) No(否)If you answered no in the above question, how could the format be improved? 如果上一个问题您的回答是“否”,您认为还可以如何提高。What suggestion

8、s do you have for future TEDx events? 您对未来的TEDx活动有何建议?Did you attend the whole TEDx event? 您是否参加了整场TEDx活动? yes(是) no(否)If you answered no to the above question, why? 如果上一个问题您选了“否”,为什么?If there were live speakers at your TEDx event please list at least the top 3 speakers and rate them. (10 being the

9、best). 你参加的TEDx活动中如果有现场演讲人,请列出至少三位最优秀的演讲人并为他们打分How did you feel about the pace of the event (the balance between speaker sessions, breaks and meals)? 您觉得活动节奏怎么样(演讲人环节,休息时间和伙食情况三者的平衡)?Would you attend another TEDx event? 您会再参加其他的TEDx活动吗? yes(是) no(否)After attending a TEDx event, would you attend a TE

10、D conference? 参加完TEDx活动后,您是否会参加TED大会? yes(是) no(否)Prior to attending this TEDx event, did you know about TED or TED.com? 在参加TEDx活动之前,您是否了解TED或TED.com? yes(是) no(否)If you answered yes to the previous question, how did you hear about TED or TED.com? 如果上一个问题您回答了“是”,您是如何得知TED或TED.com的?Have you ever atte

11、nded or organized a TEDx event, prior to this event? 这次活动之前,您是否参加或组织过TEDx活动? yes(是) no(否)After attending this TEDx event, would you attend a live simulcast event of the TED conference if it was offerend? 参加完本次TEDx活动之后,如果有机会,您是否还会参加一个同步联播的TED大会? yes(是) no(否)Would you host a TEDx event? 您是否主办过TEDx活动? yes(是) no(否)Any further comments? For example: What did you get out of your TEDx experience? Were there any memorable quotes? Etc.您是否还有其他意见?比如:您在TEDx活动中有什么收获?是否有记录经典佳句?等等.Do you want to receive emails from ? 您希望收到的邮件吗? yes(是) no(否)


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