initiatives to support the professional 主动支持专业

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《initiatives to support the professional 主动支持专业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《initiatives to support the professional 主动支持专业(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 INITIATIVES TO SUPPORT THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP ROLE OF MENTAL HEALTH NURSES by Debbie Marissa Hohi Eggo A research project submitted to the Victoria University of Wellington in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (Applied) in Nursing Victoria

2、University of Wellington 2008Abstract This paper focuses on a review of the literature to identify current initiatives in the clinical setting that support and develop the professional development and leadership role of mental health nurses. Using the concept of advanced practice I reflect and consi

3、der the learning opportunities available to mental health nurses such as education programmes and post graduate scholarships. From experience, these opportunities make an impact and positive difference toward advancing practice and improved health outcomes. Never the less I contend that it is equall

4、y important to promote support of the leadership role of mental health nurses in a New Zealand healthcare environment currently grappling with the considerable problem of nurse shortages and turnover. Nurses are responsible for providing leadership in the clinical setting, maintaining competencies t

5、o practice, and are legally/ethically accountable for their practice. They must use professional nursing judgement when undertaking the direction and delegation role. So the question I ask is how can the leadership role of mental health nurses be supported and developed in the clinical setting? The

6、key themes to emerge from this literature review are training programmes, organisational support, job satisfaction and retention. The contribution that this literature review makes to nursing includes recommendations for nurse leaders and managers who recognise and are dedicated to the support and d

7、evelopment of their most valuable resource staff. The literature revealed the importance of: 1. flexible educational programmes, accessible in terms of when and where offered, which allows nurses to successfully balance clinical practice responsibilities; there is also opportunity for further resear

8、ch in this area of enquiry. 2. Organisational support for the professional development of nurses, and crucial toward this is the establishment of a nursing culture focused upon educational advancement, evidence based practice, health improvement and organisation effectiveness. 3. Managers must apply

9、 a leadership style based around partnership with staff, to forge genuine relationships, to create a culture of retention through a strong focus on both the professional development and personal growth of staff.Key Words: Mental health, Nursing, Leadership, Education. Acknowledgements I would like t

10、o take this opportunity to thank my employer Capital & Coast District Health Board, and Te Korowai Whaariki. They provided scholarship funding and access to study leave, via the Professional Development and Recognition Programme through out the duration of my studies at Victoria University. Much res

11、pect and acknowledgement goes to my mentor Maria Campbell, who inspired my interest in becoming a mental health nurse and has since supported my development in this rewarding career.Gratitude also goes to Diane Sadler, Nurse Leader of Te Korowai Whaariki for modelling the way, for believing in my ab

12、ility as a mental health nurse that I came to see it in myself, for supporting my professional development and the leadership role.To my research supervisor Dr Chris Walsh thank you for skilfully guiding me with your scholarly expertise, understanding and patience, which has seen me bring this inqui

13、ry to conclusion. Tukuna nga arohanui, to my husband John for your encouragement and support through out this (our) journey, also to our boys Hemi, Ian, Joseph and Elijah for giving me the space and quiet to concentrate on my studies when I have needed this time, and now my work has come to fruition.Table of ContentsAbstractiiAcknowledgements.iii Table of ContentsivSECTION ONE Introduction.1Background Interest.5Over view of paper.



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