高中英语人教版必修二:unit 4 wildlife protection speaking and writing 课件

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1、Unit 4 Wildlife Protection,Speaking and Writing,Play a Video,Feeling,After seeing it, please use some words to describe your feeling.,I.Situation of endandered animals,Dialogue: a. Which endangered animal are you concerned about? b .(panda) a. Why are they endangered? b(lack of bamboo growing areas)

2、 a Did we help them? b a What is their number before and now? b. Beforebut now .,Situation of endandered animals,lack of food lack of habitats too much hunting low fertility (繁殖) .,II.Reasons of endandering,?,Why are they in danger of disappearing?,Causes of Endangerment,hunting,Pollution,Food short

3、age,disease,Destroy of habitation(栖息地),Reasons of endandering,III.Solution to this problem,Discuss the ways to this problem in six for 5 minutes and choose one to report your group ideas trying to use the following expressions.,Speaking,Talk in pairs about what you might do. These expressions might

4、be useful to you.,Intention,Purpose,Im going to,to help/save,I intend/mean/plan to,to protectfrom,Our goverment can.,so that.,I /we feel like,in order to.,Id like to,to teach them a lesson,Im ready to,to punish those who do harm to wildlife,I/we would rather not,but do .,III.Solution to this problem

5、,I am going to help panda by studying the bamboo growing in order to provide more food for them. I am ready to persuade people around me / I d rather not to buy and eat things made by wild animals. I/we plan to complain(投诉) those who do harm to wild animals so that they will be punished. Later I/we

6、feel like set up more reserves to protect wildlife from being hunted. make up laws/protect environment/set up organizations/arouse peoples awearness.,Writing,Now write a letter to WWF on what you have discussed, asking them to help you save your endangered animals.,Background Information,What is WWF

7、?,World Wildlife Fund 世界野生生物基金会,worlds largest privately financed conservation organization( 独立的非政府的国际环境保护组织1961 Sweden) protect endangered species and their habitats works in more than 100 countries with nearly 5 million volunteers and 2,500 employees.,Structure of the writing,part 1. state(陈述) the

8、 present situation/problem of the endangered animals,part 2. offer your suggestions on saving endangered animals. a 1.zdxfvn, nkmkmkolkmop-p0,part 3. express your wish and ask WWF for help.,Sample letter to the WWF,Dear WWF, From the newspapers and internet I know that some rare animals are endanger

9、ed or dying out because of lack of food, habitats or too much hunting. Here are my suggestions to save them. First I hope government can make up laws to punish those who do harm to wildlife to protect them from dying out. second, id rather not to buy clothes made by wildlife so that they will not be killed widely. Please help the endandered animals and I am sure they will survive with your help. Yours sincerely, Xiao Xing,Lets help them, please.,Animals are our friends.,THANK YOU,


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