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1、 网址:西城区九年级英语综合练习一一、单项选择从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 Lucy, is it _ ballpoint pen? Yes, thanks.AyouByourCyoursDyourself2_ I know, the super star will visit the Water Cube next week.ASo farBAs soon asCAs far asDAs long as3More and more modern buildings have been built on _sides of Changan Stre

2、et.AeachBallCbothDevery4 Tony, keep quiet. Didnt you see the board which says “_” there? Im sorry.ANo runningBNo shoutingCNo smokingDNo parking5Great changes have taken place in Beijing _ he left for America in 1989AsinceBwhenCuntilDafter6Jim, there are so many spelling mistakes in your composition.

3、 Why dont you _ the words in the dictionary?Alook throughBlook forClook upDlook over7Im sorry, sir. The play _ for 10 minutes. Please wait outside for a second scene.AbeganBhas been onChas begunDwas on8All the cars here are made in Japan _ the green QQ. Its made in China.AexceptBbesidesCwithDabout9

4、Peter, would you please _ me the magazine? Sure. Here you are.Ato passBpassingCpassDpassed10 Have you gone to see Mr. Smith? He wanted to talk to you. No, but I _.AdidntBhaventCwasDwill11He will treasure(珍惜)the _ he had in America, where he stayed with an American family. Its really amazing.Aexperie

5、nceBexerciseCexperimentDexcuse12 Do you know how many gold medals China got in the 29th Olympic Games? Oh, fifty-one! We all felt _ when we heard the _ news.Aexciting; excitedBexcited; excitingCexciting; excitingDexcited; excited13Dont worry about your children. They will _ in our centre.Atake care

6、ofBbe taken careCtake careDbe taken care of14 Excuse me, could you tell me _? Go straight and turn right. Youll find it on your right.Ahow can I get to the National StadiumBwhich was the way to the National StadiumChow far the National Stadium isDwhere the National Stadium is15Two thousand dollars _

7、 too much for the course. Can we make it cheaper?AareBisCwasDwere16He is the old man _ spoke at the meeting just now.AwhichBwhoseCwhatDwho17The sign _ always makes me think of the great time I spent in Beijing in 2008.18 Would you like to enter the photo competition? _, but I lost my fathers new dig

8、ital camera last month.AId love toBThats all rightCIm sorryDCome on二、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Laura, who is nine years older.My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, 1 only one would stay in

9、my heart forever. First she handed me the smallest. Because Laura was careful with her actions, I knew this was her 2 favorite. It was a bag of sweets. I was happy with it, but I wanted to know about what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After tearing(撕)away the wrapping paper, I 3 a fashionable

10、 and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so 4 . Then she handed me the last gift. Judging(判断)by the familiar size and 5 , I knew it was a CDIt was the record of music from the movie “Rocky”, with encouraging songs to all players, dreamers . I 6 loved it, but not as much as I wou

11、ld after my sister explained to me.She was talking about a knee injury that 7 me half of my soccer season. I expected to be with my teammates and suffered(遭受痛苦)each minute when I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heal(治愈)soon. This was what led my sister to 8 .After mention

12、ing what was 9 the gift, Laura played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck(撞击)me as if it was new. It played in my soul(灵魂)and on my emotions, I 10 breathlessly, as the words “Trying hard now. Its hard now” sounded through the room. It 11 me in a way

13、beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldnt help crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had 12 the problem so deeply made me realize that I am the luckiest little sister in the world. I had received a gift with so much thought behind it! Ill keep it forever.1AbutBsoCorDand2Am

14、ostBlessCleastDmore3AnoticedBfoundCfeltDrealized4AkindBseriousChelpfulDrich5AcolourBshapeClookDstyle6AeasilyBsuddenlyCimmediatelyDfinally7AwastedBstoppedCtookDcost8Agive the sweaterBplay the musicCheal the injuryDbuy the CD9AfromBinCbehindDfor10AsaidBlistenedCcriedDlaughed11AtouchedBharmedChelpedDbroke12Aworked outBseenCfeltDfound out三、阅读理解阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。AHong Kong is the Events Capital of Asia and that mean



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