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1、八年级下册Unit 1 单元笔记1. People will have robots in their homes. will助动词,表单纯的未来。用于陈述句表“将,会”。否定句:wont = will not will用于疑问句意为“会吗?2. There will only be one country. There will be 是there be句型的将来时。3. I think there will be more / less pollution. 我认为将会有更多/更少的污染。fewer 与less及more表数量的用法。(1) few(形容词)“几乎没有,很少的”,修饰可数名

2、词。其比较级、最高级为规则变化:fewfewerfewest。“a few”表示“一些”,“few”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。(2)little(形容词)“很少的,几乎没有的”(“小的,幼小的”),修饰不可数名词。其比较级、最高级为不规则变化:littlelessleast。“a little”表“一些”,“little”带否定含义,“几乎没有”。(3)many“许多”,修饰可数名词。much“许多”,修饰可数名词。 many / more比较级、最高级为不规则变化:many / much moremost。 4. in 与 after的区别 例句:Ill be back in half an

3、 hour. 我半小时后就回来.本句中的in作以后解,不能用after代替。after和in都可以表示以后的意思,其区别是:1)after以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间以后,常用于过去时态的句子。例如:They started working after lunch. 他们是午餐后开始工作的。The film was shown after the meeting. 电影是会议结束以后放的。2)in以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子。如:They will start working in half an hour. 他们将在半小时后开始工作。The film will

4、be shown in 2 or 3 days. 这部电影将在两三天后上映。3)在某个特定的时间以后,after也可用于将来时态的句子。例如:They will start working after 10 am. 他们将在上午10点以后开始工作。The film will be shown after 5 oclock. 这部电影将于4点以后上映。4) “after+一段时间”或“一段时间+later”表示“(在过去某个时间看来)一段时间之后”。He went home after two days. 他两天后回家了。Three years later,she had a baby. 三年后

5、,她生了一个婴儿。5. fall in love with 爱上 fall in love with a girl 爱上一个女孩 注 fall 是“陷入”的意思. 它与feel(感觉)很像。fallfellfallen feelfeltfelt.6alone adj.(只作表语) adv. 独自;单独 He was alone in the house他一个人在屋里 。 I went to the movies alone,I felt lonely. 注 alone 表示“单独的,独自一人的”,不含感情色彩.做形容词时,只能在be动词或系动词之后做表语与lonely不同,lonely表示“孤

6、独的,寂寞的”含有丰富的感情色彩.lonely做形容词时,可做定语和表语。如: a lonely village 孤寂的村庄.7keep vt.& vi. keep 有好几个意思,在本课中做“饲养;喂养”讲,相当于feed。 keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉 feed a cat with fish 给猫喂鱼(1)保住;保留:Ill try my best to keep my job. 我要尽力保住我的工作。(2)保守(秘密):keep a secret(这对我来说可是太难了)(3)保持(某状态):Keep silent! 保持沉默!Keep top side up! 请勿

7、倒放!(4)继续;持续:They kept walking. 他们继续步行。8.That may not seem possible now. seem 是连系动词,意为“似乎”“好像”“看上去”,用来表示说话人内心的有一定依据的推测判断或猜想其主要用法如下: 1. seem 后面接动词不定式 to do ,构成固定词组:seem to do sth”似乎要.”例: My father seemed to know the news. 我父亲好像知道这个消息 2. “It seems/seemed that.从句.”例如: It seemed that you were lying. 看来你在

8、撒谎! 语法1) 一般将来时1用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。 如:go, come, leave, arrive等,也可用于其他动作动词。 We are having fish for dinner. We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 这种用法通常带有表示将来的时间状语,如果不带时间状语,则根据上下文可表示最近即将发生的动作。2用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打算在最近的将来或将来进行某事。 Are you go

9、ing to post that letter? How long is he going to stay here?另一意义是表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生或即将发生某种情况。Its going to rain.3. 用will/ shall do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示预见。She will come to have class tomorrow. She wont come to have class tomorrow. 4. 用一般现在时表示。根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作,在时间和条件状语从句中,都可用一般现在时表示将来时。如:1. The new term star

10、ts (begins) on August 29th. 新学期八月二十九日开学。2. If it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic. 如果明天不下雨,我们将出野餐。 3. Ill call you as soon as he gets home. 他明天一到家我就打电话通知你。2) There be结构英语中,There be句型表示“某处有某人或某物”。例如:There are always more than one hundred birds in the big tree every evening. 每天傍晚那棵大树上

11、总会有100多只小鸟。一、There be句型的用法:1)There与be中间可插入一些表示推测的情态动词、表示时态的短语和一些动词短语,以强调某种语气。例如:There must be some flowers in the box. 盒子里肯定有些鲜花。There will be a meeting this afternoon.注意:be不能换成have及have的变化形式。2)There be句型常与过去时间状语连用,构成一些固定句型,用于故事发生的开头,交代故事发生的时间。例如:Many years ago,there was such a beautiful girl called

12、 Cindy.很久以前有一个叫Cindy的美丽女孩。3)There be句型中,动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据 就近一致原则来变换be的单复数形式。例如:There is a desk, two chairs and three benches in the room. There are two chairs, a desk and three benches in the room. 八年级下册Unit 2 What should I do? 单元笔记一丶重点短语1argue v争论;争吵 argue with sb与某人吵架2 either adv

13、.(用于否定句)也 He doesnt have any money, and I dont, either他没有钱,我也没有。 I cant play chess. She cant, either.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。 too 也(用于肯定或疑问句) Im a teacherHe is a teacher, too我是老师,他也是老师。3ask (sb)for sth向某人寻求某物;要 Dont ask for food every dayGo and find some work4the same as. 与相同 (注意前后两个比较对象的属性保持一致)The clothes ar

14、e the same as my friends 5except 除以外;(不包括在内) My class has been invited except me 注意区别:besides 除以外,还有.(包括在内) We all went there besides him除他去以外,我们也都去了。( He went thereWe went there, too) 他也去了,我们也去了!/大家都去了! There are five more visitors besides me.除了我之外还有5名访客 (加上我是6个)6wrong adj错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Whats wrong

15、with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) Ive got a headache我头痛。 Whats wrong with your watch? It doesnt work.你的手表怎么了?它不走了。 注意:Whats the matter with you?= Whats wrong with you ?=Whats the trouble with you? 你怎么了?/你出什么事了?7get on(well) with sb与某人相处(融洽) get on ( well ) with sth 某事进展地好The students will get on well with the teacher学生会和老师相处得非常好。 8have a fight with sb fight with sb与某人打架 I



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