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1、 Unit 1 cultural relicsHandout(1)Warming up& pre-reading 1.Basic words and expressions(基础词汇和短语)Please find out the following words and look up the related Chinese meanings.请将以下词汇在书中找出并查出其适当汉语意思Be enough to do have to do always only object below discuss what whether or not a piece of amber passage pr

2、edict skim quickly2.important words (重点词汇)1. _ adj.文化的 _ n.文化,文明 2. _ adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 _ adv. 罕有地;很少地3. _ _ adj.贵重的;有价值的 _ n.价值 _adj.无价的,极宝贵的 _ _ adj.无价值的;不值钱的4. _ vi.幸免;幸存;生还 _ n.幸存,生还 _ n.生还者3.language points(知识点 )1.Is it enough to have survived for a long time?存留很长时间就足够么?Survive1 vi 幸免,幸存,生还eg Th

3、ese customs have survived from earlier times.2. vt 从逃生eg He felt lucky to have survived the war.同根词:survival /svavl/ n.存活 survivor/svav(r)/ n.幸存者1).He _(在这次坠机事故中幸存下来)the plane crash2).The house _(经受住了暴风雨). 3). This custom _( 还保存着). 4). She lived five years longer than her husband. = She _ her husban

4、d _ five years. 常用结构:survive on sth. 靠生存(意思等同于live on sth.)I cant survive on $20 a week.每周20美元无法维持我的生活survive sb. (by .) 比某人多活survive sb. (by .) 比某人多活Few buildings in Beichuan County survived the big earthquake on May 12, 2008.在2008年5月12日的大地震中,北川县残留的建筑物寥寥无几。一石四鸟之句He was the only survivor that surviv

5、ed the accident, but he survived long, and even survived his son.他不仅在那场事故中幸免于难,而且还活了很长时间,甚至比他的儿子活的时间还长。Handout 2Reading In Search of the Amber Room. basic words and expressions (找出并弄清其中文意思)King imagine greatest Russian several popular treasure gold artist palace however decide soldier part winter se

6、rve Important later outside inside detail complete light mirror shine sadly although consider wonder missing SeptemberCountry furniture secretly piece remain mystery recently celebrate .important words(重点单词)5. _ vt.使吃惊;惊讶 _ adj.惊讶的 _ adj.令人吃惊的 _ n.惊异6. _ vt.挑选;选择 _ n.选择7. _ n.设计;图案;构思;vt.设计;计划;构思 _

7、n.设计者8. _ adj.奇特的;异样的;vt.想象;设想;爱好9. _ v.装饰;装修 _ n.装饰物;装修10. _ n.C珠宝;宝石 _ n.U珠宝总称;首饰11. _ n.接待;招待会;接收_ v.接待;接受;收到12. _ vt.移动; 搬开 _ n.移动;搬迁;免职13. _ n.根据;证据 _ adj. 明显的;显而易见的.important expressions(重点词语)1in search _ 寻找2belong _ 属于3_ return 作为报答4_ war 处于交战状态5_ than 少于6take _ 拆开7think _ of 看重;器重8serve _ 充当

8、;担任9be _ the fancy style 风格奇特10_than 而不是, language points (知识点)2.in search of the amber room寻找琥珀屋in search of 固定搭配 表示“寻找”,在句中常做目的状语或表语。eg The scientists are in search of a new element. in search ofin ones search for 寻找;搜寻search.for.在里面/身上搜寻search forlook forhunt for 寻找search out 找出某人或某物拓展:in honour

9、of 为了纪念;为向表示敬意in memory of 为纪念 in place of 代替in control of 控制 in face of 面对in need/want of 需要3. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. (P1, L1) could not/never have done 对过去所发生事情的否定推测eg. He

10、couldnt have gone abroad , as I saw him just now.must have done 用于对过去的行为有把握推测(想必做过某事)eg. It is surprising that you can drive. You must have learned it before.could have done “可能做过某事”, “本来可以做到,但实际并没有做到eg. We could have lent him the money but he didnt tell us he needed the money .“情态动词+have done” 的含义小

11、结: could not/never have done sth.过去不可能could have done sth. 本来可以做(却没有做)某事cant have done 过去不可能做过某事must have done 过去一定做过某事may/might have done 过去可能做过某事should have done 本该做(但没有做)某事neednt have done本不必做某事gift n. 礼物,天赋,天资adj. gifted 有天才的,有天赋的have a gift for 对有天赋He is a student who _(对数学有天赋).Amazing修饰_ amaze

12、d修饰_I am amazed by the amazing news.4 .the amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey.(P1 L3) select vt.挑选 选择 eg.Please select a few nice apples for my mother adj.精选的,择优的 eg.The captain needs a select crew for this dangerous job. 派生词:selection n.挑选,选拔 selective adj.善于挑选的

13、易混辨析 select/choose/elect/pick out 四个词均含有“选译”之意。 select强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”,侧重以客观为标准进行选择。 choose为普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判断从众多的对象中进行选择,着重指被选者的优点。 elect指按照一定的规章和法律,用投票方式进行的慎重的选择。 pick out为口语用词,强调“从个人角度在众多事物之中进行挑选”,有时含有“任意选择”的意思。 5.the design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(P1 L4) design n.设计 图案 e g .They think highly of my design. v


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