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1、Unit 1Graduate EducationText AHow to Be Successful in Graduate School&Background InformationPostgraduate education (or graduate education in North America) involves learning and studying for degrees or other qualifications for which a first or Bachelors degree generally is required, and is normally

2、considered to be part of higher education. In North America, this level is generally referred to as graduate school.The organization and structure of postgraduate education varies in different countries, and also in different institutions within countries.2Major Language Points1. insight: n. (褒) 洞察力

3、;深刻的了解 (into sth.)C Examples:a person of insight 有洞察力的人He had courage, insight and determination.他有勇气、有见识、有魄力。His speech gave us an insight into the problems of education.他的演讲使我们对教育问题有了深入的了解。2. immerse: v. 使自己沉浸(於某事物);使自己深陷於或专心於 ( oneself in sth.)C Examples:be immersed in thought, ones business, a b

4、ook 沉思埋首事务专心读书He immersed himself totally in his work.他埋首於工作。3. tackle: v. 应付,对付,处理(棘手的问题困难的工作等)C Examples:Its time to tackle my homework. 现在该对付我的家庭作业了。By the fall, the students were ready to have robots tackle a real-world problem.到第二学期,学生们已经准备用机器人解决实际应用问题了。4. finite: adj. 有限的;有限制的;有限度的C Examples:W

5、e must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.我们必须接受有限的失望,但是一定不能失去无限的希望。5. coordinate: v. 使(各部分肢体等)协调,协同动作 ( sth. with sth.)C Examples:coordinate ones movements when swimming游泳时协调动作We must coordinate our efforts to help the flood victims.我们应该同心协力以援助遭水灾的灾民。6. guidance: n.

6、引导;领导;指导C Examples:be under sbs guidance 在某人的指导下parental guidance受父母指教We can already offer some guidance based on past experience.根据以往经验,我们可以归纳出一些指导原则。7. packet: n. (美式英语通常作 package) 包装商品的)小包,小盒,小袋C Examples:a packet of biscuits, cigarettes, tea, etc 一小包饼干 香烟 茶叶等They made no effort to hide their amu

7、sement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.每当我从口袋里掏出一包糖果时,他们都毫不掩饰地表现出他们对此感到非常好笑。8. option: n. 选择权;选择自由;选择;可供选择的事物C Examples:I havent much option in the matter.在这件事情上我无可选择。I have little option but to go.我别无选择只好走。There werent many options open to him.他没有什么选择余地。9. isolation: n. 隔离;脱离;

8、分离;孤立C Examples:This is a strong sign of Irans growing international isolation.这是伊朗在国际上逐渐变的孤立的一个明显标志。10. interaction: n. 相互作用;相互影响C Examples:Although nods are important, they are but a small part of human social interaction. 点点头虽然很重要,但它们仅仅是人类社交互动行为中的一小部分。11. presentation: n. 展示;表述C Examples:There is

9、 no job interview, no scary presentation, no terrifying after dinner speech, no bruising negative feedback that can do such lasting psychic damage. 任何求职面试、可怕的呈述汇报、恐怖的餐后演说和令人崩溃的负面反馈,都不会对人的心理造成如此持久的伤害。12. supplement: v. 增加或补充某事物 ( sth. with sth.)C Examples:I supplement my grant by working in the eveni

10、ngs. 我除享受助学金外还打夜工以增加收入。She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets.她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。13. embrace: v. (fml) 欣然接受或采取(某意见等)C Examples:embrace an offer, opportunity 欣然接受提议把握机会。However, not all people embrace the new plan.然而也不是所有人都支持新计划。14. faculty: n.1)(大学的)系, 科, 院C Examples:the Faculty of Law, Scie

11、nce, etc 法律学院理学院2)(大学的某系科院的)全体教员: C Examples:a faculty meeting(大学的某系科院的)全体教员会议3) (US) 大学等的全体教员C Examples:The whole faculty finally passes a decision to cancel the model test. 全体教员最终通过一项决议,取消模拟考试。15. clarify: v.(使某事物)清楚易懂;澄清C Examples:clarify a remark, statement 澄清一项意见 声明 I hope that what I say will

12、clarify the situation.我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。You should clarify the facts relative to this problem.你应当澄清与此问题有关的事实。16. surmount: v. 克服(困难等);战胜C Examples:We had many problems to surmount before we could start the project. 我们得克服许多困难才能着手做这项工作。We are fully confident that we can surmount these difficulties.我们完全相信

13、我们能够克服这些困难。17. fit in: 1) 安排(地方);放进;为某物腾出空间C Examples:There was so much furniture in the room that it became impossible to fit any more in这个房间放了那么多家俱,不能再放进什么东西了。Somehow she managed to fit everything in the suitcase.她设法把全部东西都装入箱子。Can you manage to fit this small table in somewhere?你能设法找个地方放这张小桌子吗?2)

14、为某人腾出时间C Examples:Although Im very busy, Ill try to fit in a game of tennis at the weekend尽管我很忙,本周末我打算安排打一场网球。I hope the hairdresser can fit me in today.我希望理发师今天能给我安排个时间(理发)。There are still two patients to be fitted in this afternoon.今天下午还有两位病人需要安排治疗。Our director cant fit in any more visits this wee

15、k.本周我们主任已再没时间接待来访者了。18. back up: 支持C Examples:I hope you will back me up in this argument.我希望在这场争论中你能支持我。Nobody backed her up when she protested against the decision.当她反对这项决定时,没人支持她。19. frown upon: 不喜欢;不赞成;谴责C Examples:The manager frowned on your proposal.经理不喜欢你的提议。Certain grammatical constructions and idioms that are accepted in America are frowned upon in British English.在美国得到公认的某些语法结构和习语在英国英语中未得到赞许。He frowns upon things like that.他对那样的事情是皱眉头的。Doesnt she frown upon that kind of behavior?


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