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1、Unit1 Art Book SixA. Words formation: (30x1)1.faith n.信任,信念 faithful adj.忠实的 faithfully adv.忠实地2. typical adj.典型的;有代表性的 type n.种类 v.打字 3. evident adj.明显的,明白的 evidence n. 证据;迹象,征兆4. adopt v.采用,采纳;收养 adoption n. 采用,采纳;收养5. possess v.拥有;具有 possession n.拥有;(pl.)财产6. appeal v.n. 有感染力;呼吁 appealing adj. 有魅

2、力的,有吸引力的7. predict v.预言,预测 prediction n.8. exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会 exhibit v.9. scholar n. 学者 scholarship n. 奖学金10. prefer v.偏爱,喜爱 preference n.11. civilization n. 文明 civilize v. 教化,使开化 civilized adj. 有教养的;文明的 12. Egypt n.埃及 Egyptian adj.埃及的;埃及人的13. sign n. 标记,痕迹;v. 签署 signature n.签名,署名14.technique n

3、.技巧,技能 technology n. 科技B. Write down the Chinese meanings of the following words: (18x1)1. abstract n.摘要 adj.抽象的,深奥的 2. conventional adj.常规的;传统的 3. controversial adj.争议的,争论的 4. critic n.评论家;批评者 5. contemporary adj.当代的,同时代的6. permanent adj.永久的;持久的7. allergic adj.对.过敏的8. delicate adj.精致的;脆弱的;柔弱的9. agg

4、ressive adj.好斗的,侵略的mittee n.委员会11.reputation n.名声,名誉12. consequently adj.因而,所以13. fragrant adj.香的;令人愉快的14. gallery n.美术馆,画廊15. figure n.数字;身材;画像16. visual adj.视觉的,看得见的17. display v.展示,陈列;显露18. realistic adj. 现实的;逼真的C. Phrases: (14x2)1.by coincidence 巧合地 3. social changes_社会的变化 5.have faith in相信 7. i

5、n the flesh 本人;活着的 2. be accepted as被认为是 4. 5000 years of civilization 五千年的文明6.the admission price 票价 8. leave sth. to sb._把某物留给某人 9. a bunch of flowers 一束花10. in the early/late 19th century 在19世纪的早期/晚期 11. make an attempt to do 努力,尝试做某事12.be well worth a visit/visiting很值得一去,值得一游13.on (the ) one han

6、don the other hand一方面另一方面 14.a great deal of marble 大量的大理石(只加不可数名词)D. Translation: (3x8)1. 我真希望我能够按照他们原本的样子画出大自然和人物。I wish I were able to paint nature and people as they really were. 2. 要是没有专家详细的讲解的话,那些展出的艺术作品就不能那样强烈地吸引我们。Without the experts detailed explanation, those art works on exhibition couldn

7、t have appealed to us so much. 3.如果我昨晚不熬夜的话,我现在就不会这么困。 If I hadnt stayed up late last night, I wouldnt be so sleepy now.Unit2 Poems B. Words formation: (38x1)1.poetry n.诗(总称) poetic adj.有诗意的 poem n.诗歌 poet n. 诗人2. rhyme n.韵,押韵 v 押韵 rhythm n.节奏 rhythmic adj. 有节奏的,有规律的3. emotion n.情感,情绪,感情 emotional a

8、dj. 情绪激动的,情绪上的4. repetition n. 重复,反复,循环 repeat v. 重复5. endless adj.无穷的,无止境的 end (v. n.vt) 终点,结束 ending n.电影、故事的结局终结6. warm adj. 温暖的,热情的 warmly adv. 温暖地,热情地 warmth n. 暖和,温暖7.sorrow n. 悲伤,悲痛,懊悔 sorrowful adj. 悲伤的 The words above are more or less concerning poetry writing. 8. translate v.翻译 translation

9、 n.翻译 translator n.翻译家9. transform v.转化,转变; transformation n.转化,转变 transformer n. 变形金刚,促使改变的人或物 transformable adj. 可变形的前缀 trans 表示跨越、转变,类似的词还有:transport, transplant(移植), transfer(转移,调动) 10. scholar n. 学者 scholarship n. 奖学金11. sponsor v.发起,举办,倡议,赞助 n. 赞助人,倡议者 sponsorship n. 赞助后缀 ship 可以构成名词。类似的词还有:fr

10、iendship, relationship, championship, hardship 12. minimum n.最低限度,最少量,最小数 opp. maximum. n. 最高限度,最大数13. bride n.新娘 bridegroom n.新郎14. bare adj. 赤裸的,光秃的 barely adv.几乎没有15.appropriate adj. 适当的,正当的 appropriately adj. 适当地,正当地 B Write down the Chinese meaning of the following words (8x1)1 tick vt 给.标记号 2

11、concrete adj 具体的3 contradictory adj 引起矛盾的 4 tease vi vt 取笑,招惹5 branch n. 枝条,支流,部门 6 eventually adv. 最终7 section n. 部分 8 librarian n. 图书馆馆长(管理员) C. Phrases: (12x2)1. 表达自己的感情 express oneself 2. 有意义,讲得通 make sense 3. 熬夜 stay up 4. 最少量的 the minimum of 5.对合适 be appropriate for 9 发出,放走 let out 10.一天天地 day

12、 by day11 传达感情 convey emotions 12 一种灵活的模式 a flexible pattern 6.有可能赞助运动会 be likely to sponsor the sports meet 7.用钻石交换文凭 exchange a diamond for a diploma8.把这首诗翻译成德语 translate the poem into GermanD Sentences (3 x10)1 让这位钢琴家伤心的是,如果他比赛的时候不紧张的话,他本可以赢得冠军的。To the pianists sorrow, if he had taken it easy in

13、the competition, he could have won the championship.2 有各种各样的理由说明为什么唐诗很受中国人,特别是小孩子的欢迎。There are various reasons why the Tang poetry is popular with Chinese people, kids in particular.3.如果阳光很容易转换成能量的话,我们就不用担心用完石油了If the sunshine can be easily transformed into energy, we wont be afraid of running out o

14、f oil.Unit 3 A healthy life C. Words formation: (39x1)1.cigar n.雪茄 cigarette n. 香烟2. stress n. 压力,紧张,重音 stressful adj. 带来压力的 stressed adj.感到有压力的3. ban n.禁止,禁令vt. 取缔,查封 banned (过去式,过去分词) 4. breath n. 呼吸 breathe v. breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的,屏息的5. normal adj. 正常的opp. abnormal 6. fit adj. 合适的,健康的 opp. unfit fitness n. 7.strong adj. 强壮的 strength n. 力量 strengthen vt. 加强,巩固,变强8. weak adj. 虚弱的 weaken vt.(使)削弱,变弱9.desperate adj. 绝望的,拼命的 desperately adv. 10. disappointed adj. 感到失望的disappointing adj. 令人失望的dis



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