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1、New Parade III (A) Examination unit 1-2Name_ Class_ Teacher_Part I Listening Practice 听力部分 (60%)I. 第一关:听!Tina和Terry在听录音,圈出正确的图片。让我们也比一比,看谁做得正确。(每小题3分共15分)1. television 2. clock 3. soccer ball 4. star 5. pail . 仔细听录音,圈出所听到的单词。(每小题2分共10分)1.lettucepotatorice2.talkingwritingreading3.fourthirteensixteen4

2、.jacketbootstoothbrush5.bathrobetoothpastesoap. 连出相对应的图片。(每小题2分共10分)1 Its three fifty-five. 2 He brushes teeth. 3 They are talking. 4 She is sliding. 5 He is reading. I. 听句子,根据提示圈出正确的数字。(每小题2分共10分) 1. Draw a black circle around “nine oclock”.2. Draw a green circle around the number “ten ten”.3. Draw

3、 a purple circle around the number “twelve oclock”.4. Draw an orange circle around the number “three clock”.5. Draw a blue circle around the number “four oclock”.祝贺你!连闯四关,顺利进级,真棒!你继续努力!加油哦!Part II Reading and Writing 读写部分40%. Morris和Molly到底在找什么呢?小朋友们快来帮帮他们!在表格里面找出正确的单词填入对应的图片下。(每小题2分共16分)nurse firef

4、ighter pilot carpenter teacher couch secretary barber 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7. _ 8. _. 将以下句子翻译成中文。 (每小题2分共12分)1. She takes a shower. 2. She goes to school before she eats breakfast. 3. What time is it ? Its 12 oclock. 4. My aunt is a firefighter. 5. Amys uncle is barber. (Amy是艾米的意思) 6. What do you

5、 want to be? I want to be a teacher. . 根据中文意思选择相应的单词填入空白中。(每小题3分共12分) before sandwich after 我回家之后上晚饭。 1. I eat dinner I go home.我打篮球之前吃了一个三明治。2. I eat a before I play basketball.我洗澡之后看电视。3. I watch TV I take a bath.我穿戴之前起床。4. I get up I get dressed. .根据所提示单词,选出正确的单词填在横线上。(每小题3分共15分)Word bankGrasshopper time eye food smiles Ant walk home at lunch. She sees and says, “Hello!” Grasshopper opens one and asks, “What is it ?” Ant says, “Its 12:45.” Grasshopper sits up and .“Is it time for lunch ?” she asks. “Yes,” says Ant, “but you dont have any .”7



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