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1、昨天王先生买了一辆车,Mr.Wang bought a car yesterday.,带着女票去兜风,He took his girlfriend out for a drive.,这辆新车被开的飞快。,The new car was driven very fast.,昨天发生了一场车祸,A car accident happened yesterday.,这辆新车坏的很严重。,The new car was broken badly.,它目前正在被修理。,It is being repaired now.,.,the Passive Voice,(被动语态),1.英语的谓语动词有两种语态,

2、I read books.,主语,谓语,宾语,Books are read by me.,主语,谓语,宾语,主动语态,被动语态,被动语态的构成:,be + done(过去分词),1. Tom broke the window. The window was broken by Tom.,2.He broke the windows. The windows were broken by him.,Be要随着主语变,逻辑主语by来引,主动变被动解题步骤:,1. 找宾语 -即动作的承受者,2. 判断宾语的单复数 -即be动词的单复数.,3. 判断动词的时态 -即be动词的时态.,4. 修改谓语的时

3、态 -即原句动词改为过去分词,5. 修改原句的主语 -即by+ 主语.,2.被动语态的各种时态(见p80),【例】,1.Knives are used for cutting things. 2. The clothes were washed by my mother. 3. Trees will be planted by them tomorrow. 4. I am being asked some questions now. 5. A letter was being written by her at 2pm yesterday. 6. The work has been fini

4、shed by them. 7. The work had been finished by Jim before he left here. 8.He said a kite would be made by him.,(一般现在时),(一般过去时),(一般将来时),(现在进行时),(过去进行时),(现在完成时),(过去完成时),(过去将来时),3.情态动词的被动语态结构 情态动词+be + done,The trees should be watered at once. The homework must be handed in .,1. -Where did you go last

5、night? - I _ to go to Li Lei s birthday party. A. asked B. am asked C. was asked D. ask 2. The baby now _ by the nurse in the hospital. A. looks after B. is looking after C. is being looked after D. has looked after 3. If the work _ ,you can go and play games. A. finished B. has finished C. will be

6、finished D. is finished,C,Exercises,C,D,4. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish _ into the river. A. neednt be thrown B. mustnt be thrown C. cant throw D. may not throw 5. How often _ your school sports meeting _? Once a week. A. does, hold B. was, hold C. is , held D. did, hold,B,C,6. I know he

7、 wont come to the party unless he_. A. will invite B. is invited C. will be invited D. invites 7. The village is building a school. I hope it _before August this year. A. finishes B. is finished C. will finished D. will be finished,B,D,1.People often talk about the film. The film is often talked. 2.

8、Lily took care of the baby. The baby was taken by Lily. 3.We shouldnt give up the work. The work shouldnt be given . ,小结:动词短语在转换成被动语态时, 不能丢掉其中的_。,The film is often talked about.,The baby was taken care of by Lily.,The work shouldnt be given up.,介词或副词,4.动词短语的被动语态,He gave me a book. I was given a book

9、. A book was given to me. Ex. She bought me a bike. He showed her some pictures. ,I was bought a bike.,A bike was bought for me.,She was shown some pictures.,Some pictures were shown to her.,5.带双宾语动词的被动语态,They were seen playing soccer over there.,I heard Jane singing in her room. Jane was heard sing

10、ing in her room. My mother told me to clean the room. I was told to clean the room by my mother. Ex. We saw them playing soccer over there. He asked me to buy some sugar. ,I was asked to buy some sugar .,6.带复合宾语的被动语态,He is often seen to play soccer.,She was heard to sing Beijing Opera yesterday.,He

11、made me clean the room. I was made to clean the room. Ex. I often see him play soccer. Yesterday I heard her sing Beijing Opera. ,一感(feel),二听(hear, listen to),三让(let, make, have),四看(see, watch, look at, notice)等动词后边接省略to 的不定式作宾补,变为被动语态时,必须加上to。,His mother gave him a present . A present was given him

12、 by his mother. 2.Someone found the boy smoking . The boy was found smoke. 3.The teacher has made us work hard. We have been made work hard. 4.We are to put off the meeting till Friday. The meeting is to be put till Friday.,Correct the sentences :,to,smoking,to,off,write, sell, wash, cut, drive, pee

13、l 等词作不及物动词时,它们的主语为物,可用主动形式表被动。 This kind of shirt sells well here. This kind of cloth washes well. This orange peels easily. The car drives well.,7.主动表示被动,want, need, require等词表“需要”时,后边可跟ing形式表被动,相当于to be done. My bike needs repairing. = My bike needs to be repaired. Ex: 你的头发该剪了。 这个房间需要打扫一下。 他的衣服得洗了

14、。 ,Your hair needs cutting / to be cut.,This room wants cleaning / to be cleaned.,His clothes require washing / to be washed.,have / get / make sth. done “使某事物被做” have my hair cut get my bike repaired make myself understood,Exercises.,1. Everything in this room wants _. A. wash B. to wash C. washing

15、 D. to be wash 2. These flowers _. Lets go and get some water. A. need to be watered B. need watered C. have been watered D. are watered 3. Teachers should _ carefully. A. be listened B. be listened to C. listen D. listened,C,A,B,Exercises.,4. This painting _ to a museum in New York in 1977. A. sells B. sold C. is sold D. was sold 5. This kind of painting _ well. A. sells B. sold C. is sold D. was sold 6. The boss makes his car _ every week. A. wash B. washed C. washing D. is washed 7. The boss m


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