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1、山东省烟台市海阳市郭城镇第一中学2014届九年级英语12月检测试题(三) 人教新目标版第I卷 (选择题, 共55分) 二、单项选择 (共10小题,计10分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. Mum, I want to buy _ new toy car. But _ old one is still running, isnt it? A. the; theB. the; anC. a; theD. a; an 22. The Lushan Earthquake took place _ about 8 oclock _ April 20, when the

2、 children are just beginning their first lessons. A. at; in B. at; onC. in; onD. from; to23. My twin brothers promised my parents to give up playing computer games, but _ of them made it. A. noneB. neitherC. eitherD. both24. Why didnt you answer my phone call, Jack? Im sorry, but I _ then. A. droveB

3、. drivesC. was drivingD. have driven25. Claude didnt do much homework, _ he still passed the exam. A. forB. orC. andD. but 26. They _ a notice to tell the students about the changed meeting time. A. put upB. put onC. put awayD. put out 27. Dont come into the lab _ you are asked to. A. unlessB. until

4、C. becauseD. since 28 Teenagers with working experiences know more clearly _ they will be in the future. A. whoB. whyC. whereD. what 29. The paper says Iron Man 3 is on this evening. Lets go and see it. But I _it. A. seeB. sawC. have seenD. will see 30. Someone is knocking at the door, dad! Go and s

5、ee _.A. who is itB. who it isC. who was itD. who it was 三、完形填空 (共15小题,计15分) When I was in college, I visited a friends home. As soon as I reached his house, I found his family was very _31_. But one of the greatest things I found was that he had very loving _32_. We sat on the ground for the lunch_3

6、3_ they didnt have a dining table. His mother _34_ us very delicious food, smiling throughout and showed care during the lunchtime. His father worked _35 _ a mechanic(技工) and I wondered if he made enough money to _36_ their two sons. While we were taking lunch, his father _37_. When he entered the h

7、ouse, his hands were dark black and his clothes were very _38_. My friend introduced me to him. After just 4-5 minutes, my friend asked me if I wanted Papad (a kind of Indian food) to eat. _39_ I could say anything ,my friends mother said there was no Parad in the house. Quickly my friend asked his

8、father if he could get some. Very kindly his father brought it for us even though he was looking _40_. I was deeply moved by the kindness of the family. Today my friend is a leader in a big company and has a new, beautiful home. He helped his brother financially in his studies and is still helping.

9、What can we _41_ from the story? The amount of the money you make wont _42_others hearts; the only way is with love and kindness. The _43_ point is that struggle and bad periods are needed in life for _44_, as it makes us strong. If you have strong willpower, goals and also the attitude of hard work

10、, you can definitely(一定) be a(an) _45_ person in some areas of life. God always helps those who help themselves. 31. A. poor B. rich C. beautiful D. cold 32. A. uncles B. friends C. parents D. brothers 33. A. though B. because C. if D. when 34. A. replied B. afforded C. served D. provided 35. A. at

11、B. in C. for D. as 36. A. support B. change C. lose D. understand 37. A. stood up B. went C. got up D. returned 38. A. new B. dirty C. clean D. nice 39. A. Until B. After C. Before D. When 40. A. sad B. pleased C. tired D. happy 41. A. supper B. prevent C. come D. learn 42. A. win B. hurt C. beat D.

12、 open 43. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 44. A. nobody B. everyone C. no one D. none 45. A. true B. energetic C. successful D. old四、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分)阅读下列材料,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A 46. Picture 1 is a(n) _. A. postcardB. posterC. invitationD. menu47. You should reply to the Jo

13、hnson family by _. A. writing an email B. making a phone callC. visiting them in person D. chatting online with them48. If you want to eat well, you cant miss the _. A. Dance as a Job LectureB. Musical Theatre ClassesC. Weight Training ClassesD. Sports Nutrition Classes49. How long will the camp las

14、t? A. Six days.B. Ten days.C. A week.D. A month50. If you are a 15-year-old student, what time is your audition? A. 4:00 pm on Nov 13. B. 4:30 pm on Nov 14. C. 4:30 pm on Nov 18. D. 4:00 pm on Nov 19. BFor the first time, Zhang Shengyu, a student from Laiyang Middle School in Shandong, didnt ask her mother to buy her a new schoolbag or any new pens for the beginning of the school term.


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