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1、三国演义中古诗词(中英对照) 赞关羽张飞英雄露颖在今朝,一试矛兮一试刀。初出便将威力展,三分好把姓名标。A poet of later times praised the two warriors:Oh, what a day for gallantryunveiled!One proves his lance and one his blade.Inmaidentrial their martial force wasshown.Thrice-torn landwill see themgain renown.赞刘备运筹决算有神功,二虎还须逊一龙。初出便能垂伟绩,自应分鼎在孤穷。In lat

2、er times a poet praised Xuande:Seasoned plan and master moves: allsdivinely done.To a mighty dragon two tigers can notcompare.At his first trial whatvictories are won.Poor orphan boy? The realm is to hisshare.叹何进汉室倾危天数终,无谋何进作三公。几番不听忠臣谏,难免宫中受剑锋。A poetof later times lamentedHe Jins fate:TheHanwill fal

3、l, with its star-told fate fulfilled.With fecklessHeJin counselling the king.Deaf to honest words, he sealed his doom.Quartered in the queens receiving room.少帝刘辩作嫩草绿凝烟,袅袅双飞燕。洛水一条青,陌上人称羡。远望碧云深,是吾旧宫殿。何人仗忠义,泄我心中怨!天地易兮日月翻,弃万乘兮退守藩。为臣逼兮命不久,大势去兮空泪潸!One dayEmperor Shao happened to notice a pair of swallows

4、flying in the courtyard and intoned these lines:Fresh vernal grasses tint the morning haze;Homing swallows lace thesky in pairs;The River Luo, a stretch of darker green-People cry in wonder at the scene.But out beyond the depths of yonderclouds.Stand palaces and courts that once were ours.Who will s

5、tand for loyalty, take honors part.And ease the heavy wrongs upon my heart?Emperor Shao sang with deep feeling whenbidding his mother good-bye:Earth tops Heaven; sun and moon change place.Once I hadakingdom ;now, aborder town.Robbed of life; by subjects overthrown.All is lost; tears in vain flow on.

6、唐妃作皇天将崩兮后土颓,身为帝姬兮命不随。生死异路兮从此毕,奈何茕速兮心中悲!In turn the consort also sang:Majestic Heaven falls;mother earth sinks down.Given in marriage,I follow where he goes.Twodifferent paths-life and death-here part.Soswift the course,and sorrow-filled my heart.赞伍孚汉末忠臣说伍孚,冲天豪气世间无。朝堂杀贼名犹在,万古堪称大丈夫!The curses streamed

7、 from his lips till the moment of deathA verse of later times praised Wu Fu:If you must tell of loyalty,Tell of Wu Fus tothe Han.His courage mounted to the skies,When down below wasnone.He struck at DongZhuo inthe court;His fame is with us still.Forever and ever hes won the name,Of a man of iron wil

8、l.赞关羽斩华雄威镇乾坤第一功,辕门画鼓响冬冬。云长停盏施英勇,酒尚温时斩华雄。Lord Guan entered the tent and tossed Hua Xiongs head, freshly severed, on the ground. Hiswinewasstill warm.A poet of later timessang Lord Guans praises:His might sufficed to hold in place the frames ofsky and land.The painted war drums charged theair at the c

9、hieftains field command.The hero put the cup aside to slake his combat lust.Before the wine had time tocool,Hua Xiong lay in the dust.连环计司徒妙算托红裙。不用干戈不用兵。三战虎牢徒费力,凯歌却奏凤仪亭。Li Ru left DongZhuos presence,and raising his eyes to Heaven, sighed, We are all doomed, and at a womans hands.A reader of latertim

10、es was moved to write this verse:Wang Yun staked the empires fate on a gentle maidens charm.Spear and shield wereset aside, no soldier came to harm.In the fray at TigerPass, three heroes fought in vain.Instead the victory song was sung at Phoenix Pavilion.叹董卓霸业成时为帝王,不成且作富家郎。谁知天意无私曲,郿坞方成已灭亡。Dong Zhuo

11、s fate moved someone to writethese lines:Successwouldhaveplaced him on the throne itself;Failing that, he meant to have an easy life of wealth.What he forgot is that thegods ordain a path so strict:His palace newly done, his enterprise lay wrecked.王允杀蔡邕董卓专权肆不仁,侍中何自竟亡身?当时诸葛隆中卧,安肯轻身事乱臣。Later, many hel

12、d that Cai Yong waswrong to mourn DongZhuo but that Wang Yunwent too far to kill(strangle) the former.A poet voiced thesefeelings:Power was DongZhuos means totyranny.And CaiYongs death, his own ignominy(污辱).Kongming lay low in Longzhong and every heroweighed.Would he wastehis talents on a renegade?赞

13、王允王允运机筹,奸臣董卓休。心怀家国恨,眉锁庙堂忧。英气连霄汉,忠诚贯斗牛。至今魂与魄,犹绕凤凰楼。Thetwo outlaws (Li Jue and Guo Shi)cut him down in frontofthegate tower.Ahistorian hasleft this remembrance:Wang Yun spun an artful scheme.That ended DongZhuosevil dream.His heartached for the rulingline.His brow was knitted forits shrine.His noblesp

14、irit reached theskies.His heart has joined the guiding stars.Down and below hissouls remain.And haunt the Phoenix Pavilion.张闿杀曹嵩曹操奸雄世所夸,曾将吕氏杀全家。如今阖户逢人杀,天理循环报不差。His bloody work completed, Zhang Kai burned down the temple Cao Song sheltered that night and fled south to Huainan with his five hundred fo

15、llowers.A poet of later times wrote:Cao Cao in all his vaunted cunning.Slew his hosts and kept on running.Now that his whole clansbeen slain.Thescales of Heaven are level again.吕奉先辕门射戟温侯神射世间稀,曾向辕门独解危。落日果然欺后羿,号猿直欲胜由基。虎筋弦响弓开处,雕羽翅飞箭到时。豹子尾摇穿画戟,雄兵十万脱征衣。From abow drawnwide as the full-orbed moon, an arrow sped like a shooting star. Aperfect hit! Round the camp the commanders cheered.A poet has lef


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