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1、无锡市第五届翻译比赛决赛试题及参考答案(本科组)英译中 试题1 Is e-mail a blessing or a curse? Last month, after a weeks vacation, I discovered 1,218 unread e-mail messages waiting in my IN box. I pretend to be dismayed, but secretly I was pleased. This is how we measure our wired worth in the late 1990s if you arent overwhelmed

2、 by e-mail, you must be doing something wrong.E-mail is enabling radically new forms of worldwide human collaboration. Those 225 million people who can send and receive it represent a network of potentially cooperating individuals dwarfing anything that even the mightiest corporation or government.

3、Mailing-list discussion groups and online conferencing allow us to gather together to work on a multitude of projects that are interesting or helpful to us to pool our collective efforts in a fashion never before possible. The most obvious place to see this collaboration right now is in the world of

4、 software. For decades, programmers have used e-mail to collaborate on projects. With increasing frequency, this collaboration is occurring across company lines, and often without even the spur of commercial incentives. Its happening largely because it can its relatively easy for a thousand programm

5、ers to collectively contribute to a project using e-mail and the Internet. Perhaps each individual contribution is small, but the scale of the Internet multiplies all efforts dramatically. 参考答案 电子邮件是福是祸?上个月,在一周休假之后,我在收件箱中发现了1,218封未读邮件。我假装气恼,却暗自窃喜。如果你没被电子邮件淹没,你一定是出了问题 这就是20世纪90年代末我们衡量自身有线价值的方式。电子邮件使全

6、球范围内人际合作的全新模式成为可能。那2亿2千5百万能够收发邮件的人群代表了一个可能参与合作的众多个体的网络。该网络聚集人数之多使得任何大公司或政府机构相形见绌。收件人讨论小组以及在线会议使我们能就许多有趣或有助的项目通力合作,以一种全新的方式集思广益。目前这种合作最易发生在计算机的程序系统里。几十年来,编程员利用电子邮件在各个项目上相互协作。随着合作日趋频繁,合作本身已超越公司的界线,而且常常不受商业利诱的驱使。这是因为成百上千的编程员通过电子邮件或网络就一项目全力协作相对来说要容易些。个人的力量也许很渺小,但是因特网的规模使得众人的力量无限放大。 试题2 Well-being, not j

7、ust wealth, should mark the progress of our societies. It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation and prosperity, there is something not quite right. In some cases, it is hard for people to put a finger on it: a feeling of emptiness and not belonging, a l

8、ack of defined relationships and solid social structures. In other respects, it is really quantifiable: rates of drug abuse, violent crime and depression and suicide are rocketing. Why are we so unhappy? It seems that the Enlightenment brought forth unparalleled liberty in economic, social and polit

9、ical life, but we are now undergoing a midlife crisis. The politics of happiness is nothing new. Aristotle said that eudemonia or happiness is the goal of life. But for me, the person who brings the great conundrum of personal happiness alive is Robert Kennedy. In a beautifully crafted speech, he sa

10、id what “makes life worthwhile” is “the health of our children, the quality of their education, the joy of their play,” “the strength of our marriages our devotion to our country” and our “wit wisdom and courage.” And he pointed out that none of these could be measured by gross national product. 参考答

11、案 人们身心的健康与快乐,并非财富,才是我们社会进步的标志。人们很难摆脱这样一种事实:在发达的社会,尽管社会进步,改革日新月异,物质富足,却总觉得有些事情不大对劲。有时候,人们难以明确地指出到底为何:空虚,没有归属感,没有稳定明确的人际关系以及稳固的社会结构。在其他方面,问题可以明确量化地表述:滥用毒品、暴力犯罪、经济萧条以及自杀身亡的比率在急剧增加。我们为何如此不快乐?启蒙运动带给我们无可比拟的经济、社会以及政治生活的自由,而我们现在正经受着“中年”危机。探讨幸福的内涵古已有之。亚里士多德曾指出:幸福是人生的目标。可我以为,将个人幸福这一难题谈得沸沸扬扬的是罗伯特肯尼迪。在他言辞精妙的演讲中

12、,他阐述道:使“生活有意义”的是“孩子们的健康,儿童的教育质量以及他们玩耍游戏的快乐”,是“我们稳固的婚姻对祖国的热爱与忠诚”,是我们的“睿智英明与勇气”。他还指出,这一切没有一样能够用国民生产总值来衡量。 二、中译英(考生从下面两段中自主选择一段作答即可) 试题1 不能简单地用“软”和“硬”来界定中国的外交。国际上特别是西方一些人指责中国外交强硬了,不像过去好说话。但是国内一些舆论又说我们的外交太软,主张“亮剑”,要求教训一些国家。这本身就表明,从不同的角度看中国外交可能会得出不同的结论。不能说动枪动炮才是硬,通过对话谈判解决分歧就是软。中国人讲刚柔相济,也就是说,“柔”和“刚”是一枚硬币的

13、两个面。就像一个人有温和的时候也有发怒的时候,一支军队有勇往直前的时候也有迂回周旋的时候。斗争和妥协都不是外交的目的,也不是评判外交好坏的标准,而只是实现外交目标的方式和选项。这就要求我们该斗争时斗争,该合作时合作,该周旋时周旋。智慧比拳头更重要。 参考答案 Chinas diplomacy cannot be labeled simply as “soft” or “hard-line”. Some people in the world, especially in Western countries, accuse China of becoming more assertive in

14、diplomacy not as easygoing as before. But some in China say that Chinas diplomacy is too “soft” and should “show our sword” to teach certain countries a lesson. We can see that different perspectives can lead people to different conclusions. I dont think only the use of force can make diplomacy stro

15、ng, or dialogue and negotiation only make diplomacy “soft”. We Chinese believe in combining firmness and flexibility, which is to say that “firmness” and “flexibility” are two sides of a coin. A man may be gentle at one time but angry at another time. Sometimes an army needs to march forward bravely

16、 while at other times it needs to avoid a direct confrontation. Confrontation and compromise are not the goals of diplomacy, nor are they the yardstick for our diplomatic work. They are just means to achieve our diplomatic goals or options we can choose from. This means we just know when to fight, when to cooperate and when to avoid direct confrontation. Wisdom is way more important than fists. 试题2 我总觉得,凡是


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