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1、新概念英语第四册第五单元单词学习新概念英语第四册第五单元单词学习leave 允许 名词The England team left for Pakistan on Monday. 英格兰队星期一启程前往巴基斯坦。Weve even got one of the Christmas puddings left over from last year.我们甚至还有去年剩下来的一个圣诞布丁。Women had been left behind in the struggle for pay equality. 在争取同薪同酬斗争中妇女被落在了后面。Her boyfriend left her for

2、another woman. 她的男友为了另一女人抛弃了她。He left 500 to the National Asthma Campaign. 他遗赠500英镑给全国哮喘医治项目。The choice of which link to take is generally left up to the reader. 该选择哪条环链一般是留给读者去决定的。It seemed unkind to leave Daisy out, so she was invited too. 不把戴茜包括在内似乎很无情,于是她也被邀请。Joe was home on leave. 乔在家休假。With yo

3、ur leave, I will send him your address. 经您同意,我将把您的地址给他。(by (或 with) your leave 经您同意 )He went to take his leave of his hostess. 他过去向女主人道别。Ill leave everything to you then. 那我就把一切托付给你办了。Id like to read the letter by your leave. 如果你同意, 我想看看这封信。He was granted leave to speak. 他得到发言的许可。Shes asked to be le

4、ft alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. 她希望不被打扰,但是摄影记者还是对她穷追不捨。Leaving aside car parking space, the housing development is well planned.撇开停车空间不谈,住房开发规划得很好。【搭配】ADJ.annual leave年假paid, unpaid leave 带薪假期;无薪假期extended, indefinite, weekend leave 延长的假期;无限期休假;周末假期compassionate leave事假ma

5、ternity leave产假parental leave育儿假paternity leave陪产假sabbatical leave公休假sick leave病假study leave进修假Home leave探亲假shore leave海员上岸假【搭配】VERB + LEAVE be entitled to, get, have 有资格休假;有假期:How much annual leave do you get? 你每年有多长的假?Ive still got some leave left this year. 我今年还有一些假未休。go on, spend, take, use (up)

6、 度(完) 假:fundamentals 基本原则【搭配】VERB + FUNDAMENTALS grasp, learn, master the fundamentals 掌握根本规律; 了解基础:We quickly mastered the basic fundementals of navigation. 我们很快掌握了航海的基本规律。同义词:fundamental principle basic principle bedrockglorious 光辉灿烂的gl:risthe most glorious victory of all time有史以来最荣耀的胜利a glorious

7、autumn day美丽宜人的秋日These are our glorious traditions.这些是我们的光荣传统。a glorious victory光荣的胜利a glorious view壮观the glorious Fourth美国独立纪念日(7月4日)have a glorious holiday weekend过一个愉快的假日周末a glorious messmuddle, row乱七八糟What glorious weather! 多么令人愉快的天气啊!rub 难题 club / klQb / n.1.俱乐部;2.棍棒,球棒* pub / pQb / n.酒吧,酒馆* ru

8、b / rQb / vt.擦,摩擦cub / kQb / n.(狮、虎等的)幼崽sub / sQb / n.1.潜艇;2.替补队员;3.地铁 vi.(for)作替补,替代dub / dQb / vt.给起绰号,把称为scrub / skrQb / vi.用力擦洗 vt.用力擦洗,把擦净 n.矮树丛,灌木丛shrub / FrQb / n.灌木tub / tQb / n.1.槽,塑料桶,纸杯;2.盆,洗脸盆,浴缸identity 身份aidentitithe identity of interests 利益的一致an identity card 身分证reach (an) identity of

9、 views 取得一致看法prove sb.s identity 证明某人的身分recognize sb.s identity 证明某人的身分sink ones identity 隐瞒历史【搭配】ADJ.true identity真实身分assumed, false identity伪造的身分;假身分:mistaken identity误认:new 新的身分common identity普遍的认同感corporate identity企业的形象cultural identity文化认同national identity民族认同personal identity个人识别political ide

10、ntity政治认同racial identity种族认同sexual identity性别认同【搭配】VERB + IDENTITY create, develop, establish, forge identity建立形象;打造形象:lose identity失去特性assume identity采用身分:disclose, reveal identity露身分:discover, find out identity发现身分conceal, hide, keep secret, protect identity隐瞒身分;隐姓埋名:【搭配】IDENTITY + NOUN bracelet,

11、tag identity身分识别手镯;身分识别装置card, documents, papers identity身分证;身分证明文件code identity身分代码Prisoners sometimes lose their sense of identity.人有时会失去认同感。dreary 沉郁的driri【释义】 bleak, and lifeless; depressing 沉闷的,枯燥无味的;阴郁的;无生气的;令人沮丧的 the dreary round of working, eating, and trying to sleep工作、吃饭、想办法睡觉这样单调无味的循环。It

12、was the dreariest job I had ever done.是我所做过的最沉闷的工作。cheer a dreary mind使忧郁寡欢的心情振作起来a dreary day阴沉的天commitment 信奉kmitmnt【释义】the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity 献身;投入 the companys commitment to quality这家公司对于质量的注重enter into commitment承担义务; (商业上的)约定I felt I did not have to make

13、 such a commitment to them. 我觉得我没有必要对他们作出那样的承诺。【搭配】ADJ.absolute, complete, full, total commitment完全献身;全面投入genuine commitment真诚的承诺lifelong commitment终生投入ongoing commitment持续的投入his lifelong commitment to the socialist cause 他对社会主义事业的毕生支持【搭配】VERB + COMMITMENT have, take on commitment承担义务:I dont want to

14、 take on any more commitments. 我不想再承担任何义务。fulfil, honour, meet commitment履行义务:She cant meet her financial commitments. 她无法履行自己的经济责任。get out of, wriggle out of commitment摆脱义务:He is trying to wriggle out of his various domestic commitments. 他正试图摆脱各种家庭义务。mean 吝啬的,小气的mi:nThey mean no harm.他们没有害人之意。What

15、do you mean by leaving me out here in the cold?你把我丢在这里受冻是什么意思?【释义】unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous 吝啬的,小气的 She felt mean not giving a tip.不给小费她觉得小气。Theyre not mean with the garlic.他们用大蒜从不吝啬。In running a company, strict financial management means everything.经营一家公司, 严格的财务管理是至关重要的。The danger meant nothing to them. 危险对他们来说不算什么。He means business. If we try to escape, hell shoot us. 我看他是当真的,如果我们逃跑,他会向我们开枪。



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