英语:unit 2 getting along lesson 1重难点解析(教科版九年级下)

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1、Unit 2 Getting Along一. 本周教学内容: Unit 2 Getting Along. Lesson 1二. 重点、难点: 单词:语音:语法:直接引语与间接引语的转换:一、如何变人称:学生在将直接引语变间接引语时。常常弄不清人称变化。下面有一句顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如:She said. “My brother wants to go with me.” She said her brother wanted to go with he

2、r.“二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人称所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如:He said to Kate. “How is your sister now?” He asked Kate how her sister was then。“第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰,从句中的人称一般不需要变化如:Mr. Smith said。 “Jack is a good worker。” Mr. Smith said Jack was a

3、 good worker。二、如何变时态:直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相应的调整。现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。如:1)She said. “I have lost a pen.” She said she had lost a pen2)She said. “We hope so.” She said they hoped so.3) She said. “He will go to see his friend。”She said he would go to see his friend。但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接引语时

4、,时态一般不变化。直接引语是客观真理。“The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, the teacher told me.The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如:Jack said. “John, where were you going when I met you in the street?”Jack asked John wh

5、ere he was going when he met him in the street。直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:Xiao Wang said. “I was born on April 2l, 1980.”Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如:He said, “I get up at six every morning。” He said he gets up at six every morning

6、。如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。如:Peter said. “You had better come here today.” Peter said I had better go there that day。三、如何变状语:直接引语变间接引语,状语变化有其内在规律,时间状语由“现在”改为“原来”(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的

7、状语,由“此”改为“彼”(例:this 改为that),如:He said, These books are mine. He said those books were his.四、如何变句型:直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。如:She said, “Our bus will arrive in five minutes.” She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes.直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句.如:He said, “Can

8、you swim, John?” He asked John if he could swim.“You have finished the homework, havent you?” my mother asked. My mother asked me whether I had finished the homework.“Do you go to school by bus or by bike?” He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike.直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必

9、须用陈述句语序)。She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?” She asked me when they had their dinner.直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为 “tell(ask, order, beg等) sb. (not) to do sth.”句型。祈使句变为间接引语的规律一改 (主句谓语动词)二变 (呼语为间接宾语)三加 (to)四去 (please)如:“Dont make any noise,” she said to the children.She told (ordered) the children n

10、ot to make any noise. “Bring me a cup of tea, please,” said she. She asked him to bring her a cup of tea.直接引语如果是以“Lets”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动名词(或从句)。”如:He said, “Lets go to the film.” He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film.【巧学妙记】直接引语变间接引语(1)引语里的人称变化规律

11、七字诀:一主,二宾,三不变。直接引语变间接引语,在去掉引号后,凡引号内的第一人称应改成引号外主语的人称。第二人称应改成引号外的宾语的人称。第三人称则保留不变。但应注意不能改变原人称的数和格。单、复数和主格、宾格、所有格仍应与原人称一致,这一原则又叫只变人称不变数和格。如:She said, “I have to look after my brother at home.” She said that she had to look after her brother at home. 引号内的I应与引号外主语she保持一致,应改成she。引号内的my应与引号外主语she保持一致,但应改成所有

12、格her。(2)直接引语变间接引语口诀:1)当直接引语为陈述句时,变成间接引语的口诀是:去掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活,时态向后退一步,状语变化按规定。如:He said, “My brother doesnt want to go there.”He said that his brother didnt want to go there.2)当直接引语为一般疑问句时,变成间接引语的口诀是:直接去引号,陈述莫忘掉,小心助动词,丢它最重要。如:He asked me: “ Do you like living here?” He asked me if I liked living there.3)当直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变为间接引语的口诀是:直接去引号,疑问词作引导,语序用陈述,时态、人称考虑好。如:“What do you want?” he asked me. He asked me what I wanted.


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