牛津译林版八年级下册导学案:U1 Welcome to the unit.doc

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1、导学案A 8B Unit 1 Past and present Welcome to the unit一、学习要求:1. To learn some expressions on transport at different times and arouse the students interest in learning this unit .2. To learn the use of the present perfect tense and time expressions with it.二、前置学习1 .Read the words in groups ,try to remem

2、ber their meanings. past present just 2 .Write down the names of transportation of different times_3 Find out the phrases, and write down .1、半小时前_ 2、你见过我的食物吗?_3、我刚刚吃了它。_ 4、你变了。_5、过去常常和我分享一切_6、过去常常对我好_7、不同时期的交通方式_ 8、步行去那儿_三、课堂任务Welcome to the unitStep1 Lead in 1. Free talk 1) How did you come to scho

3、ol this morning?2) How do you go to school every day?2. 独立完成第7页Part A,再在小组中相互检查答案。Step 2 Presentation带着问题听B部分的对话.Step 3 Practice跟读B部分的对话,然后让自由发挥编对话。Comic stripStep4 Presentation 1. Listen to their conversation and find out the answer.1)Does Hobo think Eddie has changed? Why? 2) What was in the bowl

4、an hour ago?3) Why did Eddie eat Hobos food?2.初步认识现在完成时,从所学的内容中再去找类似的句子。Step 5 Practice集体朗读Comic strip部分的对话或分角色朗读。Step 6 Homework:1. Recite the two conversations.2. Remember the new words and phrases by heart.四、课堂检测1) 你看过这部新电影吗? 没看过。 _ you _ this new film? No, _ _. 2) 她过去是一名历史老师。 She _ _ _ a history teacher.3) 他们过去常常步行上学。 They_ _ _ to school _ _. 4) 我们家乡变化很大。 My hometown _ _ a lot.


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