牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)教案:9 A U4 Growing up Reading 2.doc

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1、年级学科九年级英语课时总课时日期课题9A Unit 4 Growing upReading (B)教学目标After learning this period , the students should be able to retell the text. learn and recite the important phrases and sentences. learn about Spud Webb and the spirit of not giving up.重点难点To learn and recite the important phrases and sentences.教学

2、方法及教具教师教学活动内容、方式学生活动复备Step1:Revision and lead-inRecall the contents of the articles by doing PartB3 on P53.After checking, read together.Step2:Learning and explanationDifficult points: sentences:1. While attending Junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first b

3、ecause he was too small. try out for sth.参加.的选拔2. He did not lose heart. 泄气, 灰心3. and got the coach to change his mind. 使教练改变了主意。4. Spud went on to become leader of the team. 斯伯德接着成为了球队的队长。拓展:(1) go on to do sth “接着去做另一件事” eg. After reading the text, the students went on to do some exercises. (2) go

4、 on doing sth “继续做同一件事”eg.After a rest, we went on having our lessons.练一练:Thats all for the text. Now lets go on_(learn) the grammar.5. There he led his team to the national championship. 在那儿,他带领他的队伍取得了全国冠军。Leadto “引导通向” 过去式ledeg. The road will lead you to the seaside. 顺着这条路你就能到海边。拓展:lead to “通向,导致”

5、eg. His careless driving led to the traffic accident.6. This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. 这使他引起了北卡罗莱纳州立大学的注意。bring sb to the attention “引起某人的注意”eg. The school nurse is the first one to bring health problem to the attention of parents.拓展:pay attention to, 其中to 为介词,

6、后接名词,代词或动名词。eg. We have paid attention to _(he). They paid attention to_(watch) the scene.7. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. 结果,他成功地获得了奖学金。(1) As a result 连词 “结果”拓展: as a result of = because of “因为,由于” eg. He was late as a result of the snow.(2) succeed 动词 “成功” 名succeed in doing

7、sth eg. If you work hard, and you will succeed.按要求写:succeed-_(名词)_(形容词)_(副词)8. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. 在NBA注意到他之前,他在那儿带了大约一年的时间。remain 在这里做连系动词,指某人某物仍处于某种状态。“仍是;保留;待”Take notice of “注意到。”= noticeStep 3: Practice Finish Part B4. Step 5 Homework Revise the

8、 contents we have learned and try to retell the article. Read the text fluently. Finish exercises in . Pre-learn Grammar . Have a revisionListen to their teacher and try to answer some questionsScan the textListen and try to answer some questionsRead the paragraphs and try to answer some questionsLearn some words and language points:Do some Ex after class


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