山东省郯城县新村乡中学人教版九年级英语优质课评比Unit11 Sad movies make me cry SectionB 教学设计.doc

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1、 Unit11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B The Winning Team Unit11 Sad movies make me cry.Section B The Winning Team 教学设计 一、设计理念通过问题推进学生的阅读,通过适时小结搭建文章结构,使学生以问题和小结为抓手,更好地理解文本;向学生介绍阅读策略,并在阅读文本中进行实战演练,让学生感受阅读的轻松愉悦,从而激发学生对英语阅读的兴趣;开阔学生的视野与思维,帮助学生树立积极的生活态度。 二、教学目标1. 知识目标:阅读文章,一是让学生形成梳理、寻找并积累成语或习语的意识和习惯,二是学

2、生能够根据阅读课文的逻辑框架描写自己或别人的经历。2. 能力目标:通过阅读,让学生通过寻读、相关技巧,提高阅读能力。通过mind-map教学生如何发现问题、分析原因及提出建议,提高学生总结归纳和解决问题的能力。3. 情感目标: 学生通过阅读文章,体验团队合作的精神,能够思考我们应该如何处理自己的负面情绪,帮助学生树立勇于面对挫折的积极态度, 三、教学设计Step 1 Warming up and leading in1. Watch a video about Terry.2. Lead in the idioms through talking about Terrys story.(设计意

3、图:通过观看Terry的视频,导入本节课的重点习语,为学生阅读文章扫除障碍。)Step 2 Pre-reading1. Talk about the picture.Q1. What kind of sports do they play? 2. Look at the title to predict. Q2.Did his team win the game or lose the game? (设计意图:让学生根据图片和标题进行预测)Step 3 While-readingTask 1: Scanning Scan the whole story and number the event

4、s in the correct order. _ Peter got home and went into his room._ Peter talked to his teammates._ Peter missed scoring a goal._ Peters father gave him advice._ Peter realized that he was worried for no reason.(设计意图:学生通过故事发展经过排序,检测学生对叙事性文章情节发展先后顺序的理解。) Task 2 :Read the story again and divide the stor

5、y into some parts.(设计意图:学生划分段落,从整体上对故事进行把握。) Task 3: Read Part 1 and answer. 1 Did his team lose the game?The Winning Team 2 How did he feel? lost the gameexperiencesfeelings(设计意图:学生通过阅读第一段了解Peter 发生了什么事,以及这件事对他造成的影响。)Task 4: Read part 2 and answer.1 .What did his father tell him at first?2 .What di

6、d his father think of a good team?3. What did his father think of a game?fathers advicesupport experiencesfeelingslost the gameDontThe Winning Teamlearn from communicate(设计意图:学生通过阅读第二部分找出他爸爸给了Peter 什么样的建议以及他爸爸的话对他造成了什么样的影响,让学生体会Peter 情绪的变化。)Task 5: Role-play their conversation.(设计意图:学生通过角色扮演体会父亲的慈爱以

7、及Peter沮丧的心情。)Task 6: Read Part 3 and answer.1.What did Peter do the next day?2.What did Peter say after he saw his teammates?3.Did Peters teammates agree with him? Why?4. How did he feel?The Winning Team feelingsexperienceslost the gamefathers advicepull togethercommunicated with his teammatesdo bet

8、ter(设计意图:学生通过读第三部分总结出队友对Peter 理解与鼓励,最终Peter 的情绪变好。)Step 4 Summary.The Winning Team feelingsexperiences fathers adviceDontsupport Communicatelearn from lost the game pull togetherdo bettercommunicated with his teammatesStep 5 :Discuss in groups. Why did Peter think he was on the winning team?(设计意图:让学

9、生通过讨论体会团队精神,以及对团队合作有一个正确的态度。进而点题他们为什么是The Winning Team.)Step 6 : Writing. A month later, Peters team won the game. Peter will give a report about how to win the game.(设计意图:通过帮Peter 写报告,重新回顾课本知识,对叙事线索和顺序进行透彻分析,体会Peter 的情感变化,进而为写自己的故事做铺垫。)Step 7: Enjoy a song Let the sun shine in . Conclusion: Everyon

10、e may meet something that makes you unhappy. Trust your parents and friends. Face it with a smile. A merry heart goes all the way. Open your heart and let the sun shine in. (设计意图:引导学生树立一种积极、乐观的态度。)Step 8 : Writing.1. Improve your writing after class and share it with your classmates.2. Role-play the conversation between Peter and his teammates.



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