仁爱版八年级上册(新)学案:Unit 4 Topic 2 Section C学案.doc

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1、Unit 4 Topic 2 Section C 每日一语:Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。 一、学习目标 1. 学习在地震中如何保护自己的知识。2. 复习和巩固形容词的比较级和最高级。3. 能模仿本课所学文章,写一篇有关其它自然灾害的文章。二、学习方法与过程 1.先复习本节课生词和短语(P137)再预习课文短语(P93、94)2预习导学 (6分钟)1)单词与短语互译与记忆: 中间_摇动_查看_家具_气体燃料_ indoors_ doorway_ power_ shock_afte

2、rshock_2) 短语互译与记忆:some of_ be hurt_ in a doorway_fall on sb._ run out of_ be careful of sb._move around _ try to do sth._ 保持镇静_在墙附近_ 移到空旷地方_ 在中间_感到害怕_结束_乘电梯_关闭_打119求救_从跳出去_记得要做某事_3. 自学:阅读文章找出下面句子,理解并熟记。(可以查资料,讨论或向老师求助)(5分钟)1) Some of these earthquakes are very strong.2) Remember to protect your head

3、 and neck with your arms.3) Do not try to run out of the building.4) Get away from buildings and trees.5) When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you.4.合作探究(12分钟)课本1a,1b,1c1). Pre-reading. 读前准备。看文章标题上方所给短语,根据自己的知识,选出我们在地震中应该做什么来保护自己。What should we do to protect ourselves in the

4、 earthquake?_2). Fast-reading. 快速阅读。 通过快速阅读检测自己的预测是否正确。3). Detailing reading. 细读。a. Students read the passage carefully and find out some detailed information and write down the key words under each picture in 1b. 学生认真读文章并找出主要信息,写出1b中每个图片的重点词。b. Retell what we should do based on the key words. 根据1b图

5、片和关键词复述在地震中你应该做的事。选两到三名学生展示。For example: If you are indoors, you should stay under a strong table or desk.c. Students read the passage again and answer the questions in 1c. 学生再读1a并回答1c问题。小组讨论并核对答案,完成1c。活动一:课本2a,2b. 激活学生的思维,为写作提供语言支撑。(8分钟)1学生看课本2a中的图片,把短语与正确的图片连起来,分组讨论火灾中你应该做什么,不应该做什么。2让学生独立找出2b中更多属于

6、“应该”、“不应该”栏的表达,例如:Remember to, youd better, youd better not.3学生利用2b中的句型表达2a的观点,写出相应的句子。_活动二:课本2c. (书面表达)训练学生综合运用所学知识构建篇章。(8分钟)根据课本2a和2b所提供内容,以“在火灾中如何保护自己”为题写一篇小短文。 How to Protect Yourself in a Fire _5. 知识超市:(3分钟) 1). Some of these earthquakes are very strong. 其中有些的真很强烈。 some of + 复数名词 意为:中的一些 2)Reme

7、mber to protect your head and neck with your arms.记住用你的胳膊保护你的头和脖子。remember to do sth. 记得要做某事翻译:请记得关门。_3)Get away from buildings and trees. 远离建筑物和树。get/stay away from sb./sth. 远离某人/某物4)When it is safe for you to move around, check the people near you. 当你能安全地四处走动时,看看你周围的人。 Its +adj. (for sb.) to do st

8、h. 意为:做某事对某人来说是的 翻译:学好英语对我们是有用的。_三、反馈练习(选做)完形填空Fire is dangerous. What should we do to protect ourselves from? The following is some 1 for you.How to prepare for a fire?Put fire extinguishers (灭火器) in the house. They can help to 2 the fire in a short time. Everyone should know how to use them. Fix a

9、 smoke alarm (报警器) in the house. It will make a 3 when fire happens. After listening to it, everyone should leave the house quickly. Make 4 for escaping (逃脱) from fire. Everyone should know 5 we can escape from quickly. Check the 6 often and see if we can open them easily. How to escape from the fir

10、e? 7 open a hot door. It can help fire grow quickly. Stay 8 to the floor. The fresher air is near it. Roll (打滚) when your clothes burn. 9 is not a good way. Never jump off a window. Or youll hurt yourself. If you 10 the fire rules above, youll have more chances to live. ( ) 1. A. suggestionsB. plans

11、C. fireD. water( ) 2. A. growB. blowC. lightD. control( ) 3. A. smokeB. fireC. soundD. call( ) 4. A. liftB. plansC. timeD. floor( ) 5. A. whereB. howC. whatD. when( ) 6. A. doorsB. windowsC. desksD. furniture( ) 7. A. AlwaysB. UsuallyC. OftenD. Never( ) 8. A. farB. longC. shortD. close( ) 9. A. RunningB. WateringC. RollingD. Covering( ) 10. A. likeB. breakC. followD. close我的收获:_我的问题:_


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