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1、Section D . Material analysis本课是第七单元课话题二的第四课时。本节课是一节复习课,主要活动是Grammar,Functions和1a. 通过Grammar内容引导学生总结can/could及否定用法并复习选择疑问句及其回答;Functions部分复习并巩固本话题的具有交际功能的表达;通过阅读短文,学会推理判断和寻找细节信息,完成练习活动, 并反复思考其教育意义;复习关于过去和现在经历的表达方式,并将从中学习Jenny对待生活的乐观态度。最后,通过一人表演,小组成员猜动作并造句的活动,将语法知识与有趣的游戏结合,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。. Teaching ai

2、ms1. Knowledge aims 能够根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则,正确朗读、拼写下列词汇:London, word, at the age of, not . any more 复习巩固谈论现在及过去能做和不能做的事情,如: When she was three, she could play the piano a little but she couldnt write at all. When she was five, she could dance just a little. She can do it well now. But she couldnt do it at

3、 all in the past. 复习巩固can/could及否定形式的用法以及选择疑问句及其回答,如: (1)With her mothers help, Jenny can write well now. (2)Do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? Chinese songs. (3)Can Ann dance or draw?She can dance.2. Skill aims 能够听懂有关谈论现在和过去能和不能做的事情的简单的故事; 能够在老师的帮助下或根据图片用所学的表达法叙述现在能做和不能做的事情,谈论过去的经历

4、; 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;能参照范例写出简单的句子; 能够以小组讨论的方式起草和修改作文。3. Emotional aims 鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与活动; 通过小组间良性竞争与合作,培养学生之间友好互助的精神; 通过学唱英文歌曲,体会学习英语的乐趣。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 复习巩固表示现在及过去能做和不能做的事情: When she was three, she could play the piano a little but she couldnt write at all. With her mo

5、thers help, Jenny can write well now. 复习巩固选择疑问句的表达方式。2. Difficult points 通过阅读短文,学会推理判断和寻找细节信息,完成练习活动。. Learning strategies 利用预测、推理、归纳等技巧分析和解决问题。. Teaching aids 多媒体、录音机和黑板. Teaching procedures Step Interaction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (6 minutes)1. The whole class work.2.

6、Pair work.3.The whole class work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher and sing the song together.2. Answer the question: T:Can you .?S1:Yes, I can. /No, I cant;T:Can she /he . or .?S2:She can./He can .T:Could you . when you were . /in the past/one year ago?S3:Yes, I could. / No, I couldnt. I coul

7、d .3.Do Grammar. Fill in the blanks together.1. Greet students and sing the song I can sing it well together.2. Help students revise the useful expressions in this topic.3.Show some sentences on the screen and let students fill in the blanks with can/ could/cant/couldnt.(句子由语法点的句型改写)Presentation(15

8、minutes)1. Individual work.2. The whole class work.3. Individual work.4. Individual work.5.Individual work.1. Do 1a. Read the passage by yourselves.2. Listen to teacher carefully.3. Read the passage.4. Look and recite the sentences by yourselves.e.g.At the age of five, she could play the piano very.

9、There was something wrong with her eyes.= Something was wrong with her eyes. Jenny could not see anything any more.= Jenny could see nothing any more.5.Some of you recite the key sentences. 1. Give students some time and read the passage by themselves.2. Let some students point out some questions an

10、d give answers to the students.3. Choose some students to read the passage.4. Point out the key sentences on the screen and let students recite the key sentences by themselves.5. Choose some students to recite the key sentences.Consolidation (8 minutes)Individual work.Do 1b. Read 1a again and comple

11、te the tasks by yourselves; Then check the answer;Read and retell the passage.Help check the answer. To be a good listener.Practice(10 minutes)1. Pair work.2.Individual work.1. Do 2. Talk about it in pairs.2. Fill in the blanks by yourselves; Read yourpassages in class.1.Give students some time and

12、talk about the activities that they can/ cant,could/couldnt do in pairs.2.Show the passage on the screen and let students fill in the blanks by themselves. Choose some students to read their passages and others listen to them carefully.Production(6 minutes)Group work.Do and guess the actions;e.g.(1)

13、 He/She can ride a bike, but he/she cant play basketball.(2) He/She can sing a song, but he/she cant play the piano.1.Let one student perform three or four different actions to show what he/she can and cant do. For each action, the other students guess and make sentences. Let students count the corr

14、ect answers. In each group, the student who has the most correct answers is the winner.2.Assign the homework:Review the key sentences and useful expressions in Topic 2;Preview the words in 1a in Section A Topic 3.Teaching reflection: 本节课是一节复习课,在课堂教学中,老师利用多种复习方式,复习和巩固本话题的语言点和表达方式。通过学生们在课堂上的表现,发现学生们对知识掌握得较好。. Blackboard designTopic 2 Can you sing an English song?Section D1. When she was three, she could play the piano a little but she couldnt write at all.2. At the age of five, she could play the piano very well, but she could only write a few words.3. There was something w


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