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1、Unit 1 review一: 短语积累1.Study with friends 和朋友一起学习2.make word cards 制作单词卡3.read the textbook读课文4.listen to tapes 听磁带5. practice conversations with friends 与朋友练习对话6. study for a test 为考试复习7.practice pronunciation 练习发音 8. improve the speaking skills提高口语技能 9. spoken English 英语口语 10. a little nervous 有点紧张

2、11. give a report 作报告12 get the main ideas 掌握中心思想 13. Dont read word by word 不要逐字阅读 14. guess a words meaning 猜单词的意思 15. bepatientof能忍受.bepatientwith对.有耐心16. be afraid to do Sth 17.be afraid of Sth /doing sth 18 fall in love with Sb/Sth爱上某人某事 19. watch other English movies 看其他的英语电影 20.as well也 21.on

3、es body language肢体语言22.the expressions on ones face面部表情23。get the meaning by listening for just the key words.通过听关键词理解意思 24.be interested in 对。感兴趣 25. the secret to language learning 语言学习的秘密 26.Its a piece of cake 小菜一碟 27. It serves you right 自作自受 28. Look up 查询 29. have a better understanding of En

4、glish movies 更好地理解英语电影 30.because of 因为 由于 31.read aloud 朗读 32. Write e-mails to my pen pals 给笔友写e-mail 33.improve the chemistry and physics 提高化学物理34.take notes 做笔记 35.read English magazines 读英语杂志 36.write an English diary 写英语日记 37. increase ones reading speed 提高阅读速度 38. make mistakes 犯错误 39. get th

5、e pronunciation right. 发音正确 40. become a successful learner 成为一名成功的学习者 40。Be born with the ability 与生俱来的能力 天生具有的能力 41. depend on 依靠,依赖于,取决于41. the learning habits 学习习惯 42. in common 共同的43. create an interest in 培养。的兴趣 44. pay attention to 注意 45. connect with 把。和。联系起来 46. get bored. 感到无聊 生厌 47. be go

6、od at 擅长于 48. use it or lose it要么使用它要么失去它 49. Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 50.develop one s study skills 培养学习技能 发展学习技能51. find out 找出 查明 52. the best ways to learn well 学好的最佳方法53. draw mind maps 画思维导图 54. explain the information to others 向别人解释信息 55. each other 互相 56. Knowledge comes from questioning

7、 知识来源于质疑 57. Learning is a life-long journey 学习是一个终身的旅程 58. instead of 代替 而不是 59. even if 即使 虽然60 make mistakes 犯错误 61.learn from 向 学习二 固定结构1So +adj./ adv. +that +从句 如此。以致。2. practice doing Sth 练习做某事3. keep doing Sth 一直做某 Keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事Keep sb doing sth 让某人一直干某事4. the way of doing St

8、h / the way to do sth 做某事的方法5. be afraid of doing Sth 害怕做某事 be afraid to do Sth 害怕去做某事6. 主语(人口,数量)+increase to + 具体数字例如:The worlds population will increase to 7 bmillion7.remember doing sth 记得曾经做过某事 (此事已做) remember to do sth 记得做某事(此事未做) 8.finish doing sth 做完某事 9.ask sb for sth 向某人要某物10. be enough to

9、 do sth 足够做某事11.with + n. + adv. 某物(某事)处于状态例如: I go to sleep with the light off 我关灯睡觉12. succeed in doing sth 成功的做某事三:重点句型1.-How do you learn English? I learn it by watching English movies2.How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes3. It(形式主语) is +adj. + for sb(逻辑主语:逻辑上是动词不

10、定式的主语) +动词不定式( 真正的主语) It is necessary for students to work hard 4. 动名词做主语Eating too much is bad for your health = It is bad for your health to eat too much动名词作宾语practice doing Sth keep doing Sth remember doing sth .finish doing sth Do you mind opening the door?动名词作作by 的宾语 表示“通过某种方式”How do you learn

11、grammar? By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.5even if 即使 虽然 though/although 尽管 引导让步状语从句 Even if he gets up early, he is still late for school Though it was raining, he still went out 6.if unless引导条件状语从句 Unless it rains, we will go hiking If Mr. Wang comes to the party, we will give hi

12、m a gift7.If /whether引导宾语从句 I want to know if we can play Pingpong after class Whether we go for a picnic or not depends on the weather How to learn English Dear Wenxin There are three good ways to learn English. One way is being interested in what you are learning. If you are interested in somethin

13、g, your brain will be more active and you will learn well. If you like music, I suggest you should listened to English songs. I think you will be able to improve your pronunciation. It is also good idea to read English books because you can learn many new words from them. You could improve your English by watching English movies. This will help you to improve your listening and speaking skills. You can also learn it by taking notes , doing exercise and practicing having conversations with your friendsI hope these ways will work well for you



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