新加坡paper写作--The U.S. postal services e-government

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《新加坡paper写作--The U.S. postal services e-government》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新加坡paper写作--The U.S. postal services e-government(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、摆渡论文网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心新加坡paper写作-The U.S. postal services e-governmentE-government refers to the form in which government agencies use the Internet and other digital technologies to provide services to citizens, enterprises and other government departments. E-government is not the e-government of the e

2、xisting government, but the use of modern information technology to transform the government informationization. Second, more open and transparent; Third, it can provide better services. The fourth is to restructure the relationship between the government, enterprises and citizens so as to make it m

3、ore coordinated than before and enable enterprises and citizens to better participate in government management.For the past 20 years, the United States has been developing e-government in response to the changing needs of an increasingly digital society. Federal, state and local government agencies

4、are turning to e-government to find innovative ways to increase access to government information and services, improve government operations, reduce costs and improve civic participation. However, at present, there are still lingering defects in the security, usage and usability of e-government in t

5、he United States, which hinders users use of existing e-government and development of new services. First, some sensitive government online transactions lack proper identification. For example, complex government transactions that require witness, identification or sworn proof will still be handled

6、manually; Second, some users are not connected to the Internet or are uncomfortable using online government services. Finally, existing e-government services are often scattered across multiple agencies or websites, making it difficult for users to easily access or browse the services they need.To a

7、ddress these issues, the federal government has rolled out initiatives such as the 2002 e-government act and the 2012 digital government strategy to provide the best customer service, improve security, and foster cross-sectoral collaboration.These actions by the federal government have provided an o

8、pportunity for the development of the e-government of the us postal service and established a course of action for the long-term development of the us postal service in the digital age. To this end, usps has established a one-stop multi-channel sharing service platform to help governments at all lev

9、els address the accessibility, ease of use, and security vulnerabilities of government services. At the same time, the U.S. postal service helps address the duplication of government services, which is important given the current U.S. budget environment. When human interaction is required, the usps

10、retail network provides a very convenient link.The challenge now for the us government is that, on the one hand, government agencies are experiencing budgetary austerity; Many, on the other hand, have field offices across the country that are costly to operate and that are built repeatedly, parallel

11、 to each other, disconnected from each other, and cannot be used by the public. In view of this, usps provides a wide range of efficient and cost-effective e-government services to government agencies. Currently, the United States postal service provides e-government in the following five basic type

12、s:Usps combines existing applications with secure electronic communications and digital-physical hybrid services to support government communications and transactions.Through its vast retail network, usps provides digital authentication and in-person verification for online government transactions.W

13、ith the U.S. postal services nationwide retail network, agencies that require front-office services can handle applications, status changes and in-person verification.Institutions that issue prepaid CARDS can register and top up prepaid CARDS through the postal retail network. The postal service als

14、o issues postal bills and prepaid CARDS to help citizens with withdrawals, loans, and welfare or social security payments.Usps USES its vast network of post offices to provide easy broadband access to underserved communities. In addition, usps offers overhead broadband access to expand broadband ava

15、ilability and coverage.These e-government services provided by the U.S. postal service help government agencies operate more efficiently, improve service quality and make service more convenient. Through the identity verification service, the U.S. postal service helps the government minimize the ris

16、k of fraud and abuse of power. In addition, uspss digital-physical hybrid platform builds an important bridge between government, business, and citizens, enabling users to access government services through channels that best meet their needs. The platform also adds an elastic layer to enable it to perform basic public functions in an emergency.To protect and verify electronic communications with the government, usps has devel


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