江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学七年级上英语Unit 1《This is me》学案(第4课时).doc

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1、高邮市初中英语导学案(7A Unit1 This is me!)Vocabulary班级: 姓名: 自我评价: 【学习目标】1. 知识目标: 掌握重点短语和句型。2. 技能目标: 使用动词和名词来谈论各种运动。学会描述不同种类的运动及其运动场地。3. 情感目标: 运动有益健康。 学习过程 【预习指导与检测】一、预习导航奥运会比赛项目28个大项:田径 track and field赛艇 canoe羽毛球 badminton垒球 softball篮球 basketball 足球 soccer 拳击 boxing皮划艇 canoeing 自行车 cycling 击剑 fencing 体操 gymna

2、stics 举重 weightlifting 手球 handball曲棍球 Hockey Hockey柔道 judo 摔跤 wrestling 水上项目 aquatics 棒球 baseball马术 equestrian 跆拳道 kickboxing 网球 tennis乒乓球 table tennis 射击 shooting 射箭 archery铁人三项 triathlon 帆船帆板 sailing 排球 volleyball现代五项 modern pentathlon二、预习成果选词填空。badminton court; swim; she; listen to music; be poli

3、te来源:学优中考网xYzKw1. -Is kitty good at _? -Yes. She often swims.2. Simon is on the _. I see him playing badminton there.3. Li Ming likes _. Zhou Jielun is his favourite singer.4. Miss Li is kind to us. We all like_ very much. 5. We should _ to the old.(三)预学质疑 _ _【课堂导学与互动】任务一:检查预习情况。任务二:自由交谈 1. Which sp

4、ort do you like? 2. Who is your favourite sport star? 3. Where do you play sport? 4. What do you need/wear when you play sport? 5. Who do you play sport with, your family or your friends?任务三:看图片学习词和词组:volleyball/ volleyball/ badminton / football/ swimming / ;play volleyball/ badminton/ football/;on

5、a football field; on a badminton Court; in a swimming pool; 任务四: 小组竞赛,用刚学的这些词和词组造句,看哪一组造句又多又好。任务五:练习 (1) 请学生快速完成Part A 和Part B, 两人一组相互检查答案。 (2) Ask and answer in pairs like this: A: Do you like/love/ enjoy playing?/ Are you good at playing? B: 来源:xYzkW.Com A: Where do you play football / volleyball/

6、 badminton/? B: 任务六:竞猜游戏。请同学们自愿到讲台前做某项运动的动作,其他同学猜,猜对的加分。任务七:能力提升 (1)Read and act A: Hi! Eddie, which sport do you love?B: I love football, its so cool.A: Where do you play football?B: I play football on a football field . A: What do you need when you play football?B: I need my football clothes and f

7、ootball boots. Why do you ask me these questions, Hobo?A: I love football, too. So I want my football boots, too! Money, please! (2)模仿上面的对话编写新的对话。来源:xYzKw.Com 【总结提升】你是如何掌握本课的学习内容的?_【当堂反馈】 听了老师讲解本课后,动手做一做,看一看你学得怎么样!一. 词汇。1. Simon often swims in the swimming p_ in summer.2. Millie is playing _(排球) wit

8、h her friends on the playground.3. -Whats Kate like? -She has long hair and w_ glasses.4. -Does Daniel w_ hard at his lessons? -No, he often plays computer games.5. We play football on the football f_.二. 完成对话。Kitty: Hi, Millie.Do you 1 Yao Ming ?来源:xYzkW.ComMillie: Yes.He is a famous(著名的) 2 player.K

9、itty: Which team is he in ?Millie: I think he is in 3 Amerian basketball team.Kitty: Yes. You are right. Do you play basketball 4 ?Millie: Its a pity(遗憾). I dont often 5 it.Kitty: 6 too. But I often 7 basketball. They are very wonderful.Millie: I agree (同意). And I hear (听说)there is going to be (将有)a

10、 basketball 8 on TV.Kitty: 9 ? Then I can 10 it.三. 翻译下面的句型1. Sandy常去羽毛球场打球吗。 _2. Eddie不知道如何照看Hobo。_3. 他们喜欢在游泳池里游泳。 _4. 课后你们常常在英语学习上互相帮助吗?_5. 在周末,他经常和家人一起看电视。_四阅读理解:She likes singing, dancing and traveling(旅游). She can play the piano. She is a popular singer. Who is she? She is a Singaporean girl cal

11、led Sun Yanzi. Many young people like her very much. They say she is a sunny girl. She always smiles. She sings very well. She tells us what young people want. Yanzis seventh album(专辑) came out on August 22,2003.Its name is The Moment. There are two CDs in it. You can listen to her five new songs. O

12、r you may enjoy the fifteen old songs. Now she wants to have a good rest. “Its time for me to say goodbye to you all,” says she, ”Ill be back next summer. Hope you can remember me.”( ) 1. Sun Yanzi is a pop _.A. singer B. dancer C. film star D. basketball player( ) 2. She likes _.A. singing B. traveling C. dancing D. all of the above( ) 3. There are _ CDs in her seventh album.A. five B. two C. fifteen D. twenty( ) 4. She wants to _.A. have a swim B. play football C. have a rest D. sing( ) 5. She is a sunny girl because she _.A. was



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