江苏省徐州市第二十二中学七年级英语下册Unit 4《Amazing things》学案(4).doc

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1、7B Unit 4 Amazing things第四课时Vocabulary【学习目标】1. 认识一些描述喜欢和喜欢的形容词。2. 区别一系列语义相互关联的单词的词义。3. 用正确的形容词描述情感。【课前自主学习】一、看!汉英词组在大聚会上,你来把他们变换一下角色吧!1.在去路上_ 2.something unusual_3.在星期日的上午_ 4.Amazing things_5.给某人某物_ 6.the following Sunday_7.不再_ 8.search carefully_9.害怕_ 10.自言自语_二、 暑假夏令营来自中、英两国的小朋友面对下列题目各有各自的麻烦,你来帮助他们

2、吧!1. From the _(疯狂) English ,we can learn lots of spoken English.2. Simon _(讨厌) basketball ,because he always loses.3. He is ill, so he feels very _| wi:k|.4. The cotton is very _(柔软的).5. If you want to learn English well. You should _(操练) more.6. The dog _ |ba:k| at anyone who wakes him up before 9

3、oclock.【体验与实践】一、预习情况交流二、重难点点击1. Simon is crazy about football . crazy作形容词意为“疯狂的”“着迷的”1) be crazy about 是“热衷于”“为而着迷”的意思。 She is crazy about dancing. 她跳舞着了迷。John is crazy about model planes. 约翰对航模十分着迷。那个男孩玩电脑游戏着了迷。_她痴迷于购物。_2) be crazy for sth. 意为“渴望某物”这个女孩渴望有一台电脑。_3) be crazy for sb. 意为“迷恋某人”她迷恋那个电影明星

4、。_4) be crazy to do sth. 意为“做某事是糊涂的”他让强盗跑掉了可真糊涂。_2. Sandy is fond of music, she listens to CDs every day. be fond of + sb. / sth. be fond of +doing sth. Tom is fond of football. 汤姆爱踢足球。My brother is fond of drawing. 我哥哥喜欢画画。1)He is very fond of _(他的母亲)。2)My mother is fond of _(cook).3. Millie dislik

5、es bananas. She eats very few of them.1) a few, few 修饰可数名词,a little, little 修饰不可数名词,few, little用于肯定句中,表否定含义,意为“几乎没有”书上有一些苹果。_几乎没有人能活到150岁。_2) dislike是like 的反义词,后面加名、代词或动词ing 作宾语He dislikes cartoon.我不喜欢卡通。I dislike playing cards.我不喜欢玩牌。我父亲不喜欢吃饭时聊天。_来源:xYzKw.Com我不喜欢这些贴画纸。_4. Daniel hates basketball. h

6、ate 意为“恨”“讨厌”“不愿意”所表示不喜欢程度大于dislike ,hate 后可接to do或doing作宾语。 He hates eating the same food every day.来源:xYzKw.ComI hate to work for that man.【课外拓展探究】一、单选题1. Last week I met a friend of _ in Shandong .A. me B. my C. mine D.I2. He has only _friends ,so he often plays by himself.A. a few B. few C. a li

7、ttle D. little3. He is fond _in his free time.A. of singing B. sing C. singing D. of sing 4. Youd better speak in a low _.A. sound B. noise C. voice D. whisper5. To our _, he got the first place at the sports.A. surprised B. surprising C. surprising D. surprises6. Tom is _about films , so he often g

8、oes to the cinema every day.A. like B. crazy C. surprised D. strange7. Each of the children _amazing things in the world.A. likes reading B. like reading C. likes read D. like read二、用方框中单词的适当形式填空kick, follow, die ,search ,lose1. Winter _autumn.2. Work hard or you will _the game.3. They are saving th

9、e _man.4. Yesterday they_ the woods for me .5. Jim is fond of _cans or bottles.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She is afraid of _ (speak) English in class.2. Is your brother fond of _ (play) football?3. My father _ (lose) his key last week.4. My wife is crazy about _ (dance).5. It _ (be) Sunday yesterday but he st

10、ill _ (wake) up early.6. Everyone in our class loves _ (watch) TV.7. Her mother asks her _ (practise) _ (play) the piano every day.8. She _ (look) after her sick mother at home now.四、用适当的介词或副词填空。1. My brother is crazy _ football.2. Millie loves dogs and she plays _ them every day.3. We cant live _ a

11、ir or water.4. Was your mother fond _ singing or swimming when she was young.5. The dog barked _ the stranger.6. The clock rings to wake us _ every morning.7. Is there anything unusual _ the bushes?8. Where does the whisper come _?9. Please tell me more _ the strange man.10. When he saw the snake, he ran _ quickly.来源:学优中考网xYzkw来源:学优中考网xYzKw来源:学优中考网


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