江苏省徐州市王杰中学八年级英语Unit4《Wild animals》学案第二课时.doc

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1、课题period48A Unit4 Wild animals Vocabulary 学习目标知识目标掌握有关描述外貌的四会单词能力目标通过学习构词法,扩大词汇量,熟悉不同动物的名称情感目标通过学习来增强学生保护野生动物的意识学习重难点掌握关于动物的单词课前自学一用所给的单词填空:(tigers, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, giant pandas, camels) 1. -Where do the _ live? - In the deserts. 2. -Can _carry things for the people? - Yes, they can. 3

2、.-Do the _ live on the land or in the sea? -In the sea4. -Which animals eat bamboo shoots and leaves? - _ , I think. 5. -Do _ eat meat and can survive in the forest? -Yes, they do.二.小组合作,完成表格。Different animalsnamesappearancecamelpolar bear来源:xYzKw.Cometc.课堂交流展示复习Reading 部分内容,回答以下问题。A:What is Xi Wang

3、 like?B: She is A: What food does she eat?B: She likes to eat 小组展示预习二的内容完成课本56页练习。根据图片,学习去描述动物的外貌,习性。 It is a _. It is _ It likes eating_. 小组讨论,交流。What are they?What do they like eating?What do they look like? 六小组展示。课堂达标检测一 根据所学内容,填表。NameFoodAppearanceCamelFox来源:学优中考网GiraffeLionMonkeyPolar bearTortoise来源:xYzkW.Comwolfzebra来源:学优中考网xYzkwGiant panda二 结合表格一 写写喜欢的动物。字数要求00 个单词。 家庭作业 :课后反思


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