江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册:8A Unit8 Natural disasters Check out Period 10教案.doc

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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册:8A Unit8 Natural disasters Check out Period 10教案.doc_第1页
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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册:8A Unit8 Natural disasters Check out Period 10教案.doc_第2页
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《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册:8A Unit8 Natural disasters Check out Period 10教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津译林版八年级英语上册:8A Unit8 Natural disasters Check out Period 10教案.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8A Unit6 Natural disasters Period 10 Check out 教案 Teaching aims:1. To revise vocabulary and sentences related to natural disasters2. To revise the past continuous tense3. To talk about topics related to natural disastersTeaching importance:1. To revise vocabulary and sentences related to natural dis

2、asters2. To revise the past continuous tenseTeaching difficulties:To talk about topics related to natural disastersTeaching preparation:Pictures and computerTeaching procedures:一、Free talk and check the preparation out.1、Free talk2、Check out the prepared workWork in groups to check out the prepared

3、work.Let the students ask some questions.Solve the problems together.来源:gkstk.Com二、Language points revision1. Revise vocabulary related to bad weather. (Ask Ss to look at some pictures and tell the English words for each of them.)2. Do the word puzzle in Part B at page 107.来源:gkstk.Com(Ask Ss to ope

4、n their books at page 107 and find the words of the pictures. Then check the answers together: windy, snowy, thunder, rainy, scream, bomb.)3. Ss read these words together. Tell them snowy, rainy and windy are adjectives to describe weather conditions. Ask them if they know any other adjectives about

5、 different kinds of weather conditions. (Ss talk about that in groups.)4. Show some pictures and go through the adjectives about weather conditions with the whole class, e.g. sunny, stormy, cloudy, etc.5. Ask Ss if they remember how we can form these adjectives from nouns. Elicit answers from Ss, th

6、en tell them we add y to the end of a noun to form such an adjective. But we should first double the last letter of the words like fog and sun , then add y.6. Review vocabulary related to natural disasters. (Show some pictures about different natural disasters quickly. Invite Ss to tell the names of

7、 all these natural disasters as quickly as they can: rainstorm, snowstorm, sandstorm, flood, earthquake, typhoon.)7. Organize a group talk. (Ask when a natural disaster comes, how we can protect ourselves? Ss talk about it in groups.)8. Revise some important language points through free talk about n

8、atural disasters. e.g. When an earthquake comes, can we run wildly? No, we cant. We should try to hide in a safe place and protect our heads.If we are trapped? What should we do? We should calm down and scream for help.Is a flood dangerous? Yes, a big flood can wash everything away. And every year m

9、any people lose their lives because of flood. etc.来源:学优高考网三、 Grammar revision来源:学优高考网1. Tell Ss that natural disasters are really terrible. They can cause great damage and loss of life. (Show some pictures about the earthquake in Wenchuan、 Yushu and Tangshan, the debris flow in Zhouqu etc.)来源:gkstk.

10、Com2. Say Millie wanted to know more about the earthquake in Tangshan. So she found a video about it in the library. Lets watch part of it together. Then ask what the video shows us? It shows us the situation after the earthquake.We can see many soldiers there. What were they doing then? they were h

11、elping people in need.(Write down the underlined words on the Bb, then ask the Ss to read the new words.)3. Ask Ss to look at Part A on page 107. Simon is asking Millie about the video. Ss complete their conversation using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (Ss finish the exercise by themse

12、lves, then check answers together.)4. Show some key sentences in the dialogue on the Bb. Ask what tense all these sentences are in? They are all in the past continuous tense. Say in this unit, we learned about the past continuous tense. 5. Revise the past continuous tense. (Ask if they can remember

13、when to use the past continuous tense. Ss Translate some sentences, talk about that. Then elicit answers from Ss.)Explain we use the past continuous tense to talk about things that were happening for some time in the past. We should use was/ were (+ not) + v-ing to form the past continuous tense.6.

14、Ask students to read the sentence with while carefully, then finish the flowing exercises and talk about when to use while and when.Explain when something else happened while a longer action was going on, we use when or while to join the two actions. We use the past continuous tense for the longer a

15、ction and the simple past tense for the shorter actionWhen two long actions went on at the same time, we can use the past continuous tense in both clauses and while to join them. (Ask Ss to do some exercises and then sum up the rules.)四、Having a test五、Homework1、Go over what we have learned in this unit, recite all the new words and phrases.2、完成课时配套练习。


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