江苏省七年级英语上册教学案:7A Unit4(第3课时).doc

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1、a. 教学目标 1, 进一步了解Millie的在校生活 2, 培养学生的阅读理解能力。b. 教学重难点:1 , 词汇 2, 听、朗读和说理解课文并掌握重要词汇三学习与交流:通过预习,看看你对Millie的生活了解多少Millies school _(八点开始) in the morning _(从周一到周五).Usually they _(先做早操). _(她最喜欢的功课).is English. She _ (学得好) it . Millies friends _(对她都很友好). They often _(互相聊天) or _ (在操场上玩). Millie is _ (在校排球队). T

2、hey _ (练习打排球) after school _(在周三下午). They always _(玩得愉快) at school.二、根据课文内容回答下列问题。四典型题例We practise after school on Wednesday afternoon.我们在星期三下午放学后练习。 practise 是动词,意思是“练习”,通接续名词、动名词。Practise something意思是练习Practise doing something 意思是练习做 如:(a) He practises football every day. 他每天都练习足球。(b) She practise

3、s singing every Tuesday. 她每个星期二都练习唱歌。 on Wednesday afternoon 意思是在星期二的下午。在具体的、明确的某一天的某部分时间要用介词on五达标检测:一、用所给词适当形式填空1. Our school _(start) at seven in the morning.2. I like _(play) the piano.3. We enjoy _(chat) with each other at lunchtime.4. do the students do morning _(exercise) every day?5. Amy is i

4、n the _Club.She is a good _.(swim)6. Please tell us how _(make) model planes.7. Millie practises_(read) English every morning.8. Who is your _ (one) teacher, Amy?二、单项选择( )1. We go to school_ Monday _Friday. A. on ; and B. in; and C. from; to D. from; and( )2. She _ chatting with her friends after sc

5、hool. A. too likes B. also likes C. either likes D. likes also( )3. My classmates _ nice to me. A. are all B. all are C. both are D. are both三、句型转换1. My favourite lessons are Chinese and English. (改为同义句) I _ Chinese and English _.2. Amy is in the Swimming Club. She is good at swimming. (改为同义句) Amy i

6、s _ _ _ the Swimming Club. She is a _ _.3. -Whats the time? (改为同义句) - _ _ is it?4. Millie likes reading newspapers. (改为否定句) Millie _ _ _ newspapers.5. Jack goes to school five days a week. (改为同义句) Jack goes to school _Monday _ Friday.6. I have fun at school. (改为同义句) I _ _ _ _ at school.7. I enjoy playing games with them. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ playing games with them?六、教学反馈


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