江苏省七年级英语《Unit4 Task》教案.doc

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1、编 号课 题课 型编写人审核人时 间0297AUnit4 Task新授课朱金明朱晓波2012-10-25一、教学目标:表达对学校活动的喜爱程度。说明喜欢或不喜欢某种活动的原因。运用本单元所学知识写一篇文章,介绍自己对学校活动的喜欢程度。 二、教学重难点:运用本单元所学知识写一篇文章三、教学过程:Step One: Presentation1. T:What do you think of your school?Do you like it?Is your school life interesting?Is it colourful?I have some pictures and post

2、ers here.What activity is this in the picture?Do you like it ?Why do you like it?Why dont you like it? Why do you dislike it?2.Teach the new word “dislike”e.g: She doesnt like basketball. 3.Make a happiness chart like PartA on Page52,according to the students answers.4.T:Today ,lets talk about our s

3、chool activities.I want to know your likes and dislikes.Are you ready?Do you get ready for class? Teach “ready”and “get ready for”e.g We are ready for the party. Morning exercises help us get ready for the day.Step Two: Read PartA 1.T:There are also many activities in Millies school. Do you want to

4、know her likes and dislikes?Look at Millies happiness chart in PartA . Plese tell me:What activities does Mille love?What activities does Mille like?What activities does Mille dislike? 2.T:Plese read the rest of PartA.Can you tell me the reasons of her likes and dislikes? (1)Why does she like mornin

5、g exercises?(2) Why does she love all her lessons?(3) Why does she dislike basketball?(4) Why does she love reading?(5) Why does she like drawing?(6) Why does she dislike homework?3. Teach the new word “world”e.g learn a lot about the world all over the worldStep Four: Practice1.Guide the students t

6、o finish partB according to the information in PartA.2.Remind the students to pay attention to useful expressions in PartA.3.Ask one student to read the diary, the other students check their answers.4.Read it together. Step Five:Students in role1. T:Let us do “students in role”.Just suppose that you

7、 are Mille.Why do you like morning exercises? Plese give some other reasons.2. Encourage the students to answer.Step Six: Writing1. T:Lets read Milles diary .What does she write in the first paragraph?(Its about her loves.) What does she write in the second paragraph? (About her likes.) What is Para

8、graph Three about?(About her dislikes.)2. Work in groups of four.Discuss your likes and dislikes with your classmates and tell the reasons.Then make your own happiness chart.3. T:OK,try your best to write your own article .You can use some useful expressions on Page52.You can also use Milles diary entry as a model.4.Ask some students to read their own article.Step seven Homework1. To remember the new words ,phrases and sentences. 2. To read and recite the modle article.To write an article according to Toms happiness chart.教学反思:


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