九年级英语(冀教版)学案:Unit 4Lesson 22.doc

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1、Lesson22: The Giant ()【学习目标】知识目标:loud, board, awake, musician, perhaps, frightened; once upon a time, be filled with, be covered with, jump out of, run away, no longer, pass by;Once upon a time, there was a large, lovely garden.Its trees were filled with singing birds. The children were frightened.

2、Do not enter!Perhaps spring has come at last.能力目标:接触巨人这一童话故事,并对童话故事有一定的了解;复习过去进行时。情感目标:学习童话故事,激发学习兴趣。【重点及难点】复习过去进行时。【导学过程】来源:gkstk.Com一、自主预习.基础单词。1.大声的,喧哗的_ 2.惊吓的,受惊的,害怕的 _ 3.板,木板_ 4.醒着的_ 5.音乐家,乐师_ 6.也许,可能_. 核心短语1. 走过,经过_2. 不再,不复_3. 逃跑_4. 从前_. 检查单词及词组的读法并校正。来源:学优高考网gkstk二、合作探究Task 1:速读,弄懂文章大意,完成Lets

3、 do It 1。 Task 2:细读,找出课文中所涉及的短语和句型。Task 3:小组讨论导学案上的Language Notes。Task 4:完成Lets do it 2、3。三、交流展示Language Points:1. Once upon a time, there was a large, lovely garden. 从前,有一个美丽的大花园。once upon a time 意思是“从前;很久以前”,这是讲故事常用的开头语。类似的表达还有 long, long ago, a long time ago 等。2. The giant cried in a loud voice.

4、巨人大声地喊。in a loud voice 意思是“大声地”;in a low voice意思是“低声地”。3. They ran away and dared not come back. 他们逃走了,不敢再回来。run away 意思是“逃跑,走掉;逃脱”。例如:The thief had run away when the policemen came.警察来时小偷已经跑了。There is a hole in my washbasin, and the water is running away. 我的脸盆上有一个洞, 水都流走了。4. The next day, the giant

5、 built a high wall around his garden and put a notice on a board: DO NOT ENTER! 第二天,巨人围着他的花园垒了一圈高墙,而且在一块木板上写了一条通告:勿进!用 next 表示时间、季节等的“下一个”时,如果是针对过去或将来而言,用 the next;如果是针对现在而言,则用 next。例如:They arrived in Beijing on Saturday, and left for Shanghai the next Saturday.他们星期六到达北京,而下一个星期六又动身去了上海。I am going to

6、 visit his company next week. 我打算下周去参观他的公司。5. When spring came, flowers blossomed and the birds began to sing across the land. 春天到了,花儿开了,鸟儿鸣叫着飞过大地。across 在本句中表示经过某一地方或区域,意思是“越过”。例如:The girls walked across the square, singing happily.那些女孩子快乐地歌唱着走过广场。across 也可以表示“横过”。例如:I saw him help an old man acros

7、s the street. 我看到他帮助一位老人走过了街道。A bridge was built across the river last year. 去年这条河上建了一座桥。across 还可以表示“在对面”。例如:He once lived across the road. 他曾在这条路对面居住过。6. The green grass was covered with snow, and the cold winds kept the birds away. 白雪覆盖着那青青的草地,寒风驱走了鸟儿。(1) grass 在本句中的意思是“草地”。例如:They sit on/in the

8、grass. 他们坐在草地上。(2) keep away的意思是 “(使)离开(或不靠近)” 。例如:Please keep that dog away! 请你把那条狗赶走 !Let the children keep away from the fire. 让孩子们离开火炉。7. He thought it must be the kings musicians passing by. 他认为可能是国王的乐师经过。pass by 意思是“路过;经过;过去”。例如:I passed by your house last night at about ten oclock.我昨天晚上大约十点钟的

9、时候经过你家。Three years had passed by before she finally found a suitable job. 三年过去了,她最终才找到一份合适的工作。Grammar:过去进行时来源:学优高考网1. One day the children were playing in the garden when a giant appeared.2. One morning as the giant was lying awake in his bed3. One day, when he was cutting wood beside a lake, he los

10、t his axe in the water.定义:过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作或存在的状态。其用法如下:1. 在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。(a) They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday.(b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday.(c) Five minutes ago, Danny was looking out of the window and Suzy was reading a book.2. 在过去某段时间一直在进行的动作。(a) From 1983 to 1

11、998, he was teaching at Yale.(b) They were building a dam last winter.四、当堂检测. 单项选择( ) 1. On my way to school I saw an old woman _ the street.A. lie B. to lie C. lay D. lying( ) 2. The desk was covered _ a lot of dust.A. on B. at C. with D. for ( ) 3. He cried _ a loud voice.A. in B. at C. on D. with

12、 ( ) 4.-Whose book is this?-It _ our geography teachers. You see, his name is on it.A. cant be B. can be C. mustnt be D. must be ( ) 5. It _Danny. He went to Canada yesterday.A. must B. can C. must be D. cant be . 短语连线1. once upon a time A. 逃跑 2. be filled with B. 散步3. run away C. 从前4. be coved with

13、 D. 装满5. take a walk E. 被覆盖 . 句型展示来源:gkstk.Com1.可怜的孩子们不再有玩的地方了。The poor children _ _ had a place _ _.2.夏去秋来,秋去冬来。Summer _ _ fall and fall _ _ winter.3.他透过窗户看到冰冻的雪白的花园感到很难过。He _ sad as he _ _ the window at his frozen, white garden.五、作业布置1. Write a short fairy tale in a comic strip style.2. Preview the words and expressions in Lesson 23. 【教学反思】参考答案:一、自主预习来源:学优高考网gkstk.1. loud 2. frightened3. board 4. awake5. musician 6. perhaps. 1. pass by 2. no longer 3. run away 4. once upon a time四、当堂检测. 1-5 DCADD. 1-5 CDAEB . 1. no longer, to play 2. turned to, turned to 3. felt looked through


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