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1、Lesson9: ChinasMostFamous“Farmer”【学习目标】知识目标:1、词汇和短语:来源:学优高考网gkstk false, peanut, hybrid, variety, introduction, leader, production, produce, super Father of Hybrid Rice, since then, together with2、句型: In the dream, he grow a new type of rice that was as big as peanut. The plant allowed farmers to re

2、st in its shade. Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. ., he succeeded in developing hybrid rice.能力目标:能够谈论伟人们及他们的生活。 能够大胆想象,谈论自己的发明。情感目标:鼓励自己追求梦想,并为之努力奋斗。来源:学优高考网【重点及难点】To use the new words and phrases to talk about great people and their lives and their

3、 inventions.【导学过程】一、自主预习(一)预习课文,找出生词并理解。hybrid_ variety_introduction_ leader_production_ produce_super_(二)核心短语1. 长大 _ 2. 致力于 _3. 在业余时间 _ 4. 拉小提琴 _5. 入睡 _(三)翻译并背诵文中的重点句型:1.In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was as big as a peanut. _2. The plant allowed farmers to rest in its shade._3. Inth

4、e1960s, a few years after he finished his studies in agriculture at university, he came up with an idea for hybrid rice._4. In 1973, together with other scientists, he succeeded in developing hybrid rice._5. Sincethen, hehasspent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. _二、合作探究(一)

5、听录音读课文回答下列问题:1.WhoisYuanLongping?_2.Whatdidhedoin1973?_3.Whatdoesheliketodoinhissparetime?_4.Whatishedoingnow?_(二) 课文基础学习1. 精读课文,找出疑难点。 (1) introduction 【用法】作可数名词,意为“初次投入使用、引进、推进、介绍”,其动词形式为introduce。e.g. The introduction of this new machine makes our work easier.这种新机器的引进使我们的工作更简单。【即学即练】The teacher a

6、sks me to give a simple _ of this lesson in front of the class. (2) produce来源:学优高考网 【用法】作及物动词,意为“生产、出产”,后加名词或代词作宾语。 e.g. Their factory produces air-conditioners. 他们工厂生产空调。 【拓展】produce还可以作不可数名词,表“产品”,多指“农产品”; product 为可数名词,也意为“产品”,多指工业产品。【即学即练】 We want to get lots of _ in the farmers market. Some new

7、 _ will appear next month.2. 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子。(1) 她走得很快,为了准时到校.Shewalkedfast_shecouldgettoschoolontime.(2) 二十世纪六十年代,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。He_anideaforahybridricein_.(3) _ _ _ (传入) this new product made China a leader in rice production.(4) Now Dr. Yuan_(继续开发) super hybrid rice.(5) Thesportsmeetingwasputoff_(因为

8、) thestrongwind. (6) Thegardenergrew_(一种新型) rose.(7) _(在他闲暇时间), helovesplayingtheviolinandlisteningtomusic.(8) _ _ _ (在二十世纪九十年代), hewentabroad.三交流展示Language Points:1. In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was as big as a peanut. 在梦中,他种了一种像花生一样大的水稻。【解析】asas表示程度相同,第一个as是副词,后加形容词或副词的原级。 e.g. Ji

9、m is as honest as his father. 吉姆和他的爸爸一样诚实。Mike runs as fast as Tom. 迈克和汤姆跑得一样快。【拓展】not as/so as “不如;比不上”e.g. Mary is not so tall as her little sister. 玛丽还没有她的妹妹高。【即学即练】彼得和他父亲一样起得很早。Peter gets up _ _ _ his father.2. Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties.从那

10、时起,他花费很多时间研究和开发新品种。【解析】spend “花费”,主语为“人”,常用短语:spend on “花费时间/金钱在某物上”;spend (in) doing “花费时间做某事”。e.g. She spent 200 yuan on that dress. 她花了200元在那件裙子上。 Tony spent 2 hours (in) finishing his homework. 托尼花了两个小时来完成他的家庭作业。【拓展】take “花费(时间)”,主语为物;cost “花费(金钱)”,主语为物。【即学即练】Li Ming _ an hour in practicing spea

11、king English every day. A. spends B. takes C. costs3. In1980,thetechnologyforhybridricewasintroducedtotheUnitedStates.【解析】本句是一般过去时的被动语态,其谓语构成是“_”。【即学即练】 (1)Peopleplantedtreesonbothsidesoftheriver.-Trees_onbothsidesoftheriver.(2)WeheldthesportsmeetinglastMonday.-Thesportsmeeting_lastMonday.(3)PeoplemadethiskindofcarinShanghaiin1980.Thiskindofcar_inShanghaiin1980.(4) -_theroad_(build)lastyear?-Yes,Itwas.四当堂检测1. Hethoughtandthought.Atlasthecameup_anidea.A. of B. from C. with D.for2. Thousandsofyoungpeoplewentto


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