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1、知识归纳句中有can could do did does 后动词一律用原型I 搭配 am wasYou they we are were She 、 he 、 it 、 my sister is was动词第三人称单数变化规则:1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks,read-reads2.以o,结尾的单词,加es.如:go-goes,guess-guesses,fix-fixes;wash-washes,watch-watches,3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-es,如:study-studiescarry-carries(注:play-plays

2、say-says想想为什么直接加S?)一级词汇 什么时候 使用 勺子 扔 钢琴 滑冰 跳水 数数 能 携带 谈话 坐 携带 来 捡起来 唱歌 读 想 能 应该短语 用勺子 扔球 弹钢琴 数到一百 开灯 关灯 成长 捡起来捡垃圾 做饭 种树煮开水 在外面洗 玩捉迷藏呆在帐篷里 骑自行车 在海里游泳 野餐 去远足 吃包子 会见朋友 去影院 看电影 身高 体重 高(的) 重的,重 去年 今年 明年-Howtallwereyoulastyear?-Iwas125cmlastyear.Iwas125cmtalllastyear.-Howtallareyouthisyear?-Iam130cmthisye

3、ar./Iam130cmtallthisyear.-Howheavywereyoulastyear?-Iwas26kglastyear.-Howheavyareyouthisyear?-Iam29kgthisyear.-Howoldareyouthisyear?-Iameightyearsold.-Whenisyourbirthday?-Itisonthe13thofJanuary.He read two books last night. They _(be)happy.Last Tuesday I was sick , so I _ (not go)hiking with my frien

4、dsWhat did Pat _(eat)this morning?Did you _(clean)the windows last night? No,I _How heavy _(be)you last year?How tall _(be)Mays sister three years ago?Its a fine day . I _(can)swim in the sea with PeterIt was rainy yesterday. I _(not ride)a bikeWhen I _(be) one , I _(can not) use a spoonWhen my sist

5、er and I _(be)three, we couldnt _(play)the piano, but now we _(can)paly the pianoHow tall were you last year?Did you do your homework yesterday?Were you at school yesterday?What did you do last Sunday?Could you play the piano when you were five?What did you do last week?I _ to the _ 去电影院What did Tom

6、 do last week ?He _(在海里游泳)What _ you _ last week?I _(骑自行车)What _ Lucy do last week?She_去购物What did you _ at camp? We _ in a tentDid you _ your holiday ? Yes . I _Last week I _ my friends_ the children helpful? Yes, they were_ camp fun? Yes . It _ great fun._ I _to the park ._ I planted trees.What di

7、d you do last night? We _ a film.Last Sunday , first I _ a bike , next I _ dim sum. After that we _ to the cinema.Yest . It _ great fun.What did Betty do last week?She _ a _ 吃野餐What _ you _ last Friday?I _在海里游泳What _ last Monday?He _I _ my room last night ( clean cleans cleaned)He _ his homework on

8、Sunday morning. (do did to do )What _ you _ last week? (did;do did; did do; does)_ he _ tennis after classes yesterday? (did;played did;play does; play)What did you do last Sunday ? I_ a picture (paint painted planted)用be 动词填空Whats the weather like today ? It _ sunny, but it _ snowy yesterday.How ta

9、ll _ you this year? I _ 148 cm tallWhere _ the toilets ? They _ next to the teachers officeLunch _ ready . Lets eat ._ camp fun? Yes , it _ great fun.I _ sick . I want to find a nurse . Where _ the First Aid Centre? It_ on the ground floorWhat did Pat _(eat) this morning?What did you do yesterday? I

10、 _ a meal . (wash cook cooked)Did your mother _ water yesterday? (cook boiled boil)_ I walked to the park .Next I watched a film.Last week , I _ my friends. (meet met have)Chery and I _ happy last Sunday (is are were)Did you _ a film yesterday ? (watch watched watches)What did you do last Sunday ? I

11、 _ a picture . (paint painted planted)Whats the matter? You _ very tired. (looked looking look)Polly _ her seat to the lady (tells helps gives up)_ the weather good last Sunday ?(was were is )She _ school every day (go went goes)What did you _ at camp ? We _ in a tent.Did you enjoy your holiday? Yes I _How tall_ you last year? I _136cm tallLast year she _ fat . But now she _ thinWhere _ you yesterday? I _ in Ho


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