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1、雅思阅读长难句一:For example, vision is obviously more useful to species inhabiting clear open waters than to those living in turbid rivers and flooded plains.(C4T1P2)雅思阅读长难句解析:整个句子是由more than 引导的比较状语从句,然后分别在名词species和代词those的后面插入了非谓语动词的现在分词“inhabiting clear open waters”和“living in turbid rivers and flooded

2、 plains”做后置定语。长难句翻译:比如说,对于宽广清澈水域中的鲸鱼来说,视觉显然就比住在混浊的河流或者水淹的平原上的品种来说更加有用。雅思阅读长难句二:Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity. (C4T2P1)雅思阅读长难句解析:整个句子首先用quite often 副词插入句子头表示强调,主语是governments,

3、 谓语是try, 后面不定式短语to kill off a minority language 做宾语,然后加上介词by引导的的方式状语,最后插入一个to引导的目的状语。长难句翻译:为了增加国家的凝聚力,政府通常会通过在公共场合禁用以及在学校中不提倡使用的方法,消灭少数民族语言。雅思阅读长难句三:Animals at play often use unique signs-tail-wagging in dogs, for example-to indicate that activity superficially resembling adult behavior is not reall

4、y in earnest.(C4T2P3)雅思阅读长难句解析:这句话的主语是animals, 谓语是use, 宾语是signs, 双破折号当中的部分是插入语,to indicate是宾语补足语,indicate后面跟了一个宾语从句。Activity是宾语从句的主语,is是系动词,in earnest是表语,resembling是现在分词做后置定语来修饰activity。长难句翻译:玩耍中的动物会用一些独特的标志比如狗摇尾巴来表明这种简单模仿大动物的行为的举动并不是玩真的。雅思阅读长难句四:We already know that rat pups denied the chance to pl

5、ay grow smaller brain components and fail to develop the ability to apply social rules when they interact with their peers.(C4T2P3)雅思阅读长难句解析:整个句子的主语是we,know that后面引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的主语是rat pups, 谓语是grow 和 fail,最后插入一个when引导的时间状语从句,其中denied the chance to play是过去分词做后置定语来修饰rat pups。长难句翻译:我们已经知道,没有机会玩耍的小老鼠,大脑各

6、部分发育的比较小,同时也不具备运用社会规则与其他小老鼠交流的能力。Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewhere, they presumably have enough independence to disagree with the chief executives proposals.2011阅读第一篇解析:Having made their wealth and their reputations elsewheredoing做状语, they presumably have enough independence t

7、o disagree with the chief executives proposals.主句翻译:他们已经锦衣玉食,声名显赫,即便是首席执行官的提议,他们也会提出异议且没人会觉得他们唐突。The researchers from Ohio University used a database that covered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004. 2011阅读第一篇解析:The researchers from Ohio University主语

8、 used a database谓语和宾语 that covered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004.定语从句修饰数据库翻译:来自俄亥俄大学的研究者构建了一个庞大的数据库,其数据是通过对1989年到2004年间超过10000家公司和64000名不同的董事调查后所得出的。The most likely reason for departing a board was age, so the researchers concentrated on those

9、“surprise” disappearances by directors under the age of 70. 2011阅读第一篇解析:The most likely reason for departing a board主语 was age系表结构, so并列连接两个句子 the researchers主语 concentrated on谓语 those “surprise” disappearances by directors under the age of 70.宾语翻译:年龄是他们离职董事会的主要原因。因此,研究者特别关注那些不满七十岁的董事的“意外”离职。Althoug

10、h a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship. 2011阅读第一篇解析:Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive,-让步状语从句 it does

11、not mean (that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship)-主句中的宾语从句.主句翻译:他们离任与该公司随后的糟糕表现不无关系,但这并不意味着他们不愿挽狂澜于既倒、 扶大厦于将倾。But the researchers believe that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations if they leave a firm before bad news breaks, even if a revie

12、w of history shows they were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred. 2011阅读第一篇解析:But the researchers主语 believe谓语 that outside directors have an easier time of avoiding a blow to their reputations宾语从句 if they leave a firm before bad news breaks条件状语从句, even if a review of history shows (they

13、 were on the board at the time any wrongdoing occurred定语从句修饰time)-让步状语从句中的宾语从句.让步状语从句翻译:研究者们坚信:如果外部董事在坏消息放出之前就离开公司,即便追溯历史时人们发现一些错误正是发生在这些外部董事担任董事期间,他们的名声也丝毫不会受损。Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom.- 2011阅读第二篇解析:Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were

14、chronicling their own doom.简单句过去进行时- chronicling their own doom编写自己的厄运。翻译:像洛杉矶编年史一类的报纸似乎也是在劫难逃。Even American newspapers, which inhabit the most troubled come of the global industry, have not only survived but often returned to profit. -2011阅读第二篇解析:Even American newspapers,-主语 which inhabit the most

15、troubled come of the global industry,-定语从句修饰美国报纸 have not only survived but often returned to profit.谓语翻译:尽管在全球各行业中实属处境不佳,美国报纸业不仅幸存了下来,还重新实现了盈利。The American Society of News Editors reckons that 13,500 newsroom jobs have gone since 2007. -2011阅读第二篇解析:The American Society of News Editors主语 reckons谓语 that 13,500 newsroom jobs have gone宾语从句 since 2007.状语翻译:美国新闻编辑协会估算:自 2007 年以来,13500 个和新闻相关的职务已消失得无影无踪。Newspapers are becoming more balanced businesses, with a healthier mix of revenues from readers and advertisers. -2011阅读第二篇解析:Newspapers are becoming more balanced businesses,-主句 with a he


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