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1、8-D Problem Solving 8-D 问题解决方式,Sauer-Danfoss Shanghai November, 2005,8-D 问题解决方式,0. 意识到问题,1. 必要的话,成立一个小组,2. 描述问题和期望,3. 贯彻和核实“临时围堵”行动,5. 确定和核实永久性修正行动,7. 防止复发,8. 圆满完成工作!,4. 确定和核实问题根源,Step 1 Assemble a Team if Necessary 第一步 若必要组成一个团队,Form a small team of people with the interest and the necessary skills

2、 to effectively work through the 8-D process. 组成一个小组,小组成员对8-D 有兴趣并具有必要的技能,能够有效完成8-D 的工作,Assemble a Team: Steps 集合一个队伍:分步,Select a small number of people 选定一小部分人组成一个小组 Determine roles 确定角色 Develop ground rules 发展程序规则 Determine customer 确定客户 Determine scope, timetable, deliverables 确定范围、进程、可交付日期,Step

3、2 Describe the Problem and the Expectation 第二步 描述问题和期望,Specify the internal/external customer problem by identifying in quantifiable terms the who, what, when, where, why, how, how many (5W2H) for the problem. 用量化的语言详细说明内部和外部客户的问题 Describe in quantifiable terms the customer expectation and the visio

4、n. 用量化的语言说明客户的期望和解决前景 “who (何人), what (何事), when (何时), where (何处), why (为何), how (怎样), how many (多少)” 5W2H 。,Describe the Problem: Steps 描述问题:具体步骤,Describe the problem 描述问题 Refine problem statement 进一步描述问题 Write problem statement 写出问题的陈述 Write customer expectation 写出客户的期望 Write vision statement 写出解决

5、的前景,Keys to Problem Statement 问题的关键,The Problem Description phase involves as complete of data collection as possible. 描述问题的同时尽可能收集相关的数据。 May require time to collect the data 收集数据需要时间。 It is key to get the Problem Statement accurate. 问题的精确描述是关键。,5 Ws & 2 H,5个为什么的范例,最初的问题描述 M46 泵正在泄漏压力. 为什么? 扭矩低. 你能证

6、明吗? 是的,这个扭矩没有达到要求. 为什么? 这个扳手没有被校准. 你能证明吗? 不,那可能有一些原因造成的. 最后的问题描述 扭矩在泻压测试之前没有达到标准.,Expectation & Vision Example 客户的期望和我们解决的前景,Customer expectation. 客户的期望. Leaks on M46 pumps (in the first 1000 hours of pump life) must not exceed 50 DPM. M46 泵的泻漏(最初的1000小时)不能超过50DPM. Vision. 解决的前景. We will have a proc

7、ess that torques M46 fasteners to the production spec with a cpk 2. 我们将会有一个工艺确保cpk,第2步 团队清单,团队有没有进行初步的问题描述? 问题的描述有没有多问几个为什么? 为了收集更多的信息有没有采取措施? 有没有最终问题的描述? 客户的期望有没有书面的记录? 解决的前景有没有书面的记录? 客户对于问题的描述及期望是否认同?,第2步 团队清单,Step 3 第三步 Implement and Verify Interim Containment Actions 贯彻和核实临时性围堵行动,Define and impl

8、ement interim containment actions to isolate the effect of problem from any internal/external customer until corrective action is implemented. Verify the effectiveness of the interim containment action. 确认和实施临时性围堵行动,使问题的影响不至于扩散到内、外部的客户那里,直到采取了修正措施。核实临时性围堵行动的效果。,Containment: definition 围堵的定义,Contain

9、围堵 Keep within limits 限制在范围内 Restrain, control, check, halt 控制,阻止,暂停 Stop the bleeding “止血”,Containment Steps 围堵的步骤,Stop the process if necessary 必要的话停止工艺 Retrieve / Isolate any defective products 招回、隔离任何不合格产品 Make list of possible containment actions 列出围堵措施 Consensus on containment actions 围堵行动达成一致

10、 Test the containment 测试围堵 Implement the containment 执行围堵 Document the containment 围堵的书面表示,Step 4 第四步 Define and Verify Root Causes 寻找和核实问题的根源,Identify all potential causes which could theoretically explain why the problem occurred. 查找所有能够在理论上解释问题发生的潜在的原因。,Step 4 第四步 Define and Verify Root Causes 寻找

11、和核实问题的根源,Isolate and verify the root cause by mental and/or physical test of potential causes against the problem description and data. 依据问题的描述和数据,用思考分析或物质试验,分离出问题的根本成因并加以核实,Define & Verify Root Cause Steps 寻找和核实问题的根源的步骤,Review problem statement 回顾问题的陈述 Develop a list of facts (Is / Is Not) 列出事实表格(是

12、/否) Chronological list of changes 按顺序排列 List of possible causes 列出可能的原因 Compare possible causes to facts 根据实施比较原因 Verify probable root cause 验证可能的根本原因 Write root cause statement 写出根本原因的描述,Step 5 第五步 Define and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions 确定和核实永久性修正措施,Through pre-production test programs, qua

13、ntitatively confirm that the selected permanent corrective actions will resolve the problem for the customer, and will not cause undesirable side effects. Define contingency actions, if necessary, based on risk assessment. 通过生产前的试验程序,量化地确认所选择的永久性修正措施能为客户解决问题,并不会导致不必要的副作用。若有必要,在评估风险的基础上,确定处理偶然意外事故的行动

14、。,Permanent: definition 永久的定义,Continuing or enduring 持续或持久的 Stable 稳定的 Lasting 耐久的,Permanent Corrective Actions: Steps 永久修正的措施:步骤,Develop a list of musts and wants 列出肯定的或可能的措施列表 Brainstorm possible corrective actions 集体讨论可能纠正措施 Determine best corrective action 确立最好的纠正措施 Verify effectiveness 核实效力 Ver

15、ify no adverse side effects 核实不必要的副作用 Commit to best corrective action 提交最好的纠正措施,Define and Verify Permanent Corrective Actions 确定和核实永久修正行动,Test your fix in house before releasing product to the customer. 在向客户送交之前,自己先测试修改的效果。 If risk is high, have a backup plan to keep customer satisfied. 如果风险很高,要准备

16、一个备用计划以使客户满意。,Step 6 第六步 Implement Permanent Corrective Actions 实施永久修正计划,Define and implement the best permanent corrective actions (PCAs). Choose on-going controls to ensure the root cause is eliminated. Once in production, monitor the process and results. 确定和实施最好的永久修正计划 (PCAs)。 选择持续的控制以保证根本成因已被消除。一旦投产,监控过程和结果。,Implement Corrective Actions: Steps 实施永久修正计划:步骤,Evaluate team 评估团队 Develop implementation plan 发展实施计划 Anticipate Problems 预见问题 Execute plan 执行计划 Monitor results 监控结果


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