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1、1. 拥有美德 _ 2. 依我看 _ 3. 承担责任 _ 4. 没责任心 _ 5. 摆在首位 _ 6. 很有价值 _ 7. 追求学业成绩 _ 8. 同甘共苦 _ 9. 专心工作 _,10. 指出错误 _ 11. 与相处得好 _ 12. 向他人学习 _,1.uphold the virtues 2. in ones eyes / opinion 3. take the responsibility for 4. escape from responsibilities,5. on the top 6. of great value 7. pursue the academic performan

2、ce 8. share pleasure(joys)and sadness(sorrows)with 9. focus on the work 10. point out the mistake 11. get along well with 12. learn much from the partners by,1. 信任将给予我们自尊和友谊。(as well as) _ 2. 要肩负这些重任,我们必须要保持朴素和艰苦奋斗的精神。(to shoulder) _,3. 有责任感的人绝不是一个懒惰的人。(with ) _ 4. 许多学生埋头在他们的网上游戏是不对的。 (It is wrong f

3、or sb. to do sth. ) _,5. 每个人都必须承担自己的责任并忠于职守。(be devoted to) _,1. Trust will give us selfrespect as well as social companionship. 2. To shoulder some heavy responsibilities, we must keep a style of plain living and hard struggle.,3. A person with a sense of responsibility can never be a lazy one. 4.

4、It is wrong for many students to plant themselves in online games. 5. Everyone must take on his own responsibilities and be devoted to his / her own position.,一个好的学生应该具有许多优秀品质(如下图所示),你认为哪个或哪两个是最重要的呢?为什么?请分析原因,并结合自己的生活实际,写下你的感悟。,提示词:Passion(热情)、Self Discipline(自制力)、Perseverance(毅力); 注意: 1. 文章连贯,条理清楚,

5、详略得当; 2. 分析原因,结合实际,写出真情实感; 3. 词数:120左右。 _ _,One possible version: Being responsible, honest and hardworking is of great importance to a good student. Personally speaking, I strongly believe that honesty is the most important among dozens of good qualities. As the proverb says, “Honesty is the best p

6、olicy” The most important element in human relationships, whether business or personal, is honesty.,Here is one of my secrets. I once lied to my parents because of my poor scores. Having known the fact that I failed to pass the exam from teachers, they didnt scold me but pointed out my mistake. They

7、 encouraged me to study hard, showing their deep love. Later I choose to be frank. It is better to stick to the truth!,From then on, I have kept the following in my mind: If it is not true, dont say it. If it is not right, dont do it. Honesty is not only the best policy, but also a principle, which

8、is absolutely essential for the good and happy living of life.,1. 热烈的讨论 _ 2. 从早到晚 _ 3. 进行课间休息 _ 4. 消除疲劳 _ 5. 与随意的聊天 _ 6. 到户外散步 _ 7. 平衡学习和业余时间 _ 8. 充分利用时间 _ 9. 受他人打搅 _,10. 参加更多的课外活动 _ 11. 表格所示 _ 12. 享受更健康的生活 _,1.a heated discussion 2. from early morning till late afternoon 3. take a tenminute break 4

9、. get rid of tiredness,5. have a free chat with 6. take a walk outside 7. balance ones spare time and studies 8. make full use of time 9. get disturbed by others 10. go in for more outofclassroom activities 11. be shown in the chart 12. enjoy a healthier life,1. 这是调查的结果。(here ) _ 2. 我们所需要的是好好地休息,而不是

10、变得更疲劳。(主语从句) _,3. 同时,还有15%的学生对这个问题没有给出明确的回答。(at the same time) _ 4. 我做了一个关于我们班学生在校午休活动的调查。(定语从句) _,5. 对我们学生而言中午好好休息以便于精力充沛进行下午的学习是很有必要的。(it 的用法) _,1. Here is the result according to the survey. 2. What we need is to have a real rest, instead of getting more tired.,3. At the same time, still 15 perce

11、nt of the students dont have a clear answer to the question. 4. I had a survey about the activities the students of our class did at noon at school. 5. Its necessary for us students to have a good rest at noon so that we will be energetic to attend lessons in the afternoon.,你的外籍老师想要了解中国学生的午睡情况,为此你在同

12、学中进行了一次问卷调查。请根据下表中的内容(打的选项为大多数人的选择),用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍调查结果,并就此谈谈你的看法。 注意: 1. 对所给要点不要简单翻译,可以有适当发挥。 2. 词数120左右。短文的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。,3. 参考词汇:午睡 take a nap after lunch 午睡情况调查表 1. 你有午睡习惯吗? A.有 B没有 2. 你大约何时开始午睡? A. 12:00 B. 12:30 C. 13:00 3. 你通常午睡多久? A约15分钟 B.约30分钟 C约60分钟,4. 你通常在什么地方午睡? A教室 B. 家中 C. 宿舍 5. 你认为午睡有好处吗? A.有 B. 没有 C. 不确定 _ _


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