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1、语法单项讲解,主讲人:何福胜 教授,语法测试要求,掌握基本的英语语法知识,要求能在阅读、写作等过程中能够正确运用这些知识,达到获取有关信息和基本表达、交流思想的目的。具体需要掌握的内容如下: 1. 名词、代词的数和格的构成形式及其用法; 2. 动词的基本时态、语态的构成形式及其用法; 3. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成形式及其用法; 4. 常用连接词、冠词的词义及其用法; 5. 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成形式及其用法; 6. 虚拟语气的构成及其用法; 7. 各类从句的构成及其用法; 8. 强调句型的结构及其用法; 9. 常用倒装句的结构。,词汇和语法考题形式,本部分共设10

2、道题,每道考题中有一空白,要求考生根据词汇或语法要求在四个选择项中选择一个最佳答案。本部分满分为20分,每题2分。考试时间为8分钟。,Structure (8 minutes, 20 points),Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answ

3、er Sheet with a single line through the center.,常用语法考点,1. 名词、代词的数和格的构成形式及其用法; 2. 动词的基本时态、语态的构成形式及其用法; 3. 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成形式及其用法; 4. 常用连接词、冠词的词义及其用法; 5. 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成形式及其用法; 6. 虚拟语气的构成及其用法; 7. 各类从句的构成及其用法; 8. 强调句型的结构及其用法; 9. 常用倒装句的结构。,答题策略,1 熟练掌握英语基础语法 2 熟记以上9项重要语法考点 3 分析理解全句的意思 4 利用句子的语法规律判断

4、填空词 5 利用句子语境信息判断填空词 6 利用排除法推断出填空词,名 词,1常用不可数名词 advice baggage cash clothing damage equipment furniture homework importance information jewelry knowledge laughter leisure luggage machinery mail money music news peace rain recognition research scenery soap snow traffic violence water work,名词,2这些不可数名词的

5、常用单数形式是:一个可数名词 + of + 不可数名词。例如: an article of clothing a piece of information/advice/news an act of violence,名词,3这些不可数名词的常用复数形式是:一个可数名词的复数形式 + of + 不可数名词。例如: four articles of clothing two pieces of information/advice/news many pieces of furniture,名词(常用数量表达法 ),可数名词 不可数名词 few little a few a little few

6、er less a/the number of amount of many much a lot of a lot of some some any any no no all all other other,名词 (数字有时可以当名词或形容词使用),正确表达法 错误表达法 hundreds of examples hundred of example, hundred s of examples three feet three foot an eight-foot-long tail an eight-feet-long tail ten thousand people ten thou

7、sands people two million years ago two millions years ago, two million year ago fifty percent of the inhabitants fifty percents of . a fifty-percent decrease a fifty-percents decrease, a fifties-percent decrease,例题1,Mr and MrsSmith are so excited today,for they bought yesterday Amany furnitures Bso

8、many furniture Cquite a few furniture Da lot of furniture,例题2,Ever since Picassos painting went on exhibit, there _ large crowds at the museum every day. A. is B. has been C. have been D. are,代词,“one the other”与“one another”的区别: “one the other”所修饰的数是两个,the other指两者中的另一个;而“one another”所修饰的数是三个或三个以上,a

9、nother指不定数目(至少三个)中的另一个。,代词,“both”与“all”的区别: both用于指两个人或事物;all用于指两者以上的人或物。both与all作同位语用,放在名词或代词后,如:We both study very hard. 若谓语是系动词时,则需将其放在系动词后。若谓语是行为动词,前面又有助动词时,应放在助动词之后。如:They have both gone to Beijing on business. both与all都可用of结构。若其后是名词,of可省略;若是人称代词时,of不可省略。,代词,“whole”与“all”的区别: whole表示“全部,所有”之意时,

10、后面不能接复数,而且采用“the + whole +名词”的词序。当all表示“全部,所有”时,后面既可跟不可数名词,也可跟复数可数名词,并采用“all + the +名词”的词序,如all the students, all the morning。但all day, all night中不用the。,代词,“none”与“no one”的区别:none of the ss./no ss none表示“之中没有一个”,一般是对两者以上的人或物进行否定。None可以代替单数或复数名词,谓语动词也有单数或复数,而且它既可指人,也可指物。neither (of) 表示“两者都不”。No one表示

11、“一个也没有”,即“not a single one”只代表单数名词,只能指人,谓语动词用单数。,例题1,He came back from the market with a piece of meat in hand and some fish in . A. one/another B. the one/the other C. the one/another D. one/the other,例题2,Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times, was done. A. a few damages B.

12、few damages C. little damage D. a little damage,时态,一般现在时:一般现在时通常表示习惯动作、一般状态、客观规律和永恒真理。如果主语是第三人称单数,其动词后需加s或es。例如: He always gets up late on Sundays. He lives on a lonely island in the Pacific Ocean. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 在以as soon as, when, after等引导的时间状语从句中, 或以if, unless等引导的

13、条件状语从句中,通常使用一般现在时态。例如: Ill ring you as soon as he comes back. Youll succeed if you try your best.,时态,现在进行时: 现在进行时表示说话时正在进行的动作,也表示目前一段时间内正在进行的活动。表示后一种情况时,动作也一定正在进行。例如: Steve is studying Chinese best. 并非所有动词都有进行时,有些表示状态和感觉的动词通常无进行时,除非这类动词的词义发生变化。这类动词有:be, love, like, hate, believe, think, feel, seem等。

14、例如: Do you see anyone over there? Are you seeing someone off? (see off 意思是“送行”) 现在进行时也可表示将来的动作:它指按人们的计划、安排将要发生的动作或指即将开始的动作。例如: Im leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 现在进行时也可用来给习惯动作加上赞赏或讨厌等感情色彩。例如: She is always cooking some delicious food for her family.,时态,现在完成时: 现在完成时表示目前已完成的动作或刚刚完成的动作, 也可表示从过去某一刻发生,现在仍延续着的动作或情况。此时态强调动作对现在的影响。例如: The conference has lasted for five days. Hes just bought an unusual taxi. 当句子中出现表示到现在为止这段时间的状语时,谓语动词一般用现在完成时。此类状语有up to (till) now, so far, these days, this summer, for(后接一段时间的短语),


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