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1、第四章 词的语义特征 (Semantic Features),语义特征通常可用对分法(binary opposition)进行描述,采用区别性特征进行对比分析,如名词的语义特征Male,Adult,Human等。 man (+Male, +Adult, +Human) woman (-Male, +Adult, +Human) boy (+Male, - Adult, +Human) girl (-Male, - Adult, +Human) cow (-Male, +Adult, +Human) spinster (-Male, +Adult, +Human, -Married, +Comm

2、on, +Concrete, + Count) 动词的语义特征Dynamic 动词可分两大类:动态动词(dynamic verb)和静态动词(stative verb),动态动词分为五种 1、表示活动的动词(activity verb): abandon, call, learn, play, write等 2、表示过程的动词(process verb): change, deteriorate, mature,grow等 3、表示人体感觉的动词(verb of bodily sensation): feel, hurt, ache, itch等 4、表示过渡性经历的动词(transition

3、al event verb): arrive, die, fall, land等 5、表示动作短暂性的动词(momentary verb): hit, jump, nod, kick等 静态动词分为两种 1、表示情性感觉和认知的动词(verb of inert perception and cognition): abhor, believe, recall等 2、表示关系的动词(relational verb): be, depend on, apply to, deserve, contain等 根据次范畴(subcategorization)规则,动词可分为及物动词(vt)和不及物动词(

4、vi)。,词的语义特征分析的作用 (Function of analyzing semantic features ),Translate the following sentences into English: 1、我们享受公费医疗。 2、我们需在各方面深化改革。 3、我们必须采用积极措施打击恐怖分子。 4、你干那事真缺德。,1、 We enjoy free medical care. (enjoy 总是与具有“愉快”语义特征的词连用) We are entitled to free medical care. 2、We need to deepen reform in all field

5、s of endeavor. (deepen a river or ones understanding) We need to deepen our commitment to reform in all fields of endeavor. (or step up reform) 3、We must take active measures to fight terrorism. We must take proactive measures to fight terrorism. (proactive 主动的,积极的) 4、You really lack morality in doi

6、ng that. That was very wicked of you (It as very wicked of you to do that.),指出下列句子的错误: 1) Own the house. Resemble your father. 2) The patron is owning the house. The girl is resembling her father. 3) I told the girl to own the house. I told the girl to resemble her father. 4) What I did was to know

7、the language. What I did was to be tipsy (intoxicated). 5) Be tipsy. He is being tipsy.,1) 命令句用动态动词,不能用静态动词。Kick the ball. 2) 动态动词可用进行体,静态动词一般不用。 The girl is kicking the ball. 3) 动态动词可用于内嵌句(embeded sentence) 中, 静态动词则不能。 I told the girl to kick the ball. 4) 带do 的名词性从句只能用动态动词,而不用静态动词。 What I did was t

8、o learn the language. 5) 根据语义特征Dynamic, 形容词也可作动态与静 态的用法区别。 He is being difficult. (difficult 动态语义“刁难”) Please dont be so dificult. He is being modest. He is being honest.,主动形式带有被动的语义特征 (active in form but passive in meaning) The knife cuts well. The pen writes well. The car rides smoothly. The new b

9、ook sold quickly. The door does not shut easily. Dried food stores easily in camping. The field ploughs well after the rain. 第一组句子的主语为工具格名词+ instumental subject,第二组句子的主语为谓语动词的动作对象名词+ objective subject / patient 。,形式上主动而意义上被动的动词用法,常与表示否定意义的词或一些作状语的强化性副词连用。 This trunk dosent lock. Flies dont kill easily in summer. The table polishes up badly. The ship steers well.,


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