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1、Unit 1-4 要点复习,1. 做某事有困难,have trouble/ difficulty with sth. have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth. . Some students have trouble_ grammar while others have difficulty _new words. A. in; remember B. for; to remember C. on; remembering D. with; remembering We are surprised at the trouble / difficulty

2、(which/ that )they have new words. A. remembering B. remembered C. to remember D. remember,D,A,2.It is/ was the first/second/third/time that,It is the first time that现在完成时 It was the first time that 过去完成时 It is the first time that I _ this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. am

3、 enjoying It was the first time that I _ this kind of moon cake. A. had enjoyed B. have enjoyed C. enjoy D. am enjoying,B,A,3.强调句It is/ was that,注意: It is/ was与 that之间为被强调部分,可为除了谓语动词之外的其他成分;当被强调部分为人时, that可换成who. 句子的剩余部分按句子的原顺序放于that后。 It was not until midnight that I stopped working. (Not until mid

4、night did I stop working.) 疑问句语序: Is/ Was it not until midnight that you stopped working? 特殊疑问句语序:特殊疑问词+ is/was it that? When was it that you stopped working ?,It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.(判断强调句是否成立的依据:去掉It is that句子的其余部分仍可组成完整的句子) A. that B. un

5、til C. before D. when,4. have sth. done 使被 / 遭受被 have sb. do = let sb. do / make sb. do/ get sb to do让某人去做某事 have sb. doing 让某人一直/长时间做某事 The man had his coat washed. I ll have Tom show you to your room. My father has two men working on the farm all the year.,A,5. think/ find it +adj. to do,I still f

6、ind it hard to make friends with them. make it a rule to do sth. - It is hard to make friends with them. He is easy to get along with. The problem is hard to settle.,6. While walking the dog, you were 状语从句的省略,看主语,变语态,做彻底,状语从句的省略 看主语 - 主从句主语一致,或从句主语为it. 方式:当从句谓语部分中含有be的某种形式时,把从句主语与be一起去掉。 变语态 - 注意当从句

7、谓语部分为be done时, 直接去掉从句主语和be,用过去分词表示句子的主语与这个动词为被动关系即可;如果句子的主语与这个动词为主动关系, 省略之后只用-ing形式即可。 If I am not tired from work, I often walk my dog in the park. If not tired from work, I often walk my dog in the park.,D,Hearing the news about her school, . A. tears ran down her face,B. her face was covered with

8、 tears C. the boy burst into tears D. the girl burst into tears 7. command/ order/ request/ require/ insist/ advise/ suggest(建议、要求、命令) + that (should)+动词原形 注意:should do/ should be done,. Mr. Smith insisted that I _ his book within three days. A. returns B. returned C. had returned D. return - Mr. Sm

9、ith insisted that his book within three days. A. should return B. return C. to return D. be returned Visitors are requested in the museum. A. smoking B. to smoke C. not smoking D. not to smoke The man insisted _a taxi for me even though I told him I live nearby. A. find B. to find C. on finding D. i

10、n finding,insist on doing,D,D,D,C,request sb to do sth.-be requested to do suggest doing sth.,8. be concerned about/ for 关心;挂念 be concerned with/ in与有关,care about 关心;在乎,在意; care for 关怀,照顾 ;喜欢,愿意,想要 Does your wife like tea? Well, she doesnt really _tea; she likes coffee better. A. care for B. care C.

11、 care about D. care of Earth Day is a celebration of life and our planet. It is a reminder that we need to_the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature. A. care about B. think of C. take possession of D . refer to,A,A,9. base on (看base后面有无宾语用主动或被动),be based on 在的基础上/以为根据/

12、基础 The writer bases his story on a historical event. His story is based on a historical event. The film a Chinese story and directed by a famous director. A. is based on B. based on C. bases on D. is basing on The film a Chinese story is directed by a famous director. A. is based on B. based on C. b

13、ases on D. is basing on,A,B,10. make use of (注意词组的分裂) play a part in,The part that she in the film made her famous. A. played B. put C. treated D. got 11. present(注意present的三个意思,做形容词出席时常考,注意后置定语)现在,礼物,出席 is going to discuss the serious problems at present. A. Everyone present B. Present everyone C.

14、Those present D. Present those,A,A,12. such a house = one such house one/ two/ three/ no/ some/many such+名词,so +adj./ adv. such + n. such a good house= so good a house (how/ too/ as +adj. + a/ an + n.) How good a movie it is! so many/ much/ little/ few +不可数名词/可数名词复数 such 其他形容词+不可数名词/可数名词复数 such heav

15、y smoke so many people,13. 现在进行时表示将来: 1)固定词 2)意向词 3)特殊句型,计划、打算要做的事 (趋向动词 leave, go, come, arrive, start等) want, need, like, dislike,等表示好恶或需求的词语不用进行时表示。 与时间表有关: 一般现在时 be about to do when was/ were doing when had just done sth. when 临时打算 will do,14. Two-thirds (分数表达法,看名词知数量) three fourths/ quarters / one fifth,百分数 20 percent/ 90 percent some , half, most, all等 这些表示部分概念的词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数 根据这些词语后面的名词的单复数来决定。 15. give in 屈服,投降, 让步,妥协 give up 放弃 give off 发出(光,热,气味等) give out 分发,发出(光,热),发布(消息),精疲力尽,用光 give away 颁发,赠送,泄露,出卖,27. be determined to do,_never to return to the place,


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