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1、南京市联合体 20162017 学年第一学期期中考试九年级英语试卷2016.11 考试时间:120 分钟 满分:110 分(将答案按序号填在答卷纸上)选择题(共 60 分)一、听力(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)第一部分 听对话回答问题。本部分共有 10 道小题,每小题你将听到一小段对话,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个正确的选项。听每段对话前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的答题时间。每段对话听两遍。1. What is the girl going to buy for her mother? A

2、. B. C. 2. What are they going to do? A. B. C. 3. How does Jane usually travel back to her hometown? A. B. C. 4. Whats Lindas animal sign?A. B. C. 5. Where are they now? A. B. C. 6. Who has influenced Lily most? A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her teacher.7. What problem do many students have now?

3、A. Poor sleep. B. Many hobbies. C. Much homework.8. What colour of the shoes does she advise the man to wear?A. White. B. Green. C. Black.9. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Hobby. B. Personality. C. School life.10. Why was the boy refused? A. Because hes too short. B. Because hes too fat

4、. C. Because hes too tall.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,每段对话或短文后有几小题,请根据你所听到的内容,从所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确的答案。听每段对话或短文前,你都有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或短文听两遍。听对话,回答 1112 小题。11. What colour are the walls in the flat? A. Green. B. Blue. C. Red.12. What does the man think of climbing the sta

5、irs? A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Healthy.听第一篇短文,回答第 1315 题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Franka brave manAge EventsAt 12 He lost one 13 and his parents.At 19 He won 14 medals in some sports competitions.At 21 He began to travel around 15 .13. A. eye B. arm C. leg 14. A. two B. five C. seven15. A. the USA

6、 B. China C. the world听第二篇短文,回答 1620 题。16. What is the easy way to be happy?A. Smiling. B. Sleeping. C. Cooking.17. According to the passage, if you want to forget something unhappy, what should you do?A. Going to sleep. B. Making a meal. C. Taking a walk.18. A big meal will bring you happiness as w

7、ell as .A. power B. warmth C. calm19. How many ways are mentioned in the passage?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.20. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Sadness is bad for us.B. Happiness is important to us.C. Some ways to become happy again.二、单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项。2

8、1. Have you finished your report on wild animals yet?Yes. I finally finished it hard work.A. for B. through C. with D. under22. Its dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.Youre right. We cant be _ careful while crossing the street.A. so B. very C. too D. more23. Our English teacher looks you

9、ng. Its hard to imagine she is already in her .A. forty B. fortieth C. fourteen D. forties24. Im afraid of speaking in front of the whole class because of my poor .Youd better practice speaking more.A. pronunciation B. attention C. celebration D. position25. What do you think of the film?Fantastic.

10、the children their father likes to see it.A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Not only; but also D. Neither; nor26. Why do you look so happy?My father to buy me an iPad for my birthday.A. praised B. practiced C. provided D. promised27. The fire at around 3 a.m. local time while people were celebrating wit

11、h fireworks.Im sorry to hear that.A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. went out28. You look tired. When did you go to bed yesterday?I didnt go to bed I finished my homework.A. after B. until C. although D. because29. You sold your house? Why?I need money, so I had no choice but it.A. sold B. to se

12、ll C. sell D. selling30. Dad, could you tell me from London? I miss her very much.Next week, I think.A. when will Mum come back B. when would Mum come backC. when Mum will come back D. how long Mum will come back 31. Its to know the weather about the new place on the Internet before you travel there

13、.A. creative B. organized C. helpful D. curious32. May I speak to Ms Luo, please?Sorry, she isnt in right now. Ill tell you as soon as she back tomorrow.A. comes B. coming C. will come D. come33. Reading is the best way to pass time on the train. . I never go traveling without a book. A. Youre jokin

14、g B. It sounds like fun C. Im afraid not D. I agree34. Its very kind of you to lend me a dictionary. . A. All right B. Dont mention it C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter35. We should pay attention to every detail when doing the task.Exactly! As the saying goes, “ ”.A. a miss is as good as a mile B. m

15、any hands make light workC. the early bird catches the worm D. where theres a will, there is a way三、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A 、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever thought of your purpose in life? If you dont, you have to think about it seriously. You will lose yourself if you 36 to know what you really want in your life.Here are some 37 about taking steps towards finding your lifes purpose. Firstly, make a 38 of the things you do for fun, including some jobs th


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