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1、浅谈07新高考 英语,2,试卷题型结构,笔试部分共四道大题,共62小题。其中客观题90分,占60%;主观题60分,占40%。笔试内容、题量、计分和时间安排如下:,3,试卷题型结构,4,计算机辅助口语考试部分内容、题量、计分和时间安排如下,试卷题型结构,5,考试内容,根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据中华人民共和国教育部2003年颁布的普通高中课程方案(实验)和普通高中英语课程标准(实验),确定本学科考试内容。,6,1语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录2-6),要求词汇量为3,500左右。,考试内容,7,考试内容,2语言运用 2.1

2、听力 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能: (1) 理解主旨和要义; (2) 获取具体的、事实性信息; (3) 对所听内容作出推断; (4) 理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。,8,2语言运用 2.2 阅读 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: (1) 理解主旨和要义; (2) 理解文中具体信息; (3) 根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4) 作出判断和推理; (5) 理解文章的基本结构; (6) 理解作者的意图、观点和态度。,考试内容,9,2语言运用 2.3 写作 要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1

3、) 清楚、连贯地传递信息、表达意思; (2) 有效运用所学语言知识。,考试内容,10,2语言运用 2.4 口语 要求考生根据题示进行口头表达。考生应能: (1) 询问或传递事实性信息,表达意思和想法; (2) 做到语音、语调自然; (3) 做到语言运用得体; (4) 使用有效的交际策略。,考试内容,11,题型示例,语法填空,阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。 Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese 36 (kill) right b

4、elow their windows. She was 37 neighbor. Yet 38 of the 32 helped her. Not one even called the police. John Barley and Bib Fatane went beyond the headlines to research into the 39 why people didnt act. They found that a person has to go through two steps 40 he can help. First he has to notice that it

5、 is 41 emergency. Is the smoke coming into the room 42 a leak in the air conditioning? Is it “steam pipes”? Or is it really smoke from a fire? Its not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency. Second, and 43 important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally 44 (res

6、ponsibility). He must feel that he must help, 45 the person wont get the help he needs.,12,“语法填空”要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后完成10项语法填空。内容包括根据句子的语法结构和上下文连贯的要求填入适当的词语;或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。 “语法填空”考查考生在篇章层面上理解并应用语法知识的能力,考试采用填空的形式,而不是选择填空。“语法填空”要求考生必须具备较好的语法分析能力,而不只是语法辨析能力。,题型说明,语法分析能力,?,题型示例 语法填空,13,语法分析以分析句子结构为主,分析的内容主要包括

7、: 句子的构成成分(包括句子的基本成分和扩展成分); 句子成分之间的一致性,比如,主谓一致、时态一致等; 句子的篇章制约; 句子的意义制约。,考点分析,题型示例 语法填空,14,语法填空, 结构分析,语法意义:冠词、代词,意义关系:代词、连词、介词,上下文意义/搭配意义,基本结构,主谓一致,时态一致,指称一致,主语一致,扩展方式,词性,词形,词义, 意义理解, 成分分析,15,返回,16,阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 This is not the world we know. The world is

8、controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen, but they are following the _21_ given to them by machines. The _22_ were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their _23_. Does this scenario sound familiar? You have probably read something like i

9、t in magazines or science-fiction books, or seen it in a sci-fi film. Why is the _24_ so popular? One of the _25_ is undoubtedly that it reflects the fears of many people: fear of the unknown, fear of what is not understood or, _26_, fear of something that is only partially _27_. This _28_ is perhap

10、s not very different from the way witches and black cats were feared in the Middle Ages. The _29_ is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our_30_. Some factory jobs are now done by _31_ and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are _32_ by comput

11、ers. At the airport, our tickets are issued and our seats are assigned by a computer. Certainly, many of these _33_ are made more efficient by computers, but our _34_ is sometimes combined with feelings of insecurity. And this _ 35_ is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these th

12、ings, and we really dont know what they might do later. 21. A. orders B. rules C. programs D. words 22. A. programs B. machines C. robots D. ideas 23. A. super-powers B. super-inventions C. mad thoughts D. mad world 24. A. theme B. science C. scenario D. magazine 25. A. stories B. facts C. reasons D

13、. doubts 26. A. at most B. at least C. at all D. above all 27. A. reflected B. recognized C. completed D. comprehended 28. A. idea B. fact C. fear D. reason 29. A. idea B. fact C. fear D. reason 30. A. lives B. world C. fears D. ages 31. A. hands B. computers C. people D. robots 32. A. done B. made

14、C. managed D. controlled 33. A. operations B. jobs C. machines D. robots 34. A. curiosity B. admiration C. expectation D. amazement 35. A. thought B. idea C. combination D. insecurity,完形填空,题型示例,17,“完形填空”要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后在空格处填入适当的词,内容涉及: 词语在特定语境中的用法; 篇章结构的衔接; 篇章意义的连贯。 “完形填空”要求考生必须具备较强的篇章分析能力。,题型说明,篇章分析能力

15、,?,题型示例 完形填空,18,篇章分析包括词、句和篇三个层面。在词的层面,主要包括词语搭配的合适性;在句的层面,主要涉及句子结构的语法性以及句子意义的逻辑性;在篇的层面,重点内容是篇章结构的衔接手段以及篇章意义的连贯。 归纳起来,“完形填空”的考点主要包括以下几个方面: 1词语搭配 2句子意义 3篇章衔接 4篇章连贯,考点分析,题型示例 完形填空,19,完形填空,意义分析, 篇章衔接, 篇章连贯,固定搭配,修饰结构,主谓宾结构,语法手段,词汇手段,过渡词语,词,句,篇, 词语搭配,意义的逻辑性,意义关系,20,基础写作,题型示例,假设你去泰国旅游后,当地导游John请你在反馈表上写下对该旅行

16、社提供的服务的意见或建议。 写作内容 1 表示对旅行社提供的服务总体感到满意。 2 当地导游对游客非常热情,体贴,耐心照顾团中的老人。 3导游对游地讲解清晰、生动,增长了我们的见闻。 4提出饭馆提供的膳食不合口味。 5我们有些人不得不自买食物。 6建议应该多提供货真价实的购物场所。 写作要求 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容; 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。 评分标准 句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性和连贯性。,论证报告,题型示例,21,题型说明,如何写出合乎英语语法的句子以及如何将句子连接成一篇连贯的作文是写作的基础。所以,基础写作要求考生掌握写作所需要的最基本技能:组词造句和连句成篇。,题型示例 基础写作,22,考点分析,基础写作要求考生用5句表达所提供的全部信息点,这就要求考生具备以下几方面的能力: 信息整


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