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1、Unit 1 I was born in a small village. 山东安丘市凌河镇凌河中学 王立刚,Module 7 My past life,/ b : n / /str kt/ /frendli/ pram ri/ 小学 /t a n/ /,ju:es/ /he / /vl d / /n as/ /g d/ /d fiklt/,born(bear过去分词)出生,strict严格的;严厉的,friendly友好的,primary初等的;初级,primary school,town城镇;市镇,US美国,hey喂;嘿,village 村庄,nice友好的;亲切的,good乖的;守规矩的

2、,difficult难对付的,放声英语,New words,放声英语,1. Can you tell me the way to the park? 2. Could you tell me how to get to the park? 3. Where were you born? I was born in a small village.,每日英语,Review and preview,我们的目标:探究复习和预习效果,巩固所学知识,展示学习成果。,一、知识回顾答案展示 1.Why not ask the policeman over there? 2.Welcome to this s

3、hort tour of London. 二、预习先知答案展示 1.出生2.在一个小村子 3.严厉 4.友好 5.小学6.困难;难管 7. 你出生在什么地方? 8. 我出生在英国的一个小城市。,Tour of London,TodaysTopic Show:,My past life,Lets introduce,He was born in Shanghai.,Yao Ming Shanghai 1980,He was born in 1980,When was he born ?,Where was he born ?,Zhou Bichan Guangdong 1985,When was

4、 she born ?,Where was she born ?,She _ _in 1985,was born,She _ _ in Guangdong,was born,When were they born?,They were born in 1999,Where_,They_.,Twins Taiwan 1999,were they born?,were born in Taiwan,一般过去时态,例如: I was ten last year. They were in Weifang three days ago.,听力练耳,听力练耳 梯度训练,我们的目标:听前仔细审题 听后认真

5、做题 争取每题过关,探究目标一:听后做,Listening practice,Task One: I.1. a. 3 b.2 c.1 d.4,II. 1.Ms Smith 2. It wasnt a big_school and it was very friendly . 3. I was born in Quincy, a small town in the US . 4. Yes , she was , but she was also very nice .,III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ,听力练耳,Tapescript of Act.1&2 (活动1&2听力原材料) Dam

6、ing:Where were you born,Betty? Betty:I was born in Quincy, a small town in the US. Daming:What was your first school like? Betty:My first school was John Adams Primary School. It wasnt a big school and it was very friendly. There were 20 students in my class. Daming:Who was your first teacher. Betty

7、:Ms Smith. Daming:Was she strict? Betty:Well yes,she was,but she was also very nice to us.,Now choose the correct answer.(活动三),1 Was Lingling born in Xucun ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she isnt. 2 Was Tonys first school called Darwin Primary School ? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasnt. 3 Was his teachers

8、name Mrs Smith? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasnt. 4 Was Mrs Smith Linglings teacher ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. 5 Was Ms Yao very friendly ? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasnt. 6 Were Becky and Adam Tonys friends ? A. Yes, they were. B. No, they werent. 7 Were Becky good at school ? A. Yes, s

9、he was. B. No, she wasnt. 8 Was Tony difficult at school? A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasnt.,Activity 4.Complete the table,Lingling,Tony,Born in,First teacher,First school,First friend(s),Xucun,Ms Yao,Cambridge,Mrs Lane,Darwin Primary School,Becky and Adam,探究目标二:读后议,我们的目标:读对话,自主探究活动三的语言点、语法点,在小组内交流个人的

10、难点,课堂你争我辩,精彩无限。组长或记录员把小组讨论中解决不了的问题标记出来,师生共同解决。,1. _是动词bear 的过去分词, be born 意为 “_” 1)be born in + 年、月、地方 I was born _1978. 我出生于1978年。 They were born in Beijing . 翻译:_。 2) be born on + 日期 We were both born on March 8th . 翻译: _。 2. my past life past: (1) n. 过去; 昔日 in the past 翻译:_。 (2) adj. 用在名词前或后 (时间)

11、过去的; 刚过去的 the past year = last year 翻译:_ 3. strict adj. 严格的 be strict with sb. 翻译:_ be strict in sth. 翻译:_,born,出生,in,他们出生在北京。,他们都出生在三月八号,在过去,去年,对某人要求严格,对某事要求严格,1. He_. 他出生在五月。 2. These are _(我过去的照片). 3. Our teacher _(对我们要求严格),was born in May,my past photos.,is strict with u s.,1. Where were you bor

12、n? 常用来询问_, 指的是过去,因此该句用_时态。 2. What was he/she like ? 他/她怎么样? 本句是由what 构成的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人的内在性格特点,回答常用句型: sb. +be +adj. 如果询问某人的外貌特征, 应用:What+do/does+主语+look like? Eg: Whats he like ? 翻译:_ -He is very kind. 他很和善。 What does she look like ? 翻译:_-She is very tall. 她身材高挑。,某人出生在什么地方?,一般过去时态,他性格怎么样?,他长得怎么样?,1.

13、-_ is he born? - He is born in Shandong. 2. (2012江苏)-What does he _? -He is tall and has curly hair. look B. like C. look like D. be like,Where,挑战自我,疯狂记忆,我们的目标:大量读背活动三,培养你的语感和语言表达能力。,交际大舞台,有你更精彩!,探究目标三:听后说,Listen and read. Tony: Hey, Lingling. Where were you born ? Lingling: I was born in a small vi

14、llage in Shanxi Province. Tony: What was the name of the village ? Lingling: Xucun. Where were you born, Tony? Tony: I was born in Cambridge. Its a small city in England . Lingling: What was the name of your first school ? Tony: It was Darwin Primary School. Lingling: Who was your first teacher ? Tony: My first teacher was Mrs Lane. She was strict but very nice. Who was your first teacher? Lingling: Ms Yao. She was very friendly. Who were your first friends ? What were they like? Tony: Their names were Becky and Adam. Becky was very good in clas


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