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1、Unit 1 Space Exploration,Learning objectives,learn about peoples attitudes towards space missions and future trends of space exploration; familiarize yourself with the words, expressions, and sentence patterns related to the theme; use these words, expressions, and sentence patterns correctly; resea

2、rch space missions on the Internet; give an oral presentation to the class about space missions; learn to illustrate ideas with quotations and apply it to your writing.,Part I Approaching the Topic,Part II Understanding the Text,Part IV Integrated Exercises,Unit 1 Space Exploration,Part I Approachin

3、g the Topic,Task 1 Brainstorming,Task 2 Surfing and Reporting,Task 3 Watching and Retelling,Task 4 Vocabulary Preview,Task 1 Brainstorming,Unit 1 Part I Task 1,Discuss the pictures above with your partner and make a list of no less than 10 words to discuss space science. How much do you know about t

4、he Solar System? How can space exploration affect people on Earth?,Work in groups and find information on the Internet about the following terms.,Task 2 Surfing and Reporting,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,Web resources http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page http:/www.nasa.gov/ http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apol

5、lo_program http:/www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/index.html,Answers for reference:,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,2. An astronaut, or a cosmonaut, is a person trained to travel in a spacecraft, beyond the limits of the Earth. Though it is an extremely dangerous job, many people have achieved the dream of go

6、ing to space. Find detailed information about the following astronauts, then present your research to the class.,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,A mechanical engineer, US air force pilot and astronaut; the Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 11; the second human being to set foot on the Moon.,193

7、0 1999,A naval officer, astronaut and engineer; the third person to walk on the Moon; describing himself as the first man to dance on the Moon; flying on the Gemini 5 and 11, Apollo 12, and Skylab 2 missions.,American,Charles Pete Conrad, Jr.,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,an astronaut and engineer; the fourt

8、h person to walk on the Moon in November 1969.,1930,an American pilot, engineer, and astronaut; as the Lunar Module pilot of Apollo 14, spending nine hours working on the lunar surface in the Fra Mauro Highlands region, making him the sixth person to walk on the Moon.,American,1932,American,Unit 1 P

9、art I Task 2,a USAF Brigadier General, an astronaut and engineer for NASA; the youngest of only twelve people who have walked on the moon; a member of the astronaut support crew for Apollo 10 in 1969; serving as Capcom (通讯员) for Apollo 11; a backup Lunar Module pilot on Apollo 13; serving as Lunar M

10、odule pilot of Apollo 16 in 1972 where he and John W. Young landed at the Descartes Highlands and conducted three Extravehicular activities, making Duke the tenth person to walk upon the Moon; serving as backup lunar module pilot for Apollo 17.,1935,American,Charles Moss Duke, Jr.,Unit 1 Part I Task

11、 2,a NASA astronaut; one of only 24 people to have flown to the Moon; serving as backup pilot for the Gemini 8 flight; in September 1966, making his first space flight as pilot of Gemini 11, alongside Pete Conrad; assigned as backup command module pilot for Apollo 9, and in November 1969, flying as

12、command module pilot of Apollo 12, the second manned mission to land on the Moon;,1929,American,Richard Francis Gordon, Jr.,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,assigned backup commander of Apollo 15 and slated to walk on the Moon as commander of Apollo 18, but the mission was cancelled due to budget cuts.,American

13、,Richard Francis Gordon, Jr.,1929,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,an astronaut and test pilot; his first spaceflight being Gemini 10, in which he and command pilot John Young performed two rendezvous with different spacecraft and Collins undertook twoextravehicular activities; Acting as the command module pilo

14、t for Apollo 11, supporting Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to make the first manned landing on the lunar surface; one of the 24 humans to have flown to the Moon.,1930,American, born in Italy,Michael Collins,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,an astronaut and engineer; commander of the Apollo 15 mission; the seven

15、th person to walk on the Moon; the first person to drive on the Moon; as command module pilot on Apollo 9, David Scott becoming the last American to fly solo in earth orbit.,1932,American,David Randolph Scott,on 12 April, 1961, becoming the first human in outer space and the first to orbit the Earth

16、; receiving medals from around the world for his pioneering tour in space.,1934 1968,Soviet,Yuri Gagarin,Unit 1 Part I Task 2,the first woman to fly in space; selected to pilot Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963, lasting almost three days in space, performing various tests on herself to collect data on the female bodys reaction to spaceflight.,1937,Soviet,Valentina Tereshkova,a major general and military pilot and a CNSA astronaut; the first man s


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