人教版九年级英语全册教案:unit9 i like music that i can dance to section a 第1课时 刘子艳

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1、编号 年级九年级科目来源:学优高考网English任课教师刘子艳授课时间2015.12.课题Unit 9 Section A (1a-1c) 授课类型听说一.教材分析本部分内容主要围绕“推测物品的归属”展开,并进一步引入“神秘本部分的主题图展示了四个人物谈论自己所喜好的音乐,很自然地呈现了本单元的重点语言结构定语从句。通过学习Section A部分。学生应掌握一些与音乐和电影相关的词汇。能够通过听说和读获取有关音乐和电影的相关信息,了解以that,which,who引导的定语从句在不同语境中的功能和作业。并能模仿和表达自己喜欢的音乐或电影。此外,本部分还复习了学生已学的与喜好或音乐相关的词汇。


3、短语)作定语;介词短语作定语。对定语学生应该不难理解。为本单元学习句子作定语,即定语从句,垫定了基础。三.教学目标知识与技能1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, in the case, war2)掌握I like /love/prefer music that表达喜欢的音乐。3) 学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。过程与方法1.通过主题图展示了四个人物谈论自己所喜好的音乐,很自然地呈现本单元的重点语言结构定语从句。2.通过学习Sect

4、ion A部分。掌握一些与音乐和电影相关的词汇。3.通过听说和读获取有关音乐和电影的相关信息,了解以that,which,who引导的定语从句在不同语境中的功能和作业情感态度与价值观:1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。四.教学重点难点来源:学优高考网重点1.prefer, different kinds of sing along with的用法。 2.句型:I like music that I can dance to. 来源:学优高考网I like musicians who play different k

5、inds of music.来源:学优高考网难点学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。五.教学过程设计. Warming up 师生问候。. Lead-in Say What kind of books do you like? I like interesting books. I like books that are interesting. Writethat are interesting on the blackboard. Point to it andask who can make another sentence with it. Write another phra

6、se on the blackboard, that is comfortable to . Help the students to make sentences with it. Presentation 1. 教师播放学生较熟悉的带有歌词或歌手的图片的流行歌曲, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 同事师生对话,引出本单元的内容学习,为完成1a做铺垫。T: Do you like music/?S: Yes, I do. T: What kind of music / do you like?S: I likeT: Which singer do you like?S: I like2. Play t

7、he tapes of different kinds of music for the students, only a short piece of each tape. Say, I like music that makes me relaxed. Write these four groups of words on the blackboard,that has great lyrics,that I can sing along with,that isnt too loud, that I can dance to. Tell the students lyrics means

8、 the words of the songs. Ask the students,What kind of music do you like?Say, You can answer with I like music, I love music, I prefer music Explain prefer=likebetter to them. Get one of the children to answer the question, then let this child ask the one next to him/her the same question. Set off a

9、 chain drill. Explain that I like music that isnt means that I dont like too loud music.3. Show students some different kinds of pictures of movies and ask students to discuss what kind of movies they like in pairs.4. Discussion: 1a. 让学生在小组内交流讨论自己的喜好,教师适时总结并完成对新词的学习,然后对单词进行强化训练, 让学生交流对一些歌曲的看法,写下句子并引

10、出本节课的重点句型。I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love music that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.通过对这些句子的学习,引导学生归纳比较引导的定语从句及其结构特点,教师进行精讲点拨,培养他们的观察能力,为下一步的听力打好基础。. Listening Listen to 1b and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.让学生看图表,明确表格中有谁,分别喜欢什么类型的音乐,完成相对应选择VMake co

11、nversation about the music that you like. A: What kind of music do you like ? B: I like music that I can sing along with. What about you ? A: I prefer music that has greaf lyrics.六.练习及检测I. What kind of mesic do you like ? Look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with. The write your ow

12、n sentences. I prefer music that has great lyrics.I love music that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.I like music that isnt too loud.II . Listening Listen to 1b and check the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.让学生看图表,明确表格中有谁,分别喜欢什么类型的音乐,完成相对应的选择。Music that I can dance toMusic that has great lyricsMusic that I can sing along withTony Betty 七作业设计根据汉语完成下列句子:1.我更喜欢有好的歌词的音乐。 I prefer music _ .2.我喜欢我能跟着唱的音乐。 I love music _ .3.我喜欢不太吵闹的音乐。I like music _ . 4.我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。I like music _ .5.我喜欢放松的音乐,。I like music _ .6.我喜欢有节奏强烈的音乐。I like music _ .


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