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1、不仅是我们连Susan都已经登上了长城。 她父母亲让她上芭蕾课,但是她自己并没有投入精力在其中。 出演天下无贼标志着李冰冰成功职业生涯的开端。 她在影片中扮演了一个小偷,并且获得了最佳女配角。 校长为他颁了奖并且提醒他要继续努力。 她坚持要去看那部以畅销小说(bestseller)为基础的科幻电影。 很多电脑游戏对青少年的成长有不好的影响,特别是他们的视力和习惯。 巩俐擅长扮演坚强的中国女性的角色。对于西方人,她是一个很有吸引力的人,并带有一点神秘气息。 刘德华被认为是最勤奋的香港男演员因为多年来,他把大部分精力致力于唱歌和表演上。 他把他的一生都奉献在对中国古建筑的研究上,几乎腾不出时间来陪

2、伴他的家人。,Not only Susan but also we have climbed to the top of the Great Wall. Her parents made her take ballet lessons, but she herself didnt put effort into it. Acting in the World Without Thieves marked the beginning of her successful career. She played the role of a thief and earned the Award for

3、Best Supporting Actress. The principal presented him with the award and reminded him to go on studying hard. She insisted on going to see the film based on the bestseller. Many computer games have a bad effect on the growth of teenagers, especially their eyesight and habits.,Gong Li is good at playi

4、ng the role of strong Chinese women. To the Western people, she is an attractive lady with a little mystery. Andy Liu is considered as the most hard-working Hong Kong actor because he has devoted most of his effort to singing and acting. He devoted all his life to the research on the ancient Chinese

5、 buildings and could hardly spare time for his family.,当警察气喘吁吁地赶到的时候,嫌疑人已经不见了。 有人目击他持刀袭击了受害人。(被动) 导致这样的结果的是你的懒惰。 我们并不鼓励青少年与劫匪进行搏斗。最重要的是要保证自身的安全。 为了尽快破案,警方仔细检查现场寻找指纹和其它的线索来证明他犯了谋杀罪。 他被指控绑架和谋杀,但是警方并没有足够的证据来证明他还曾经抢劫了数人的钱财。 Kevin因为谋杀而被通缉。Kevin因谋杀而被捕。 他不敢打电话报警因为他认为有被杀的危险。 在他二十多岁的时候,他曾经卷入一起偷窃案中。 如果你想和别人相处

6、融洽的话,你应该有礼貌乐于助人。,When the police arrived out of breath, the suspect had gone missing. He was seen attacking the victim with a knife. What leads to the result is your being lazy. We encourage teenagers not to fight against the robbers. The most important thing is to keep themselves safe. In order to

7、solve the case as soon as possible, the police checked the scene carefully for fingerprints and other clues to prove him guilty of murder / prove he was guilty of murder. He was charged with kidnapping and murder. But the police didnt have enough evidence to prove he once robbed several people of th

8、eir money.,When the police arrived out of breath, the suspect had gone missing. He was seen attacking the victim with a knife. What leads to the result is your being lazy. We encourage teenagers not to fight against the robbers. The most important thing is to keep themselves safe. In order to solve

9、the case as soon as possible, the police checked the scene carefully for fingerprints and other clues to prove him guilty of murder / prove he was guilty of murder. He was charged with kidnapping and murder. But the police didnt have enough evidence to prove he once robbed several people of their mo

10、ney. Kevin was wanted / arrested / under arrest for murder. He didnt dare to call the police because he thought there was a risk of getting killed He was once involved in a theft in his twenties. If you want to get along well with others, you should be polite and helpful. Unit One 到2100年,乘坐以光速一半的速度行

11、驶的航天飞机去火星可能只有很短的时间。 没有人能够确定这些植物是否能够产生出人类生存所需要的足够的水。 火星上的重力只有地球的八分之三,所以重力对于火星上早期的移民来说可能是个问题。 跟地球的生活相比,火星的生活在很多方面要更好。 似乎有很多线索跟这个案件相关联。 食物可能是药片的形式并且没有今天的好吃。 这个节目以一个对在阳光镇的中学进行的调查的讨论而展开的。 在我们的太阳系中,火星的表面比其他行星的表面更接近于地球的表面。 一种很受欢迎的娱乐形式是在线游戏,让我们感觉好像身在其中(定语从句) 飞机起飞前要做好一切准备。坐在窗边的人请放下遮阳板。 It might take a very s

12、hort time in the space shuttles which travel at half the speed of light by the year 2100. No one can be sure if these plants will produce enough water that humans need to survive. The gravity on Mars is about three-eighths of that on Earth. So gravity may be a problem for the early settlers on Mars.

13、 Compared with life on Earth, life on Mars will be better in many ways. There seemed to be a lot of clues connected to the case. Food might be in the form of pills and will not be as tasty as it is today. The programme begins with a discussion about a survey conducted in schools in Sunshine Town. In

14、 our solar system, the surface of Mars is more like that of Earth than any other planet. A very popular form of entertainment is online games which make us feel like we are inside. Get everything ready before the plane takes off. People who sit by the window should draw down the window-shade. Unit T

15、wo 不要总是跟父母抱怨你学习有多辛苦。 机器人给姜先生的日常生活带来了巨大的改变。 结果,姜先生不再需要早起做家务,而且他可以每天在床上多待一个小时。 Susan,你把书撒的满地都是。你的房间乱七八糟,请尽快收拾一下。 机器人会把它所看到的一切都拍摄下来。另外,让机器人做什么,它就做什么,例如扫地、给房间通风等等。 随时欢迎你让我们知道你对机器人不满意的地方。 请回复这封电邮,告诉我们你的决定是什么,如果你选择要一个新机器人的话,你想要我们什么时候给您送去。 我期待我能在即将到来的期末考试中获得好成绩。 我对这个机器人需要检修的数量很不满意。 我的机器人应该要做的最重要的事情就是清理我房子里

16、的任何杂物。 Dont always complain to your parants that how hard you are studying. The robot makes a great difference to Mr Jiangs life. As a result, Mr Jiang didnt need to get up early to do the housework and he could stay in bed for an extra hour every day. Susan, youve spread your books all over the floor. What a mess your room is! / Your room is in such a mess. Clear it up soon. The robot will take photos of everything / whatever he sees. Besides, it will do whatever it is asked, such as



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