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1、,Come with me!UEI!,一个风靡全球的少儿英语学习课程登陆中国! A Kids English course sweeping around the world comes to China! 源自国际高端品牌UEI High-end international education brand - UEI 完美的教学组合为中国儿童量身打造 Perfect mixture of teachers exclusively made for Chinese kids 最佳的教学质量全球统一质量管理 Best education quality world standard educat

2、ion management,课程背景 Course Background,权威机构UEI(Universal English Intensive)少儿英语课程是由澳大利亚新南威尔士州北悉尼教育局和澳大利亚国际教育课程管理中心(AIEP)共同开设; Authoritative UEI (Universal English Intensive) Kids English course is jointly provided for by the Department of Education and Communities, Northern Sydney Region, and Austral

3、ian International Education Program Management Centre (AEIP). 专业定制专为中国大陆地区5-12岁儿童量身打造的阶梯课程。 Professionally developed an exclusively designed multi-level course for kids aged 5-12 living in mainland China.,我们的理念 Our beliefs,引领观念让英语成为第二母语的专业教育,有助于孩子从小形成具备国际化意识,增强未来竞争力。 Concept innovation making Englis

4、h the second language for kids, so that they are prepared to become global citizens and compete on an international stage. 迎合标准基于新世纪人才标准为导向,用心打造全方位、多感官、立体化的浸入式英语教育。 Standardization setting goals for new century talents, we bring you a comprehensive, multi-sense, and multi-dimensional immersive Engli

5、sh education.,课程优势 Our Strengths,情景教学Our discovery 更注重培养孩子的英语思维; Situational teaching method Our Discovery Island course book. A strong focus on developing the ability to think in English for kids. 特色教材“活泼、有趣、实用、连续”。 Course features active, interesting, practical and coherent.,授课特色 Teaching style,立体

6、教学通过采用歌曲、歌谣、故事、游戏、角色扮演等多种立体的教学方法,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣; Multi-dimensional teaching motivates the kids using a wide range of songs, chants, stories, games, role-plays, etc. Interest is essential in English learning. 引导思维以孩子心理发展特点为教学方法根本,调动孩子学习英语的主观能动性。 Thinking innovation a pedagogy thats rooted in childrens d

7、evelopmental psychology and mobilizes the inner motivation of kids to learn English.,纯正地道的英语发音 Standard and authentic English pronunciation,趣味学习,让孩子在唱歌跳舞、自我展示、手工制作中“润物细无声”的掌握英语。,Learn with fun Children will learn English through singing and dancing, by doing presentations, and by making handcrafts.,

8、七字教育箴言 A simple maxim: encouragement,鼓励 encouragement,再鼓励 and more encouragement,鼓励 encouragement,亲密小班8-15人小班授课,互动性强,沟通顺畅。 Small classes a classroom of only 8-15 kids. The kids can interact, communicate and learn better.,经典细微的小班授课 Teaching in small classes,专业师资来源于美、英、加、澳,拥有知名大学本科以上学历及TESOL/TEFL国际英语教

9、师资格证书。 Professional teaching staff teachers with TESOL/TEFL certificates and a minimum of a Bachelors degree recruited from English speaking countries.,品牌师资100%外教 Our teachers 100% International,我们的服务爱孩子,富有激情 Our services passion for kids,贴心服务以亲密的伙伴关系,确保带给孩子最佳学习体验; Intimate services forming a close

10、relationship with kids and parents to deliver the quality learning experience for our kids. 需求跟踪专业教师定期与孩子的家庭沟通,发掘您孩子的独特需求。 Addressing needs professional teachers communicate with the parents on a regular basis, caring for each kid.,我们的服务课外辅导 Our services tutorials after class,我们的服务帮助孩子自信 Our services give our kids confidence,“UEI少儿英语“ 快乐学习,健康成长!,祝您的孩子在,We wish your kids a pleasant learning experience with UEI Kids English!,


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