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1、牛津小学英语4A期末测试卷 姓名_ 得分_听力部分 (30%)一、请你先听录音,然后根据录音中讲述内容的次序给下列图片编号。(8%)二、请你先听录音,然后选出与你所听到内容同属一类的单词。(5%)( ) 1. A. pen B. pie C. hat D. violin ( ) 2. A. bread B. pencil C. cup D. father( ) 3. A. notebook B. she C. juice D. piano( ) 4. A. nice B. football C. here D. bear( ) 5. A. short B. thirsty C. they D.

2、 fat三、请你先听录音,然后选出正确答语。(5%)( ) 1. A. Su Yangs. B. My fathers. C. Su Yangs fathers. ( ) 2. A. Twenty-two. B. Two twenty. C. Two.( ) 3. A. At six. B. At six fifteen. C. At six fifty.( ) 4. A. Hes sleepy. B. Hes ill. C. Hes thirsty.( ) 5. A. Its Nancys. B. Its Helens. C. Its Yang Lings 四、请你先听录音,然后根据图意在方

3、框内选择适当的答语,并将序号写在横线上。(6%)A. At eight thirty. B. Its one oclock. C. No, I dont. D. Im very hungry. 五、请你先听录音,然后在对话中填入所缺的单词。(6%) Helen: Whats _ in _? Mike: Its a _. Helen: How lovely! I like the _ _ it. Mike: But its too _.笔试部分(40%)一、请你判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。(4%)( ) 1. key cat ( ) 2. big orange(

4、 ) 3. small seven ( ) 4. rabbit bag( ) 5. desk pen ( ) 6. look zoo( ) 7. now know ( ) 8. where whose 二、请你写出下列词组和句子的汉语或英语。(10%)1这支红钢笔 this _ _2你的小狗 your _ _3他的风筝 _ _4一本英语书 _ _ book5(去) 睡觉 _ to _6下午 _ the _78:10 _ _8打开你们的书 _ your _9Why dont you have a look? _10Its time to read the storybook. _三、请你选择正确

5、答案。(10%)( ) 1. Whats in your desk?A. Its a copybook. B. Ive got a copybook. C. No, it isnt.( ) 2. Whats the time, please? A. This is five thirty. B. Its five thirty. C. At five thirty.( ) 3. Heres a new sweater _ you. Thank you. A. in B. to C. for( ) 4. Do you like dolls? No, I _. A. do B. dont C. n

6、ot( ) 5. Whats one and one?. _. A. Eleven B. Ten C. Two( ) 6. She _ so funny. A. looks B. look C. looking( ) 7. My coat is very _, but I like it. A. nice B. short C. pretty( ) 8. Its nine. Go to bed, David. All right._, Mum. A. Good night B. Good morning C. Good evening( ) 9. I play football _ after

7、noon. A. in B. at the C. in the( ) 10. Im tired. _.Heres some water. Sit down, please. C. Have a pizza, please.四、请你根据汉语意思,选出最合适的英语句子。(5 %) ( ) 1. 我累了。A. Im not tired. B. Im hungry. C. Im tired. ( ) 2. 下午见。A. See you in the evening.B. See you in the afternoon.C. See you later.( ) 3. 大卫,该睡觉了。A. Its ti

8、me to go to bed, David.B. Go to bed, David.A. Shall we go to bed, David?( ) 4. 你的帽子太小了,试试这一顶。A. Your hat is too small. Try this one on.B. Your hat is small. Try this one on.C. Your hat is small. Try this one.( ) 5. 我饿了。 你为什么不吃点面包?A.Im hungry. Why dont you have some bread?B.Im hungry. Why do you have

9、 some bread?C.Im hungry.Do you have some bread?五、请你根据图意完成对话。(5%)1. A: Im very _.B: This _ is for you.2. A: Look at his _.B: Its so _.3. A: Whats on the table?B: _ are some oranges.六、请你根据上下文和首字母提示完成对话。(6%)Its one forty in the afternoon. The students and Mr Green are having an English class (在上英语课). M

10、ike: Sorry, Mr Green. Im late. M_ I come in?Mr Green: C_ in, please. D_ be late again.Mike: Yes, Mr Green.Mr Green: Now o_ your books, boys and girls.Students: O_.Mr Green: Now r_ the new words, please.Lin Tao: All right.听力部分 (30%)一、(8%)录音文字稿1. This tiger is for you. Thank you.2. Is that her dog? Ye

11、s, it is.3. Shall we go there? Yes. Lets go.4. Whats on the desk? Its a key. 5. Whose gloves are they? Theyre my gloves. 6. Try this skirt on, please. OK. 7. Dont close the window. All right.8. Im not well. Im sorry.参考答案4, 6, 2, 8, 3, 1, 7, 5二、(5%)录音文字稿1. hamburger 2. mother 3. pen 4. lion 5. hungry参考答案1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 三、(5%) 录音文字稿1. A: Look, Su Yang. Whose gloves are they?B: Theyre my fathers. Q: Whose gloves are they?2. Look at the clock. Its two twenty now. Its time to go to class.Q: Whats the time?3. A: What time do you get up? B: I get up at six fifteen.Q: What time



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