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1、共 8 页 第 1 页Term-end Examination of Inorganic Chemistry (A)(The first semester of the academic year of 2011-2012)Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: points Reviewer1. Multiple-Choice Questions (30 marks)(1) Which is an (are) element(s)? (i) CO, (ii) Co, (iii) C, (iv) Cl2, (v) CaC2(a) only iii (b) iii and iv (c)

2、i and v (d) ii, iii and iv (e) ii and iii(2) Which is a molecular compound? elementary substance 单质(a) KI (b) Fe(NO3)2 (c) H2S (d) Na2S (e) O2(3) Which is the symbol for the SI base unit of mass(a) m; (b) g; (c) kg; (d) gr; (e) mol(4) Which term can correctly be applied to the reaction Zn(s) + 2HCl(

3、aq) ZnCl 2(aq) + H2(g)?(a) double replacement 复分解反应(b) neutralization 中和反应(c) decomposition 分解反应(d) combination 化合反应 (e) single replacement 置换反应 displacement reaction电流 电解质(5) Electricity is carried through a solution of an electrolyte by(a) electrons only (b) anions only 阴离子(c) cations only 阳离子(d)

4、both cations and anions (e)both electrons and ions.(6 注意) At the same temperature and pressure, molecules of which of the following have the highest average speed?(a) Br2(g) (b) Cl2(g) (c) F2(g) (d) I2(g)No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 totalscore共 8 页 第 2 页(7) Which of the four gases behaves ideally?(a) 1 (b) 2 (

5、c) 3 (d) 4(8) Light is given off by a sodium vapor streetlight when (a) electrons move from a given energy level to a higher energy level(b) electrons are removed from atoms and cations are formed.(c) electrons move from a given energy level to a lower energy level(d) electrons are added to atoms an

6、d anions are formed(e) atoms combine to form molecules(9) The electrons in which subshell experience the largest effective nuclear charge in a multielectron?(a) 4s (b) 4p (c) 4d (d) 4f (e) All of the preceding experience the same effective nuclear charge in a multielectron atom(10) Which element has

7、 the highest electron affinity ?吸引力(a) Ar (b) Br (c) Cl (d) S (e) Se(11) Arrange in order of decreasing radii(半径): K Mg Mg2+ Na(a) Mg2+ Mg Na K (b) K Na Mg2+ Mg(c ) K Mg Na Mg2+ (d) K Na Mg Mg2+(12) Given the electronegativityes, C = 2.5, N = 3.1, S = 2.4, which Lewis structure is best for the thioc

8、yanate ion?共 8 页 第 3 页CNS(a) CSN(b)SCN(c) SCN(d)SCN(d)(13 注意) How many unshared pairs of valence electrons are in the Lewis structure for AsCl3?(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 10 (d) 13 (e) 26(14) In a molecule of XeF4, the arrangement of electron pairs would be described as(a) octahedral 八面体 (b) square planar 正方形

9、(c) square pyramidal 正四面体 (d) tetrahedral 四面体(e) trigonal bipyramidal 三角双锥(15) Which phase diagram corresponds to a substance that will sublime 升华 rather than melt as it is heated at 1 atm?(16) Which mixture is most likely to be an ideal solution?(a) CH3CH2OH and CH3(CH2)3CH3(b) CH3(CH2)3CH3 and CH3

10、(CH2)4CH3(c) CH3CH2OH and H2O(d) NaOH and H2O(e) CH3(CH2)3CH3 and H2O(17) Arrange the bases ClCH2COO-, CH3COO- and FCH2COO- in order of increasing strength (a) ClCH2COO- FCH2COO- CH3COO-(b) CH3COO- ClCH2COO- FCH2COO-共 8 页 第 4 页(c) FCH2COO- ClCH2COO- CH3COO-(d) CH3COO- FCH2COO- ClCH2COO-(e) FCH2COO-

11、CH3COO- ClCH2COO-(18) Which can not act as a Lewis acid?(a) O2- (b) Al(OH)3 (c) CO2 (d) Fe3+ (e) BBr3(19) If CaCl2 (aq) is electrolyzed 电解 using inert 惰性的 electrodes 电极,(a) H2(g) is produced at the cathode 阴极 and Cl2(g) at the anode.(b) Cl2(g) is produced at the cathode and H2(g) at the anode(c) H2(

12、g) is produced at the cathode and O2(g) at the anode.(d) Ca(s) is produced at the cathode and Cl2(g) at the anode.(e) Cl2(g) is produced at the cathode and Ca(s) at the anode(20) Which lists only the species that have zero bond order?Li2, Ne2, C2+, He2, F22-(a) Ne2, He2, F22- (b) C2+, (c) Ne2, He2 (

13、d) Li2, C2+ (e) Li2, He2(21) Which lists only the molecules given below that are paramagnetic?顺磁性的B2, C2, N2, O2, F2(a) B2, N2 (b) B2, O2 (c) N2, O2 (d) N2, F2 (e) C2, O2, F2(22) NF3 is best described by assuming what kind of hybridization 杂化 at the central atom?(a) sp (b) sp2 (c) sp3 (d) sp3d (e) s

14、p3d2(23) The units of the rate constant for a second order reaction could be (a) M-1s-1 (b) M (c) Ms-1 (d) s-1 (e) M2s-1(24) Which graph depicts how the free energy of the system (Gsys) changes for the formation of HI?(25) A gaseous reaction takes place at constant volume and constant pressure in a

15、cylinder 共 8 页 第 5 页shown here. Which of the following equations best describes the reaction? The initial temperature (T1) is twice that of the final temperature (T2).(a) A + B C(b) AB C + D(c) A + B C + D(d) A + B 2C + D(26) The first law of thermodynamics, U = Q + W, can only be applied to (a) phase transition 相变(三态变化) (b) physical change (c) chemical change (d) any change in a closed system (27) What type of lattice 格架 does CsCl belong to? (a) simple cubic (b) face-centered cubic (c) bod



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