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1、七年级英语(六)Unit9Unit10班级 姓名 成绩 .用所给词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分)1. We (be) in Chongqing last year.2. Old Henry watched his dog _ (play) with a cat. 3.Last night I (study) for the math test.4.Listen! The students (read) in the classroom.5. I found a key _ (lie) on the ground just now.6. I often help parents _ (

2、do) some housework. 7. Its time for the students _ (read) English. 8. I often practice _ (speak) English with my father.9. They _(go) to the mountains yesterday afternoon.10. Yesterday a little boy was _ (lose) in the street. 选择填空。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其番号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.They enjo

3、yed storybooks very much last year. A. to readB.read C.reading D.do reading( )2. Where _ you go yesterday? I _ to the beach. Adid;go Bdid;went Cdo;go Ddo;went( )3. The funny story made us _. A. to laughB.laughing C.laugh D.laughed( )4. The shops were too_ , so I _ enjoy it. A. crowd; dont B. crowded

4、; dont C. crowded ; didnt D. crowd; didnt( )5.Last week, I a funny story. A.readed B.looked at C. watched D. read ( )6.I cleaned my room last night, you? I did my homework. A.What about B.How C.What D.What like()7. It _ sunny today, but it _ cloudy yesterday. A. is; isB. is;wasC. was; wasD. was; is(

5、)8. Let her _ a vacation. I hope she _ a good trip! A. to have; haveB. has; hasC. have; hasD. have;have()9. Last weekend we had great fun _ on the beach. A. playingB. to playC . playedD. play( )10.The students are studying_ the math test now.A .atB. for C. with D.in( )11. _ was Peters weekend? It wa

6、s great .A. How B. What C. Who D. Which( )12. The kids spends two hours Chinese every day. A. on B.in C.at D.to( )13. Who the pizza for me? Your aunt did.A.did B.buys C. gives D. cooked ( )14. the evening of Sunday, she began to learn English. A. On B. In C. At D. For( )15. _ you _ your key? Yes. It

7、 was in my desk. A. Are; find B. Did; found C. Do; find D. Did; find( )16.They decided _the vacation in Hainan. A.spend B.spent C.to spend D.spending( )17. The food in the restaurant is _. We dont want to eat there. A.fantastic B.clean C.cheap D.expensive( )18.When _you _the bike? Last month. A.did;

8、 bought B.do; buy C.does; buy D.did; buy( )19.He has nothing to do but sits there watching TV _. A.all an day B.the all day C.all day D.an all day( )20. What about _after school? A.playing the football B.practice playing the piano C.to go to the movies D.practicing playing basketball. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共1

9、0分) 根据短文内容,从A.B.C.D. 四个选项中选出一个能正确填入相应空格内的最佳答案, 并将其番号填入题前括号内。One day Wang Pings class 1 an English test. The teacher marked(批改)the students papers and then gave them back to the students. Wang Ping looked at her paper.She 2 her marks(分数): It was 85. Class was over. The students all 3 out and played o

10、n the ground, 4 Wang Ping still sat there.She didnt leave, but 5 the exercise again(又,再), 6 she gave her paper to the teacher. This time she got the exercises right. One of her classmates 7 her, “Why did you do the exercise again? You wont get 8 mark for that.”Wang Ping answered 9 a smile(微笑). “I do

11、nt study 10 marks only.”( ) 1. A.have B.had C.has D.are having( ) 2. A.looked B.see C.saw D.look( ) 3. A.studied B.worked C.went D.did( ) 4. A.but B.and C.still D.when( ) 5. A.does B.did C.do D.is doing( ) 6. A.but B.or C. / D.then( ) 7. A.told B.answered C.said D.asked( ) 8. A.a B.many C.any D.a lo

12、t of( ) 9. A.on B.at C.by D.with( ) 10. A.at B.for C.to D.of. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其番号填入题前括号内。ABill and Sue were brother and sister. They studied in the same school. One day, on the way home they saw some nice birds. But they had no money to buy them.Sue had a good idea. On Saturday and Sunday they went to their farm and help their father pick(摘) apples. So their father gave them twenty dollars.Sue and Bill went to Mr. Kings shop after school, Every one of them bought a bird. One was yellow, the oth


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