高中英语module4教学资料unit3 rev

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《高中英语module4教学资料unit3 rev》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语module4教学资料unit3 rev(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Revision,Translation,1 到现在为止一切进展顺利。(up to now) 到目前为止,他主演了很多电影。 2.他对学校不满意,所以打算转学(transfer)。 3由于经济危机(economic crisis),他们的生活比以前更困难了。(badly off),Up to now ,everything goes well.,He isnt content with his school, so he is planning to transfer.,Because of the economic crisis, their life becomes worse off t

2、han before.,Up to now , he has starred in many movies,4 我实在无法认出照片中的你了。(pick out) 5 昨天煤气供应曾一度(for a time)中断。(cut off) 6. Charlie 的生活并不容易。(Not that) 并不是说他的建议就是最好的, 但值得考虑。,I cant really pick you out in the picture.,The gas supply was cut off for a time yesterday.,Not that Charlies own life was easy.,No

3、t that his suggestion is the best,but that it is worth considering.,Charlie Chaplin was born in a _family in 1889, but he became popular through his_. He _the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years. His charming _ “the little tramp” was a poor and _ person ,but was

4、loved by all the people for his _ in overcoming difficulties. In the film The Gold Rush, Chaplin managed to make the sad situation _by eating a boiled shoe. Such is Charlie Chaplin who wrote, _ , and produced the movies that he _in, received a special Oscar for his _work in films.,humor,character,ho

5、meless,determination,directed,outstanding,poor,brightened,entertaining,starred,Summarize the main idea of the passage:,Part 4 I. 1. arent content / pleased with 2.Up to now 3. convince; to see 4. With going by 5.Not knowing 6. Cleaning the street 7. himself surrounded 8.saying II.1-5 CADCB 6-10 DDAC

6、D 11-15 ACAAD 16-20 BDCCB 21-22AD,Translation : 到现在为止,我最喜欢的喜剧演员是赵本山。还记得小品 捐赠(Donation)里面的精彩表演吗?一位贫穷,穿着破旧衣服的农民,为一位上不起学的孩子捐款,原想捐3000, 但结果却误捐了30000. 当记者来采访时,他得阻止亲家( his relative)说出实情, 故有意打断(interrupt)他的采访,同时又要低声向亲家做出解释,使亲家信服。这小品真的很有趣!,Up to now, my favourite comedian is Benshan Zhao. Do you still remem

7、ber his wonderful performance in the funny play called Donation? Badly off, a farmer whose clothes are worn-out donated (some money) for a child who couldnt afford to go to university. He had planned to give him 3000 yuan, but due to his carelessness he donated 30000 yuan by mistake.,When the reporter came to interview him , he had to prevent his relative from telling the truth, so he constantly interrupted the interview on purpose. At the same time he had to make an explanation to his relative in a whisper to make him convinced of his honesty. It is really amusing !,


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